Please ask me to be the emperor

Chapter 738 Is this the beginning?

Is this the beginning? When Zhang Shun and Niu Jinxing received the information from Li Xin, they immediately reacted.

At the beginning, both Zhang Shun and Niu Jinxing mainly focused on strategic aspects and had not yet figured out the specific tactical details. Fu Zonglong seized the opportunity and was caught off guard.

After reading the news, Niu Jinxing couldn't help but panic, and quickly suggested: "Please send troops quickly to seize the city of Jiaxian. Otherwise, if Jiaxian is lost, Ruzhou will be in danger."

"If Ruzhou is lost, the rebel army will be cut into two sections. The left can't save the right, and the right can't save the left. The way back will be cut off, and there will definitely be no life or death!"

Zhang Shun couldn't help but smile and nodded after hearing this, and glanced at Niu Jinxing with satisfaction.

This person was born as a scribe and had never experienced military service. He could immediately tell that he was powerful in his eagerness, and he was indeed quite capable.

He signaled to Niu Jinxing to calm down and said with a smile: "Mr. Niu, don't panic. Please read the letter carefully. Li Xin has already set up camp in the northwest mountains of Jiaxian County. Although Zuo Liangyu is fierce, he only has one battalion of soldiers." The horse attacks the camp defended by the same number of our rebels. If we can still break it, I will just kill it with a piece of tofu. How dare I talk about the world?"

Niu Jinxing was stunned when he heard this, and quickly continued reading. He couldn't help but become more and more happy as he watched, and he was actually a little elated when he saw the end.

After Niu Jinxing finished reading, I realized that my behavior was a bit frivolous.

He quickly said seriously: "There are indeed many talents under the general's command. It was Ju Ming who made a fuss and was not steady enough, which made the general laugh!"

"It's okay, it's okay! Don't be surprised if you don't know." Zhang Shun waved his hand and said with a smile, "Mr. Niu is a smart man, and he always speaks the truth. He can be called my son-in-law!"

The so-called ovary is Zhang Liang, and it is said that he was originally from the father of the city. The approximate location of his hometown is between Baofeng and Jiaxian.

Na Niu Jinxing is from Baofeng. She grew up listening to the stories of Zhang Zifang and couldn't help but yearn for them.

Now when Niu Jinxing heard Zhang Shun comparing herself to her idol, she immediately waved her hands with a red face and said: "Don't dare, don't dare! Ju Ming is so virtuous, how dare he be compared with seeking a saint!"

But having said that, looking at his expression, he was so happy that he couldn't close his mouth from ear to ear.

Zhang Shun didn't know that Zhang Liang's hometown was right here. He was still wondering: I'm just saying a few polite words, but with your IQ, you won't take it seriously, right?

However, after being praised by Zhang Shun, Niu Jinxing immediately suggested to Zhang Shun confidently: "If Li Xin and Zuo Liangyu really stalemate in Xishan, Jiaxian County, it will be a great move."

"He can not only keep an eye on Jiaxian County, but also prevent Zuo Liangyu from going westward and threaten Ruzhou City. In this case, it is just right to order Li Jiyu to go eastward..."

As soon as Niu Jinxing said this, he suddenly remembered something.

When Zhang Shun was discussing matters with himself, he never mentioned how Li Jiyu's department would arrange it. Did he expect this situation at the time?

He couldn't help but look at Zhang Shun in shock, and asked with some disbelief: "Is this all part of the general's plan?"

"It can't be called a calculation!" Zhang Shun shook his head and said, "The method of using military force should be to have a chance to survive. Don't go all out and leave no way out."

"Yu Qi is to seize the opportunity. If there is no Yu Qi, even though there is a fighting opportunity, it cannot be grasped!"

The so-called "Yu Qi means holding the opportunity" comes from the "Holding the Machine Sutra", also known as the "Holding the Qi Sutra".

