Please ask me to be the emperor

Chapter 739: Surprise surprise out of nowhere

When Fu Zonglong, the new governor of Henan Province, received the military information from Jiaxian County from Changping Commander-in-Chief Zuo Liangyu, he became even more uneasy.

He rubbed his hands that had become cold due to the cold weather and murmured to himself: "This thief is indeed worthy of his reputation. I didn't expect that even an unknown general under his command would perform so brilliantly in a hurry."

Zuo Liangyu was stopped by Li Xin, so the next step will definitely be a crazy counterattack by the thieves.

Fu Zonglong knew this well and couldn't help but give the order: "Zu Kuan listened to the order and was immediately ready to lead his Liaodong cavalry to attack at any time and prepare a surprise attack to assist the thieves in Jiaxian County!"

"Don't worry, military!" Zu Kuan couldn't help but eager to try after hearing this, "I, the elite soldiers of Liaodong, have fought with the Jin soldiers several times, and are known as the elite soldiers of the world. Once we attack this time, we will definitely defeat these mud-legged soldiers crying for their fathers and mothers, and they will be defeated!"

"It's better not to be careless!" Fu Zonglong casually advised Zu Kuan. But looking at his expression, he actually believed it.

The cavalry was the king of land warfare in the cold weapon era. It not only has excellent maneuverability, but also has powerful impact. Especially when fighting on the plains, it is invincible.

Fu Zonglong only had more than 10,000 troops under his command, so he dared to challenge Zhang Shun. His biggest reliance was the 3,000 Liaodong cavalry in Zu Kuan's hands.

Don't underestimate the fact that he only has 3,000 independently organized cavalry under his command. The expenses such as military pay, food and grass are completely worth the cost of 15,000 infantry.

One cavalryman can almost raise five or more infantrymen of the same type, and everyone is willing to pay for it. You can imagine how powerful it is.

In fact, compared to the rebels, Fu Zonglong's defense line in Henan is still relatively weak. The reason why he dared to be so bold was that he could mobilize these three thousand cavalry for support at any time.

Fu Zonglong had a good plan this time. As long as he tried to cross the Ru River to support the "thieves" in Jiaxian County, he could send Zu Kuan's cavalry to raid at the critical moment and catch the rebels by surprise.

Neither Zhang Shun nor Niu Jinxing had ever encountered a separate large-scale cavalry raid, and they did not know how powerful this method of warfare was.

At this moment, the two of them were checking the letter sent by He Renlong in the camp.

After Zhang Shun read it carefully, he breathed a sigh of relief and handed it to Niu Jinxing.

Niu Jinxing glanced at it and couldn't help but smile: "Congratulations, lord, congratulations, lord. The officers and soldiers were slow to move, and they only occupied Luyang Pass. Before they had time to seize Lushan County, General He took the lead. Now the rebels have no one behind them." So worried!"

Zhang Shun smiled slightly when he heard this and said: "Thanks to Mr. Niu's timely reminder, the officers and soldiers did not take the advantage! Otherwise, the rebel army would have been attacked from both sides and it would be difficult for Ye County to gain a foothold!"

Anyway, it doesn't cost money to praise people, so Zhang Shun conveniently gave Niu Jinxing a high hat.

Niu Jinxing chuckled. He knew that Zhang Shun had his own ideas. He was just the icing on the cake, and he didn't dare to take credit for it.

He thought for a while and said to himself: There is another thing, the lord will never think of it, now is the time to use my old cow!

At this thought, Niu Jinxing couldn't help but laugh and said: "My lord, since the actions of Li Jiyu and Cao Wenzhao will still take a day or two, the rebel army cannot waste food and pay here in vain. It should be given to Huguang Governor Tang, who has too long a hand. Hui find something to do!"

"Oh?" Zhang Shun originally had this idea, but he didn't know how to start, so he couldn't help but said, "I don't know what your plan is, please tell me and let me know the details."

"Going east from here, beyond Wuyang County, you will reach Xiping. Since last year, Guo Sanhai, Liu Hongqi, and Shen Wandeng have occupied this place, gathering people to set up strongholds, and plundering prefectures and counties. The government is deeply troubled."

"Now that Fu Zonglong, the governor of Henan, and Tang Hui, the governor of Huguang, have mobilized their officers and soldiers to respond to our army, the Runing Mansion must be empty. Why doesn't the lord send an eloquent man to encourage them to stand in the south and mobilize the troops in the south?"

The Ming court set up a separate patrol and military preparation road in Nanyang and Runing. Apart from the foreign guest troops, there was obviously only one battalion available.

Since the imperial court was preparing to deal with the rebels who were obviously going to attack Nanyang, they must have mobilized this battalion to Nanyang. Since then, it is conceivable that Runing is empty.

Zhang Shun couldn't help but admire the case and exclaimed: "Sir, he is really resourceful and can make something out of nothing."

Originally, Zhang Shun had planned to send a battalion of soldiers and horses east to Wuyang to threaten Runing Chongfan in order to mobilize officers and soldiers. However, after such division of troops, Ye County's soldiers and horses became even weaker, and the soldiers and horses who went to mobilize officers and soldiers faced the risk of becoming "abandoned", so Zhang Shun has always been hesitant.

Now that Niu Jinxing has proposed to incite the bandits in Runing and make them rise up, the rebel army will naturally create a new force "out of thin air". Even if he makes a mistake in judgment and loses these thieves, Zhang Shun will not feel bad.

Anyway, these so-called "rebels" are actually just real bandits, burning, killing, looting, and dying is not a pity. If it can harm both the officers and soldiers and create conditions for the victory of the rebels, it can be regarded as a worthy death.

The key question is who to send as the lobbyist. According to Zhang Shun's idea, it is actually most appropriate to send Chen Jindou, who is staying in Runing Mansion. This guy has been hanging around at the grassroots level for a long time, and he is the most slippery person. His sharp tongue is second only to Song Xiance under Zhang Shun.

It's just that now in Ruzhou City, there is still a young man named Wei Jie and Wei Yingzhi, a former Henan soldier who has just joined the rebel army. If no one is watching him, Zhang Shun will really feel uneasy.

Ruzhou City is the core of the entire Ruzhou area, and it is also an important transportation point for the rebels to reach Luoyang City. If Wei Jie suddenly changes his mind, then the main force led by Zhang Shun may be in danger of being completely annihilated.

Chen Jindou must not move, so the only person who can be dispatched is Zhang Shun, who couldn't help but look at Niu Jinxing.

Sure enough, Niu Jinxing had the same plan. As a new recruit, he naturally had to make great achievements first to stabilize his position in the rebel army.

So, he took the initiative to ask for help and said: "Xiping is more than a hundred miles away from Ye County. Even if you drive fast, it will take two or three days to go back and forth."

"Ju Ming is incompetent. I can't offer advice to my Lord, and I can't appease my soldiers. I really feel guilty. Fortunately, I am also a person nearby, and I have some kindness. I am willing to go to Xiping alone to convince these three people to bring justice to the Lord." Camping men and horses, I hope my lord will allow it.”

It turns out that Niu Jinxing is also a proud and arrogant person. Now, although he is full of wisdom and tricks in front of Zhang Shun, he always feels that he is just saying what Zhang Shun thinks and cannot show his due value. So he was willing to take risks this time in order to accomplish this great feat.

Zhang Shun couldn't help being shocked when he heard this. My old cow, you are just a counselor, not a bull demon king, why bother to show off?

These people are all murderous people. When you arrive at the den of thieves, they can't help but cut you into several pieces with a few swords. Wouldn't it be a waste of your life?

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