Please ask me to be the emperor

Chapter 748 A bitter battle in Runing City

The so-called thousand-jin gate is actually a vertical descending gate, made of solid wood wrapped in iron sheet. The weight is generally more than a thousand kilograms, and some even weigh more than 20,000 kilograms.

Neither the Runing hero Shen Wandeng nor the private salt dealer Liu Hongqi are from Xiongkuohai, so naturally they cannot carry this thousand-pound gate, but they are not helpless at all.

Since the Thousand Jin Gate is called a gate, it naturally has lifting equipment.

Shen Wandeng and Liu Hongqi are both heroes. When their own lives are at stake, they will naturally not accept their fate.

The two people couldn't help but discuss: "Now we are all in the urn city, and if we are not careful, we will be caught in the urn."

"How about you and I, one of us leads the crowd to seize the Wengcheng gate, and the other leads the crowd to open the Thousand Jin Gate."

The two had reached an agreement, and Liu Hongqi led his clan brothers Liu Hongchao, Liu Hongli, Liu Hongdao, Liu Hongjun and other dozens of people to quickly seize the gate of Wengcheng; while Shen Wandeng led more than ten people to take the opportunity to go around the stairs outside the Wengcheng and board the tower.

In the Ming Dynasty, there was a gate tower attached to the city tower, which was specially designed for the Thousand Jin Gate. There are grooves and winches on the gate tower to facilitate the storage and lifting of the jack gate.

After Shen Wandeng and Liu Hongqi separated, they quickly led people to the tower and saw that there were still more than ten soldiers guarding there.

He rushed forward, killing three people in a row, and the rest of the soldiers dispersed. Only then did Shen Wandeng seize the gate tower.

Then Shen Wandeng found two winches, one on the left and one on the right holding a thousand-pound gate.

He divided his soldiers into two waves and pushed the winch together.

But Shen Wanteng never expected that this thousand-pound gate was very heavy. Everyone tried their best, but it still remained motionless.

At this time, Niu Jinxing, Guo Sanhai, and Sheng Zhiyou were also anxious outside the city.

Accidents will inevitably happen on the battlefield. Although Niu Jinxing is well versed in Sun Wu's art of war and is qualified as a counselor, as an army commander, his shortcomings of being more resourceful and less decisive, and lacking in experience, are exposed.

what to do? Should we send people to bypass other city gates, or should we send people to forcibly climb the city?

The enemy's situation is unknown. What if we try to bypass other city gates and return without success? What if Shen Wandeng and Liu Hongqi were defeated and died if they were to force an attack on the city but couldn't make it in time?

Niu Jinxing began to sweat on his forehead and had to pretend to be calm in order to stabilize Guo Sanhai and Sheng Zhiyou.

At this time, Guo Sanhai saw that Niu Jinxing had not given orders for a long time, and he couldn't help but asked anxiously: "Mr. Niu, the city gate guard is dead, what should we do?"

what to do? Salad! Obviously Niu Jinxing doesn't know what to do.

But at this moment, he had to hold on and said: "Don't be anxious, don't be anxious, our military advisor has a plan of his own, it won't be too late to wait a moment!"

"Wait, wait, how long do we have to wait? If we wait any longer, Liu Hongqi and Shen Wandeng will die and be overthrown, but do we still need this Runing City?" Guo Sanhai complained after hearing this.

Niu Jinxing was about to explain a few words to this fool, but unexpectedly, several shouts rang out from the tower.

Everyone listened carefully and saw that it was the shout of Runing hero Shen Wandeng.

He shouted: "Mr. Niu, we have captured the city gate. However, the Qianjin Gate is too heavy and cannot be opened at all. What should we do?"

Niu Jinxing couldn't help but be overjoyed when he heard this, and quickly ordered Guo Sanhai: "Thank you for your help, chief. Please quickly lead more than a hundred people to the city tower, open the thousand-jin gate, and let the rebels enter the city!"

After confirming that Shen Wandeng and Liu Hongqi had not been annihilated by the officers and soldiers in the city, and even occupied the city tower, Niu Jinxing breathed a sigh of relief and hurriedly made a decision.

"This... how can we climb the city wall in the middle of the night in the dark?" Guo Sanhai was blocked by Niu Jinxing's words, and he couldn't help but asked with some embarrassment.

"Find some ropes first and climb up!" The rebels had no time to prepare the equipment for climbing the city, and Niu Jinxing had no good solution.

He had no choice but to come up with an idea, regardless of whether it would work or not.

Fortunately, Shen Wandeng finally found two spare nooses on the city, threw one down, and hung up some soldiers.

It took a lot of effort for everyone to push the winch and lift the thousand-jin gate, and the rebels were able to enter the city.

It's just that this back and forth took a long time. The people in Runing City had already received news of the rebel attack on the city, so they organized people to fight for the city tower.

Liu Hongqi had a small number of men under his command, and he fought hard for dozens of times with the officers and soldiers. He suffered heavy injuries and suffered seven wounds.

Only then did he have to abandon the gate of Wengcheng and retreat to the tower. As a result, the entire Wengcheng was occupied by the rebels and officers and soldiers.

It's just that there is no ladder to climb the city in the urn city, and the rebels occupying the outer city gate has no important role. The battle between the two sides is the Thousand Jin Gate on the gate tower.

