Please ask me to be the emperor

Chapter 741 Auxiliary Ministers Establish Prestige

When Sheng Zhiyou heard Niu Jinxing's threats, he immediately became furious.

He couldn't help but feel anger rising in his heart, and he was filled with evil and courage. He just grasped the handle of the waist knife, opened his eyes wide, leaned forward and shouted loudly: "You are a thief, but you are here to entertain me?"

Although Sheng Zhiyou was a rough guy, he was still a good man who had been killed among the dead, and he was very effective with his coercive methods.

Niu Jinxing remained calm-faced and heartless, Shi Shiran said with a smile: "I heard that people are always picking on the weak, but Master Sheng is really a good hero, but he wants to gnaw on the hard bones."

"My King Shun is in power in Henan, and the Emperor of the Ming Dynasty cannot do anything about it. He has more than 100,000 elite soldiers, who can attack every enemy, win every battle, and even defeat the officers and soldiers. Among them, I don't know how many governors, governors, and soldiers have been captured and killed. Is it possible? I’m afraid that there will be too many bandits like you!”

Good guy, now Sheng Zhiyou understands. This thief of feelings turns out to be the subordinate of the "Shun Thief" in Henan Prefecture.

It turns out that in order to slander the rebels led by Zhang Shun, the imperial court often called them "Shun thieves" in official newspapers.

In this era, most people did not have other information channels, and they regarded Zhang Shun as a "shun thief" over and over again, so friends of Da Laosheng had never figured out who "King Shun" was before.

It wasn't until Niu Jinxing started to show off Zhang Shun's achievements that this guy could tell the truth.

As soon as he heard that Niu Jinxing turned out to be a subordinate of a "submissive thief" who "kills people without any calculation and eats people all day long", his legs and feet suddenly became weak.

He quickly put away the knife, nodded and apologized: "It turns out that he is under the command of 'King Shunshun', disrespectful and disrespectful! This is because the flood has washed away the Dragon King Temple - my family no longer recognizes my own family."

"Sir, please wait for a moment. I will send someone to call those thieves Guo Sanhai, Liu Hongqi and Shen Wandeng!"

Sheng Zhiyou's face changed faster than turning the pages of a book. Just a moment ago, he was glaring angrily, but in the blink of an eye, he slumped down and turned into a nodding and hunched slave.

The changes are so fast, just like Sun Monkey's seventy-two changes, it is jaw-dropping.

Even though Niu Jinxing was well-informed, he couldn't help but be stunned for a moment.

Fortunately, he reacted quickly and said with a smile: "Didn't you say you don't know? How can we call the three of them?"

"It's not that I'm putting money on my face, it's that I don't know them, it's that they don't know me!" Sheng Zhiyou replied with a smile, "It's just that you are under King Shun, so they can't help but give you face. "

"Okay, I want to see them today!" Niu Jinxing was just giving them an excuse to beat them up, but he was not really prepared to pursue this trivial matter.

" know what we are doing. How do you say this? Reside...reside..." Sheng Zhiyou wanted to show off an idiom, but when it came to his mouth, it seemed as if someone was grabbing his throat. .

"No fixed place to live!" Niu Jinxing couldn't stand it any longer, so she continued casually.

"Yes, yes, yes, you see, I am a stupid person who can't compare with you scholars!" Sheng Zhiyou borrowed the donkey from the slope and quickly laughed at himself, "Young men also need to find a few more places to call them over."

"Then why don't you send someone quickly!" Niu Jinxing said, cutting through the mess with a sharp knife.

"Okay, okay!" Sheng Zhiyou nodded quickly and said, "Sit down and wait!"

"Young men, the few people who came over here will hurry up and invite the elders Guo Sanhai, Liu Hongqi and Shen Wandeng to come over to discuss matters. Just say that Mr. Niu from King Shun's command is here and has something important to discuss. If you are late, I will If they get the benefits, don’t blame me for not informing them!"

"Okay, okay!" Several smart men immediately stepped forward to respond, turned around and left.

