Please ask me to be the emperor

Chapter 749 Breaking the City

When Zhang Shun led his cavalry to the outside of Runing Mansion, he was greeted by rioters all over the mountains and plains.

There were neither golden drums nor flags, and it was impossible to tell who was leading the troops.

Although Zhang Shun had previously suspected that Niu Jinxing was causing trouble here, he really didn't "look" like Niu Jinxing.

Although Niu Jinxing cannot be said to be an unparalleled warrior in the country, he is at least well versed in the art of war. How could he end up like this?

Fortunately, in line with the mentality that the enemy of the enemy is his friend, Zhang Shunping quickly ordered: "Brothers, behind this chaotic wave of people, the uniforms are orderly and the weapons are neat. I think they must be the officers and soldiers in the city."

"Rush forward in a moment, just chase the officers and soldiers, ignore everyone else!"

"Yes!" The rebels quickly took the order, then bypassed the rebels who were running for their lives in a panic, and pounced directly on the pursuing officers and soldiers behind the rebels.

This group of officers and soldiers were chasing so vigorously, how could they have expected such a change?

Although the rebels and officers and soldiers fought near Ye County, to Runing City, which is two to three hundred miles away, it seems that these things are still legends from afar and have nothing to do with them.

How did they expect that rebel cavalry would suddenly arrive outside Runing Mansion City?

When they saw the thieves retreating in all directions, they thought it was really elite officers and soldiers coming to support them. How could they be on guard?

Even the rebels' swords and guns came to kill the officers and soldiers in a loose formation. Some people shouted: "We are all officers and soldiers of Runing Mansion. How could we not know this and kill our own family members instead?"

When the rebels heard this, they couldn't help laughing and said: "Who doesn't know? The officers and soldiers of your Runing Mansion were killed!"

The officers and soldiers suddenly realized that the cavalry in front of them were really bandits. They immediately broke up and fled back to Runing City.

It doesn't matter if the officers and soldiers escape. How can two legs outrun four?

The rebel cavalry took the opportunity to follow behind, rush, kill, and drive the remaining soldiers into Runing City like herdsmen driving cattle and sheep.

The officers and soldiers on the city were horrified when they saw it from a distance. They quickly wanted to close the city gate, but where could it be closed?

It turned out that the officers and soldiers on the city tower and the rebels Shen Wandeng, Liu Hongqi, and Sheng Zhiyou were fighting inextricably.

When the officers and soldiers originally went out of the city to pursue Guo Sanhai and others, the rebels in the city were so shaken that they allowed the officers and soldiers to occupy the gate tower, so the Thousand Jin Gate was not lowered.

When the rebel cavalry charged in, Shen Wandeng saw clearly and couldn't help but said to Liu Hongqi and Sheng Zhiyou: "Now we are in a dead end. If we can't recapture the Qianjin Gate and open the city gate, I'm afraid we will only die!"

Friends Liu Hongqi and Sheng Zhi also agreed. They couldn't help shouting in unison: "Is it glory and wealth or death by a thousand cuts today? How long will it take if we don't fight now?"

The three of them are all desperadoes, and they really have some close men under their command. Everyone also knew that they were blocked in the city by officers and soldiers and had no way out. If they could not let reinforcements into the city, their lives would be at risk.

At this time, all the rebels in the city were injured, especially Liu Hongqi, who was reduced to a bloody gourd. It was unknown how many wounds he had on his body.

Fortunately, the officers and soldiers on the opposite side were all unarmored, and their equipment was only half as good. Not to mention the eldest brother, the second brother, both sides were fighting for their bravery.

It happened that the officers and soldiers saw the defeated troops entering the city. They hesitated for a moment and did not dare to directly lower the Qianjin Gate. They were blocked outside the city with the defeated troops.

How can anything good be done if one side is determined to die and the other side is half-hearted?

The officers and soldiers on the city retreated again and again, and soon they gave up the newly occupied gate tower to the rebels.

