Please ask me to be the emperor

Chapter 745 Iron cavalry formation

Lu Xiangsheng and Hong Chengchou, who were in danger of being imprisoned, were still discussing the strategy of the rebels, but they did not expect that the rebels had already fought against the officers and soldiers again.

Mi County is one hundred and forty miles away from Xuzhou and one hundred and eighty miles away from Kaifeng.

According to the normal marching speed of the Ming army, it would take at least two days for the cavalry and three days for the infantry.

Therefore, after Li Jiyu captured Mi County, although he had arranged defense work, he obviously did not pay enough attention to it.

The news of the loss of Mi County was sent back by the deserters within one day. Zu Kuan's Liaodong cavalry set out that day with three days of food and arrived at Mi County in the afternoon of the next day.

From the time Li Jiyu occupied Mi County, it took more than two days for the officers and soldiers to fight back.

At that time, Ji Zhiying, the director under Li Jiyu, had just drank a lot of wine and was a bit drunk.

Not only were Li Jiyu a little afraid of Zhang Shun, but Ji Zhiying and others also hated and feared him.

Ren Chen of Yuzhou died, and his head was tied to the south gate of Yuzhou; General Zhou Ruli of Zhennan also died, and his head was tied to the north of Yuzhou.

When the northwest wind blows, these two round objects float back and forth, warning passers-by who come and go with different ideas.

It's the same rebellion. Some people's corpses have long been cold, while some people enjoy endless glory and wealth. Same people but different fates show how terrifying Zhang Shun is.

It was not until later that Wang Sheng, Zhou Ding, Shen Jingbang and Ji Zhiying realized that Zuo Liangyu, who was like the reincarnation of an evil ghost in their eyes, was just a defeated general under Zhang Shun.

Not only did he defeat him several times, he also gave him the insulting nickname "Right Stubborn Stone", which made everyone even more afraid of him.

Therefore, although the four of them secretly persuaded Li Jiyu to become self-reliant. In fact, no one can guarantee that they will follow Li Jiyu at that moment.

Obviously Li Jiyu also knew this. Every time the four people mentioned this matter, they basically just laughed it off.

It's just that Li Jiyu was afraid of him, so he sent himself out to patrol. Ji Zhiying was somewhat resentful.

When they came out of the city, the cold wind blew, and Ji Zhiying, who had just come out of the warm Yamen, couldn't help but shiver.

He couldn't help but curse: "What kind of weather is this? It's already the first lunar month, why is it still so cold?"

"Director, shall we go then?" Seeing Ji Zhiying complaining, the subordinates' eyes lit up and they asked hurriedly.

"Go, of course you go!" Ji Zhiying glared and cursed, "Don't even think about being lazy and slippery when you're already treading water."

"If our brothers hadn't known the heroes of this Mi County, how could we have easily captured this city?"

"It's so easy to get it, even if it's just a pretense, because it cheers me up!"

While cursing, Ji Zhiying got on her horse and drove everyone to patrol.

This is not because he has any sense of responsibility, but Li Jiyu is also a cruel person. Even a thousand-year-old ancient temple could be bloodbathed by him, and Ji Zhiying was also a little afraid of him.

Just as everyone was not far from Mi County, they suddenly felt the earth shaking.

The soldiers didn't know why, and couldn't help shouting: "The earth dragon has turned over, the earth god is angry!"

"What are you shouting for!" Ji Zhiying couldn't help scolding, "I'm not afraid of the King of Heaven. What birds, earth, dragon, and Lord of the Earth are I afraid of?"

Ji Zhiying was shouting when he suddenly heard a dull "Dede" sound, as if someone was hitting his heart with a drum hammer.

Ji Zhiying's heart tightened, and she quickly turned around to look, only to see a dark shadow appearing in the southeast direction.

He took a closer look and realized that the black shadow was actually a large group of cavalry.

Ji Zhiying's heart skipped a beat, and she quickly opened her mouth and shouted: "It's the cavalry, hurry up and get in formation!"

The ferocity of Zuo Liangyu's cavalry in the past appeared in front of him again.

Ji Zhiying still remembered the scene when Zuo Liangyu's cavalry drove the crowd, just like driving cattle and sheep.

The messy infantry's faces were full of fear, helpless and pitiful. The cavalrymen behind them, like a pack of wolves, pounced on them from time to time, tearing away a piece of life.

Now that the helpless sheep were replaced by herself, Ji Zhiying couldn't help but tremble.

When he discovered that a large group of cavalry was approaching, the soldiers under his command were not much better. They became confused after hearing this.

Obviously, they also remembered the fear of being dominated by Zuo Liangyu's cavalry in the past.

Fortunately, Ji Zhiying was also a hero, and most of his subordinates were his servants and farmers, and they had been under his pressure for a long time.

After being scolded by him, I consciously or unconsciously formed a formation.

More than five hundred people hurriedly formed a small hollow square formation. One hundred people were lined up on one side, and one hundred people were hidden in the middle as a reserve team.

Ji Zhiying's idea was very simple. Running on two legs could not outrun the four legs on the other side. The only solution for now was to stay in one place and wait for people from the city to come to the rescue.

As the wall of cavalry came closer and closer, Ji Zhiying's sense of despair became stronger and stronger. The dense cavalry was getting closer and closer, surrounding his group tightly.

This is not five hundred cavalry, nor is it a thousand cavalry, but at least about two thousand cavalry. Don't say that you are currently surrounded by enemy cavalry. Even if the opponent piles heads, they can kill you.

The Liaodong cavalry arrived as if the earth was shaking and the mountains were shaking. They couldn't help laughing around the shivering "little sheep".

Zu Kuan rode on a tall horse, waved his hand with a cold face, and directly ordered: "Kill them all, no one will be spared!"

Following Zu Kuan's military order, four cavalry groups were separated from the officers and soldiers formation, and each rotated around Ji Zhiying's square formation.

They screamed strangely while firing arrow balls at the rebel formation. The rebels also panicked and used firecrackers to fight back.

When the officers and soldiers saw that the rebel guns had been fired, they couldn't help but turn their horses and suddenly attacked the rebels.

The rebels were caught off guard and hurriedly abandoned their guns and grabbed spears, knives and shields to resist. Unexpectedly, the officer and the soldier feinted a shot and dodged out again laughing.

This happened again and again, and I was exhausted after seeing the rebels being tortured. Zu Kuan gave an order, and the officers, soldiers and cavalry were immediately divided into four teams again and ran directly in from the four corners of the phalanx.

Although the rebels hesitated for a moment and put up their spears, they still could not withstand the impact of the officers, soldiers, and horses.

The rebels were on their backs for a moment, and the officers and soldiers knocked away the three layers of defensive infantry.

Before Ji Zhiying could react, these knights in fine armor turned their horses and left.

Just as this wave of cavalry left, a second wave of cavalry running at top speed crashed in from the same position again.

Life is like fragile porcelain, once again broken into pieces. The blood was flying everywhere as if it was for free.

It's over, it's all over! Ji Zhiying never expected that his infantry, which he considered to be elite, would be like paper and completely vulnerable to the iron hooves of officers and cavalry.

He still had a reserve of 100 infantry in his hand, but he didn't know where to send it. There is leakage from all sides, and we are surrounded by enemies on all sides. What can we do about it?

Thank you to fans "Roman Orthodoxy in Lingao" for your large reward, and thank you for your strong support to the author!

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