Please ask me to be the emperor

Chapter 746: Repaying others with their own methods

When Zhang Shun received Li Jiyu's letter, he couldn't help but be surprised.

He really didn't expect that the new Henan governor Fu Zonglong actually still held a fine cavalry in his hand.

Li Ji originally raided and occupied the rebel army in Mi County, but suffered heavy losses due to the appearance of Zu Kuan's Liaodong cavalry.

Ji Zhiying's whole company was annihilated, and even he himself was tied behind a horse by Zu Kuan's order and dragged to death.

Fortunately among the misfortunes, some of Ji Zhiying's subordinates escaped and reported the news, allowing Li Jiyu to close the city gates in advance to protect Mi County.

When Zhang Shun saw this, he breathed a sigh of relief, but also felt a lingering fear.

If Li Jiyu suffered a disastrous defeat, not only would the gap opened in Mi County be blocked by officers and soldiers, but Dengfeng County in Songshan Mountain would also be in an embarrassing situation with no one to defend it.

Zhang Shun had not taken advantage of the mobility of cavalry before. The rebel army's surprise attack on Luoyang City was Zhang Shunli's clever use of cavalry.

However, after many decisive battles with officers and soldiers who were mainly infantry, Zhang Shun's understanding of cavalry gradually became limited to the category of galloping into formations.

Until this time, the appearance of Liaodong cavalry seemed to have opened the door to a new world for Zhang Shun: It turns out that cavalry can still be used in this way!

Although Li Ji has temporarily stabilized the situation, the problem of Zu Kuan's Liaodong cavalry has not been solved for the rebels.

Because once the two sides engage in a decisive battle, the other side's cavalry can rush to the battlefield at any time, doubling the number of cavalry, resulting in a situation where more troops fight against fewer troops.

And Cao Wenzhao's troops who are now besieging Zhengzhou are actually now under threat. If Cao Wenzhao had been careless and unprepared, he might have suffered a similar fiasco.

Zhang Shun decisively ordered: "Send a messenger back to Luoyang quickly and order Wang Shaoyu to lead his troops to support Dengfeng!"

After saying that, he sat there with a frown on his face. When Gao Guiying saw it, he couldn't help but persuade him: "Dad, don't worry, it's just a battalion of elite cavalry. If dad is so determined, why not mobilize cavalry from various battalions and form a battalion of elite cavalry, which can offset the problem!"

When Zhang Shun heard this, he suddenly woke up from a dream. Fortunately, he thought hard for a long time, but he got close to a misunderstanding.

In fact, there were a lot of cavalry in the rebel army, especially in the earliest "Gaoying Camp" where almost everyone had a horse, and it was common for one person to have two or three horses.

It's just that in order to form a standard battalion later, Zhang Shun basically equipped the cavalry with a ratio of three to seven. That is to say, almost one battalion is equipped with about 900 cavalry.

The advantage is that each battalion has good independent combat capabilities. The disadvantage is that the nine hundred cavalry are often restricted by the speed of the infantry in the battalion and cannot give full play to their due mobility advantages.

Now that Liaodong Cavalry has set an example for him and Gao Guiying has reminded him, if Zhang Shun doesn't know what to do anymore, he will just buy a piece of tofu and knock him down.

Immediately, Zhang Shun ordered Zhang Sanbai to be transferred back to command the main force of the rebel army on his behalf, and Jiang He was transferred to lead the Yulin Battalion to garrison Baofeng.

At the same time, 2,700 cavalrymen from the three battalions of Chai Shihua, Bai Guangen and Jiang He were mobilized, as well as 200 personal guards under Zhang Shun's command to temporarily form a 2,900-man cavalry battalion.

Then, Zhang Shun ordered Zhang Sanbai: "After I leave, if the enemy comes to attack, Ye County will be fully defended."

"When news comes from Runing, if Ye County cannot be defended, it will not be too late to abandon it. However, Ruzhou, Luyang and Baofeng must not be abandoned, please be careful!"

