Please ask me to be the emperor

Chapter 740 Niu Jinxing takes the initiative to ask for help

In fact, it's not that Zhang Shun thinks Niu Jinxing is not good, it's just that it's easy to have a counselor who can make suggestions. If someone cuts him off, wouldn't Dafa lose money?

He then advised: "A gentleman does not stand under a dangerous wall. Mr. Niu is extremely talented and resourceful. How can he take it lightly?"

Niu Jinxing is such a shrewd person. When he heard this, he thought to himself: Aren't you looking down on me? Is it possible that I know a few thieves and can I still make a mistake?

He then requested: "When I came to seek refuge with my lord, all my plans were as expected by my lord. With me, there are not many, but without me, there are not many. Although I want to plan for the lord, how can I convince everyone?"

"Please, my lord, allow me to perform this great service so that I can have a place in the rebel army."

Well, Niu Jinxing has already said this, how can Zhang Shun stop him?

He responded helplessly: "Since sir, you insist on this, please choose a few guards! The world is not good nowadays, and thieves are everywhere. If you are a little careless and get hurt by Xiao Xiao, wouldn't it be unfair?"

Niu Jinxing was happy when she saw Zhang Shun accepted. He was originally from a nearby area, not to mention Xiping and Suiping counties where thieves were common, but in Baofeng County, there were more than a dozen strong men who occupied the mountains as kings and established strongholds as thieves, which was a disaster for them all.

So Niu Jinxing responded quickly and swiftly. He was about to choose a warrior when a young man jumped out and said, "Commander Niu, do you still recognize me? Since you have good business to do, don't forget your old friend!"

Niu Jinxing looked up and saw that it was Li Fuchen, a young general who had followed him to capture Baofeng County.

Niu Jinxing was deeply impressed by this young man's courage and martial arts, so he nodded in agreement.

Zhang Shun looked at it and couldn't help laughing and scolding: "I'm afraid you've lost money and have to run out to avoid debts again, right?"

"Your sister and brother-in-law don't want to teach you good things. They just gamble every day and don't know how to save some money to buy some property and marry a wife and start a family in the future!"

It turned out that Li Fuchen was young and had a lot of gambling skills. He was willing to fight against He Renlong in the rebel army that day, but he lost hundreds of taels of silver in gambling and could not pay off his gambling debt, so he had to fight for his life to earn some rewards to fill the hole.

After finally making a few great achievements and repaying his gambling debts, he started to be in the limelight again, so he must have owed another debt.

Seeing the "gold owner" scolding him, Li Fuchen didn't dare to say anything, he just touched his head and giggled.

"Go away!" Zhang Shun cursed angrily, "You are not my son, you are better than my son. I can't worry about you enough all day long."

"Protect Mr. Niu well this time. If anything goes wrong, I will blame you! If we succeed, your reward will be indispensable."

"Thank you, general, thank you, dad!" Li Fuchen hit the snake with a stick and quickly kicked his nose into his face.

"Go away!" Zhang Shun was so angry when he saw this guy's playful face that he kicked him out together with Niu Jinxing, who had just chosen a good person.

Fortunately, the Ming Dynasty encouraged literati and Confucian scholars to practice martial arts and archery, and Niu Jinxing was not a weakling.

Baofeng County also has many mountainous areas and bandits, and the folk customs are fierce. Niu Jinxing also has some martial arts skills and can ride a fast horse.

So he led more than ten carefully selected riders, crossed Wuyang County, and rushed all the way to Xiping.

The terrain of Xiping is high in the west and low in the east. There are more than ten peaks of various sizes in the territory, all of which belong to the remnants of the Funiu Mountains.

The rule of the Ming Dynasty is still there, and Guo Sanhai, Liu Hongqi, and Shen Wandeng have not dared to directly separate one side since they started their troops last year.

In addition to setting up a stronghold in Xiping, they often moved to Suiping, Biyang and other places.

For Niu Jinxing, the most troublesome thing is actually how to find the thieves. In particular, Guo Sanhai, Liu Hongqi, and Shen Wandeng each support one side and do not belong to each other.

If Niu Jinxing had approached them one by one, by the time he had convinced everyone, the battle between the rebels and the officers and soldiers would have been over long ago.

Fortunately, Niu Jinxing's hometown is not far from here, and he has heard a bit about the heroes in this place. He continued eastward until he arrived at Yuecheng.

There was a hero in Yuecheng whom he called Sheng's Friend. Although he was not as powerful as Guo Sanhai, Liu Hongqi and Shen Wandeng, he was the first to advocate the righteous army and he had some reputation.

When Niu Jinxing and others arrived at Yuecheng, they didn't play any tricks. When he found out where Sheng Zhiyou's cottage was, he went straight over and handed over the greeting card.

Sheng Zhiyou is a big old man, he has never seen such a formation before. He was a little confused after grabbing the greeting post, and quickly asked: "How should I reply?"

Fortunately, the sensible old man responded quickly: "No need to reply, just invite the person over."

Sheng Zhiyou was relieved. It turned out that he didn't have to write a reply. It scared me to death.

He patted his chest with lingering fear and shouted: "Hurry up and invite me, I want to see which kind of god can bully my friend Sheng who is illiterate!"

Not long after, Niu Jinxing led the crowd and walked in leisurely.

Sheng Zhiyou saw that there were more than ten people on his left and right, all wearing iron armor, holding bows and swords, and full of murderous intent.

He couldn't help but shrink his pupils, and then he laughed without changing his expression: "What kind of wind blew this master here, what are you doing?"

"I was originally a member of the Baofeng County Juren, and now I occupy the position of leader and president of the 36th Battalion of the Rebel Army under King Shun of the four provinces of Shaanxi, Shanxi, Henan, Shandong, and Beizhi in the north!" Niu Jinxing proudly said Replied.

Sheng Zhiyou was stunned for a moment. He wanted to ask how many people with such a long name belonged to, but he was afraid of being laughed at, so he could only respond awkwardly: "Easy to say, easy to say!"

Then he turned his eyes to the left and right, and saw that they were also confused, and he felt a little more comfortable.

Seeing that he didn't even understand this, Niu Jinxing became angry.

He smiled and said: "Today I am visiting the head of the family. Firstly, I have a fortune to give to everyone, and secondly, I want to ask for something small."

"Tell me about it?" Although Sheng Zhiyou has no education, he is not a fool either. How could he be fooled by his few words?

Niu Jinxing smiled and said: "The head of the family is the first to advocate the Runing Volunteer Army, and his reputation is very high. I would like to ask the head of the house for help. I invite three heroes, Guo Sanhai, Liu Hongqi and Shen Wandeng, to come and negotiate a big deal!"

As soon as Sheng Zhiyou heard about Guo Sanhai, Liu Hongqi and Shen Wandeng, he didn't want to say anything.

These three people are all cruel and ruthless people, and he cannot afford to mess with them. He waved his hands and said: "What virtues and abilities do I have, to be able to get to know these three heroes? This old gentleman praises me!"

Niu Jinxing observed the words and couldn't help but sneered: "In that case, we went to another house. We just lost this benefit. If these three heroes ask about this in the future and blame me for not informing them in advance, how will I respond? That’s it?”

"You can answer whatever you want, what do you want me to do?" Sheng Zhiyou said with a smile.

"It's good that the master doesn't blame me. Then I will say that it was thanks to Master Sheng's obstruction that the three of them just missed it. I don't know what?" Niu Jinxing raised the corner of his mouth.

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