Li Jing, a famous general in the Tang Dynasty, once explained to Emperor Taizong Li Shimin of the Tang Dynasty in "Li Weigong Questions and Answers": "Four are righteousness, four are odd, and the remaining odd is to grasp the opportunity." The odd, the remaining zero is also the sound of the opportunity. I am foolish enough to say that soldiers are nothing but opportunities, but safety depends on grasping them? When it comes to Yu Qi it is.

What Li Jing means is that among the eight formations, four formations are regular troops, four formations are extraordinary troops, and the remaining extraordinary troops are the reserves controlled by the general.

Niu Jinxing is familiar with the art of war, and of course he firmly believes in it.

Unexpectedly, Zhang Shun had another explanation, directly believing that "the prepared surprise troops are to seize the opportunity of fighting", which was superior to Li Wei Gong and Li Jing.

Who is Li Jing? Sun Wu Han Bai, Wei Huo and Li Yue are the only eight people who have been called together since ancient times.

Zhang Shun understood the art of war more thoroughly than Niu Jinxing, so he couldn't help but be unconvinced.

Only then did Niu Jinxing realize that he had prided himself on his talents and knew all about military strategies, but he didn't expect to be under the control of his master. He couldn't help but feel a little frustrated.

He couldn't help but smile bitterly and said: "It turns out that my lord already has it all in mind, why bother asking me falsely to make me laugh!"

Zhang Shun saw that he had dampened his enthusiasm, and quickly comforted him: "Sir, why should you be so modest? I am not a person who can make calculations. How could I know that the officers and soldiers have changed like this?"

"I have been using the military for many years and have gained some experience. I understand Yu Qi's principle of waiting for opportunities. Sun Tzu's Art of War says: The invincible lies with oneself, but the victorious lies with the enemy. That's what the saying goes!"

"Although Sir, although you are well versed in Sun Wu's art of war, he unfortunately has no experience in using soldiers. The practice is inevitably a bit rough. People are not born with knowledge. How can they think carefully if they don't experience some things?"

"My master is a hundred times more talented than me. If given time, how could I be as good as my master!"

"That's too much praise, my lord!" Niu Jinxing knew his own family affairs, but he was still inferior to others in the art of war books that he was most proud of. How could he expect to surpass Zhang Shunzai in the future?

However, after some consolation from Zhang Shun, he felt much better.

The master is so wise, but he spends less effort as a minister. What can he complain about?

Since you can win without hesitation, who is willing to take the hard work to lead him away?

Niu Jinxing couldn't help but admire him and said: "To have my lord like this is really a blessing for Ju Ming, a blessing for the rebels, and a blessing for the people in the world!"

That's pretty much it. I can't stand your flattery like this.

Zhang Shun shook his head with a smile, continued to pick up the business, and asked: "In your opinion, when Li Jiyu leads his troops eastward, should he attack Yuzhou or Mi County?"

Niu Jinxing thought for a moment and then replied cautiously: "As far as Ye County is concerned, it would be better to attack Yuzhou; if it is to Henan, it would be better to attack Mi County!"

Niu Jinxing's judgment was very accurate. If he limited his attention to the current battlefield and sent Li Jiyu to attack Yuzhou, Zuo Liangyu would be in a passive situation.

If Fu Zonglong sends troops to rescue Yuzhou, Zhang Shun can take the opportunity to lead the main force to attack Xiangcheng. At this time, Fu Zonglong must be in a dilemma, and the rebels can launch a decisive battle against the officers and soldiers in advance.

And if the rebels attack Mi County, it will be far away because Mi County is still north of Yuzhou.

If Fu Zonglong sends troops to support him, he will have to mobilize frontline troops. If Fu Zonglong sits idly by and ignores the enemy, once Mi County is lost, gaps will appear in the tight front lines of Zhengzhou, Mi County, Yuzhou, and Xiangcheng where officers and soldiers confront the rebels.

Li Jiyu could take the opportunity to go north and join forces with Cao Bianjiao and Zhao Lizi who came out from the east to attack Zhengzhou, and then threaten the capital of Kaifeng, the capital of Henan Province and the seat of Zhou Fan!

At that time, the new Henan governor Fu Zonglong will be very passive and have to take great risks to retreat before the war.

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