Sheng Zhiyou shouted again: "First make me a pot of good tea, and then prepare some food and drinks. I want to drink two cups with Mr. Niu."

Then, he smiled flatteringly and said, "Sir, look, are you satisfied with my arrangement?"

Niu Jinxing nodded with satisfaction this time and said: "Assuming you know the truth, let's just leave it at that!"

Then the two of them drank some tea, chatted and passed the time.

It wasn't until the next morning that Guo Sanhai, Liu Hongqi and Shen Wandeng each led a dozen men and rushed over in an aggressive manner.

The last person to arrive was Guo Sanhai. He came in carelessly, took a chair and sat down. He glared at Niu Jinxing who was sitting in the guest seat and shouted: "Are you that Niu Jinxing? How dare you, Jia Baofeng, be in Grandpa's territory?" Arrogant?"

"I live in the north of Baofeng County. I have an old wife and a son. If you want to take action, please move quickly." Niu Jinxing flicked the dust off his clothes and said Shi Shiran, "Don't do it. The delay has been too long, and it has delayed my report to King Shun!"

Niu Jinxing's words choked Guo Sanhai to death, leaving him speechless for a long time.

When Liu Hongqi saw that Guo Sanhai was defeated, he couldn't help but chuckle, and then threatened Niu Jinxing: "I think you are just a scholar, but I know that my knife is still sharp!"

Before Niu Jinxing could say anything, Li Fuchen knew it was his turn to appear on the stage. He couldn't help shaking his armor, stood up with a bang, and said with a contemptuous smile: "A few weak things dare to imitate other people's toad fighting skills." Yawn—what a loud yawn!”

Although this guy is young, he is very strong and capable, but he also wears a full suit of armor from head to toe, only two eyes are exposed, and he looks like an iron tower.

Liu Hongqi couldn't tell what his age was, but he was a little scared when he saw that he was wrapped like an iron man.

However, he was originally a smuggler of salt, and his job was to lick blood from the tip of a knife, so there was no room for him to give in.

He couldn't help but frown, waved his hand and said: "Yang Si, show him how powerful he is!"

Yang Si was a big man, with a burly build, even taller than Li Fuchen who was wearing armor.

But when this guy saw Li Fuchen's tight wrapping, he was a little scared. He looked at Liu Hongqi with some embarrassment and opened his mouth to say something.

"Is there any problem?" Liu Hongqi stared.

"!" Yang Si's heart trembled, and he quickly swallowed back his words of fear.

Then Yang Si turned around and shouted to Li Fuchen: "Thanks to everyone's respect, I will practice with this brother. Since we are all brothers in the rebel army, everyone points..."

When Li Fuchen heard this, he couldn't help but shouted and rushed forward.

Yang Si was taken aback and quickly thrust the knife in his hand forward, hitting Li Fuchen in the chest.

As if Li Fuchen didn't see it, he hit it directly with his chest. He only heard the sound of an iron tool being scratched. Yang Si's knife splashed a few sparks on Li Fuchen's goggles, and then slipped to the side.

Yang Si couldn't help but was stunned, and didn't wait for him to put away the steel knife. Li Fuchen took the opportunity to slash with his knife, hitting Yang Si's neck. The momentum was not stopped until it hit the neck bone.

Yang Si screamed, and the blood on his neck gushed out like a fountain.

Li Fuchen pulled the knife down, and Yang Si immediately fell to the ground, twitching and wailing on the ground, and saw that he was dead.

And Li Fuchen's armor was also splattered with a lot of blood, which was dripping down like the blood on the steel knife in his hand.

"How could you be so vicious!" Liu Hongqi couldn't help but said angrily, "Why is it that it's just a normal competition, but it's so easy to kill people?"

Li Fuchen bent down with some difficulty and rubbed the steel knife in his hand against Yang Si, who was still breathing, and wiped away the blood stains.

He then smiled and said: "When fighting on the battlefield, merit is calculated based on the head. I didn't cut off his head on the spot and took it back to ask for merit. I have already given you a face!"

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