Zhang Sanbai has been in charge of Zhang Shun for a long time, so why don’t you know what Zhang Shun’s agenda is? Obviously going to play again.

Sure enough, after the night was quiet, Zhang Shun led the cavalry, with the men in the saddle and the horses bound in hoofs, and marched all the way to the southeast.

That's right, it's heading southeast, heading to Runing!

It turned out that Zhang Shun did not intend to tangle with the new Henan governor Fu Zonglong anymore, but was planning to open a new battlefield to attack him and save him.

Originally, Zhang Shun sent Niu Jinxing to Runing to encourage the bandits to rebel in order to attract the attention of the officers and soldiers.

But this is a relatively time-consuming strategy that will not be effective for a while, so Zhang Shun is determined to leave them alone and go it alone.

Ye County is only 250 miles away from Runing City. Zhang Shun led his cavalry to reach the city in only two days.

Running around for days almost turned Zhang Shun's butt into eight pieces.

He couldn't help but rub his butt and complained: "This mode of transportation is too bad, my butt is almost rotten."

Gao Guiying couldn't help but roll her eyes at him, stretched out her hand to open his mischievous hand and said, "I'm dressed like this and you can even touch me. I'm so hungry!"

It turned out that in order to conceal the woman's identity, Gao Guiying wrapped her old cotton armor around her body.

Zhang Shun's big hands didn't rub his butt, but instead were placed on Gao Guiying.

Hearing this, he couldn't help but said shamelessly: "Which of us is following whom? Why are you so polite?"

Hey, man! Gao Guiying rolled her eyes at Zhang Shun and was too lazy to talk to him.

Zhang Shun chuckled and stopped teasing her. He then ordered: "The whole army will rest for an hour. No fire is allowed, and only some dry food is allowed!"

"Send some people to sneak into the city soon, and prepare to cooperate inside and outside to launch a surprise attack on Runing City!"

Everyone took the order and went, lying down on their horses and feeding them black beans and salt. Then they took the fried rice and noodles and ate them with water.

As the lord, Zhang Shun is actually not much better.

In addition to fried rice noodles, his food also had a small bag of dried meat, which was as hard as a stone and could not be chewed.

Zhang Shun pinched two pills and threw them in his mouth, slowly softening them with saliva. He handed a few pills to Gao Guiying and motioned to her, "You should eat some too!"

Gao Guiying shook her head and refused. Chewing this would make her masseter muscles develop and her face look like a Chinese character.

Girls love beauty, how can they stand this?

Zhang Shun, a steely straight man, how can he understand this little girl’s thoughts? He had spent the whole day thinking about how to deal with the officers and soldiers in front of him, and he had no time to think about the reasons.

After eating a few mouthfuls and drinking some cold water, my empty belly felt a little full.

It was cold in spring, and when the cold wind blew, Zhang Shun felt even colder.

He wrapped the cloak around him and said to Wukong and Wang Jinyi beside him: "Have you arranged the security? Don't fail to attack by surprise, or you will be attacked by others!"

"Don't worry, my lord, everything has been arranged. Even the people who went to Runing City to investigate have been sent out. They will definitely not miss the battle!" Wang Jinyi quickly stood up and responded.

Zhang Shun thought for a while and it seemed that there were no details that needed attention, and then he arranged: "That's good, I'll take a moment and call me if you need anything!"

With that said, he walked to the tent that had just been set up nearby and prepared to lie down for a while.

Unexpectedly, he heard the rapid sound of horse hooves. Zhang Shun turned his head and saw a soldier rushing to the camp on a fast horse.

Then he got off his horse, and after the guards verified his identity, he brought him up.

The man immediately said: "There has been a sudden change in Runing Mansion. Someone tried to steal the city, but was discovered by the officers and soldiers guarding the city. The two sides fought together!"

"What? Could it be Niu Jinxing and others!" Zhang Shun was surprised and quickly ordered: "Everyone is ready to attack Runing City!"

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