If the rebels can break through the Wengcheng gate before the officers and soldiers seize the Qianjin Gate, then the entire Runing City can be defended indefinitely; otherwise, once the officers and soldiers seize the Qianjin Gate and put it down again, then the rebels who are fighting for the Wengcheng gate in the Wengcheng will He will die without a burial place.

When encountering each other on a narrow road, the brave will win. Liu Hongqi and Shen Wandeng were originally brave and ruthless people, and even when they were in desperate situations, they couldn't help but burst out with their determination to fight to the death.

In Zhang Shun's previous life, the two people who were supposed to be vendetta against each other couldn't help but look at each other and said with a smile: "A real man, if you can't eat with five cauldrons, you should also cook with five cauldrons. Even if you die today, you can't be underestimated!"

Immediately, the two led more than ten people to guard the stairs to prevent the officers and soldiers from seizing the Qianjin Gate.

How could Niu Jinxing not know the situation was urgent when he saw it from below?

He quickly ordered to Guo Sanhai: "We will conquer Runing City in one fell swoop, and everyone will enjoy it today."

"If you can seize the Wengcheng gate in time, you will enjoy endless gold and silver treasures. Otherwise, it will not be a pity to kill the nine tribes with thousands of swords!"

Hearing this, Guo Sanhai couldn't help but responded solemnly: "Sir, don't worry, even if the tower is demolished, Guo will definitely enter the city."

Niu Jinxing breathed a sigh of relief when she saw Guo Sanhai agreed. These people are all a mob. If they can't be coerced and induced to work hard, they may have dispersed long ago.

He quickly promised: "General Guo, don't worry, but if we seize this city gate, we will keep the position of chief military officer!"

"Are you serious?" Guo Sanhai couldn't help but feel happy. He was willing to sacrifice his life this time just for the wealth and beauty of Prince Chong's Mansion in Runing City.

As the saying goes: "Man perishes for money and birds perish for food", it doesn't mean anything. Unexpectedly, there was such an unexpected surprise. With his own strength, he could overpower Shen Wandeng and Liu Hongqi, so they couldn't help but be dissatisfied.

Guo Sanhai happily accepted the order. At this time, Niu Jinxing said to Sheng Zhiyou: "Brother, everyone else is an outsider. I can't trust you. You are the only one who is honest. Please climb to the top of the tower through the rope as soon as possible to help." They lend a hand.”

"If you can defend the city tower without losing it, you won't lose your position as commander in chief!"

Sheng Zhiyou had been following Niu Jinxing for a long time, and seeing that he finally had a place to use himself, he couldn't help but responded in a somewhat wretched manner: "I can't believe the position of chief soldier. I just want to capture Runing City and let me enter Prince Chong's Mansion." I will be satisfied if I choose two wives."

"Look at your potential, okay, I'll accept it!" Niu Jinxing chuckled.

So Sheng Zhiyou arranged for fifty people to guard Niu Jinxing, and he personally led everyone to climb the tower and assisted Shen Wandeng and Liu Hongqi in guarding the gate tower.

Fortunately, night blindness was common in this era, and the rebels were able to hold on.

Everyone fought hard until dawn, but there was no one left. But no one, but they lost two to three hundred elites for no reason.

Seeing that the sky has turned white, the rebels who climbed to the top of the tower are still insufficient.

Niu Jinxing couldn't help but become frightened. The night protection was no longer there. The officers and soldiers were about to slowly capture the gate tower with the advantage of firearms and numbers. What could they do?

It's too late, but it's soon. In just a short moment, it felt like a thousand years had passed.

He only heard the sound of horse hooves shaking the ground. Niu Jinxing looked back and saw a black cavalry, carrying wolf smoke, rolling in.

"Officers and soldiers!" The rebels were so frightened that they abandoned their helmets and turned around and fled.

It turned out that the mob under Guo Sanhai could no longer stand such a fierce battle, and the cavalry galloping in the distance became the straw that broke the camel's back.

"No!" Niu Jinxing watched in despair as the rebels under Guo Sanhai swarmed out of the city gate and scrambled to escape outside.

Not long after, Guo Sanhai also ran out and shouted: "Mr. Niu, run quickly! The reinforcements of officers and soldiers have arrived. If you wait a little later, you will be cut into pieces!"

Immediately, Guo Sanhai couldn't help but ordered the soldiers to set up Niu Jinxing and ran out.

It didn't matter that the rebels ran away. The officers and soldiers immediately followed, and they stayed behind the rebels, vowing to kill them all without any mercy.

Both sides chased and fled, and in an instant they were far away from Runing City.

In just this short distance, countless rebels were killed on the spot, and their corpses lay scattered outside the gate of Runing City.

At this moment, I had no intention of caring about whether Liu Hongqi, Shen Wandeng and Sheng Zhiyou, who were isolated on the tower, were dead or alive. They only regretted that their parents had given them two less legs.

Seeing that the rebels suffered heavy losses and it rained all night, the cavalryman turned around and rushed over.

"It's over, it's all over!" Guo Sanhai watched in despair as the cavalry rushed over like a mountain falling apart. He couldn't help but close his eyes and cursed at Niu Jinxing angrily: "Without a thief like you, how could Guo have ended up like this today? Get to the point!"

Niu Jinxing smiled bitterly and was about to make a few excuses. Unexpectedly, the cavalry suddenly divided into two parts, one on the left and one on the right, and directly inserted into the formation of the pursuing officers and soldiers behind them.

Niu Jinxing was stunned for a moment, then said with great joy: "What nonsense is General Guo talking about? This is where reinforcements from the rebel army are coming!"

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