Zhang Shun couldn't help but be overjoyed when he saw that there was still fighting in the city. He quickly ordered: "Go directly into the city and seize the city gate!"

Upon hearing this, Wukong took the lead and rushed in with a strange cry.

Zhang Shun couldn't help but slap his forehead, Ni, I'm trying to fool a fool, why did you rush up to me?

What a great Wukong. He was already nine feet tall and rode a tall horse. He could almost reach the city gate. He was like a god of eight feet.

The gates of Runing City could not be closed, but the officers and soldiers still wanted to close the gates of Wengcheng City and launch a desperate counterattack.

How could Wukong tolerate their arrogance? Seeing that the two gates of the urn city were about to close, he couldn't help but roared and stretched the iron rod forward in his hand.

With just a click, the gate of Wengcheng clamped Wukong's Coiling Dragon Ruyi Golden Cudgel.

Wukong couldn't help but smile crookedly, jumped off the horse, and pushed the iron rod with all his strength, only to open a gap in the closed Wengcheng gate.

Because the gate of Wengcheng could not be closed and bolted, more than a dozen soldiers had to fight to hold it on.

Seeing that the city gate was about to be opened by the big man outside, everyone couldn't help but be shocked. Mr. Qian, who was guarding the city, couldn't help but shouted loudly: "Hurry up and stab him with a knife or a gun, don't let him open the door!"

Then five or six swords and guns suddenly stretched out from the crack in the door, heading straight for Wukong.

How quick was Wukong's reaction? He couldn't help but jump back, and smoothly pulled out the Panlong Ruyi Golden Cudgel that was trapped in it.

It turns out that the officers and soldiers slightly loosened some of the door cracks in order to extend their swords and guns, which gave Wukong an opportunity.

It didn't matter that he was twitching. The officers and soldiers subconsciously pushed the city gate and caught their swords and guns in the crack of the door.

Seeing that the scary big man was gone, the city guard Qian couldn't help but breathed a sigh of relief, and quickly shouted: "Loosen a little, close the door, and bolt it quickly!"

After hearing this, the soldiers relaxed a little and were about to draw their swords and guns. Unexpectedly, a strong force came, and the gate of Wengcheng opened with a bang.

It turned out that Wukong took this opportunity to take a few steps back, borrowed some strength, and slammed into him.

As soon as the gate of Wengcheng opened, five or six rebel cavalry rushed up. At once, he knocked away seven or eight people, trampled over five or six people, and hit three or five more people.

Mr. Qian was taken aback and was about to reorganize his troops and fight again. Unexpectedly, Wukong also stood up at this time and knocked him away with just one stick.

With just one strike, his ribs and internal organs were directly shattered. Mr. Qian fell to the ground ten feet away, motionless and dead before his eyes.

When the officers and soldiers saw that the group of dragons was leaderless, they couldn't help but disperse in a rush and marched down Runing City.

When Zhang Shun, Niu Jinxing, Guo Sanhai and others entered the city, blood and corpses were everywhere on the roads in the city.

There were rebels, officers and soldiers, and many old, weak, women and children.

Zhang Shun frowned, and at this time Liu Hongqi, Shen Wandeng and Sheng Zhiyou led more than ten people and rushed over, supporting each other.

When the three of them saw Niu Jinxing, they couldn't help but laugh miserably: "Mr. Niu is so clever. If the reinforcements had come half an hour earlier, we wouldn't have suffered such heavy casualties!"

Niu Jinxing groaned, not knowing how to respond. Unexpectedly, a few rebels without pants ran over. As soon as they arrived in front of the crowd and before they had time to speak, more than ten rebel soldiers in armor rushed up and chopped them to death on the spot like they were chopping melons and vegetables. .

Guo Sanhai, Shen Wanteng, Liu Hongqi and Sheng Zhiyou could not help but turn pale and looked at Zhang Shun in disbelief.

As the saying goes: "To remove the mill and kill the donkey," everyone worked together to seize Runing City. Are the "submissive thieves" going to kill people and silence them?

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