Please ask me to be the emperor

Chapter 753 Hunting Time

It was said that the Nanyang magistrate proposed a proactive plan, and everyone couldn't help but look at each other. However, due to the high power and position of the prefect, no one dared to offend him and did not dare to say anything.

Since the defeat of Tumubao in the Ming Dynasty, nobles and nobles suffered heavy losses, and civilian officials gradually gained the upper hand. It is a foregone conclusion that the noble and the powerful will become the humble.

When Wanli came to aid the DPRK, the general military officer who originally served as the commander of the military region could still act alone. In recent years, even the power of command has been taken away by the military, governor, governor and other positions in the civil service system.

The chief military officer is like this, not to mention that the largest military attache in Nanyang City is just Chief Qian. Who dares to refute him?

Only one of the young generals could not help but stand up after hearing this and said: "Now the two governors of Henan and Huguang are fighting against the traitors, and the main force is on the front line. It is a great achievement for us to defend Nanyang, so why take risks?"

When the magistrate of Nanyang saw that he had refuted his face, he couldn't help but said angrily: "You know, 'There is beauty like jade in the book, and there is a house of gold in the book.' You people are ignorant and cowardly and don't know how to fight. You are not as familiar with the art of war as I am. Isn't that right?" Don’t you understand the principle of using ease to fight labor and waiting for hunger with fullness?”

"The thieves have come from afar and cannot attack the city, so their morale must be low, so this is the only way to win; chasing hundreds of miles for profit, and both men and horses are exhausted, so this is the best way to win; I am familiar with the books on the art of war, but the thieves are illiterate and can only fight brutally and ruthlessly , This is the victory of wisdom; the thief will definitely be sleeping tonight, but I attack him, so I will be prepared to defeat the unprepared."

"Of these four, all attacks are invincible and all battles are invincible. Why should we use the governor as a governor?"

Everyone was immediately speechless and had nothing to say after being refuted by Nanyang Magistrate.

It turned out that this man was worried that Tang Wang Zhu Yujian would use Nanyang's poor defense as an excuse, so he wrote to the court again asking for royal guards.

He was ready to take the initiative and stop his thoughts in advance.

Sure enough, the king of the Tang Dynasty, Zhu Yujian, heard the string and knew its elegant meaning, so he smiled and said: "If the prince can ensure that the prince's palace is not disturbed, I have no objection."

The Nanyang magistrate then nodded with satisfaction, turned around and asked, "Who is willing to go out of the city tonight and take the lives of the thieves and chiefs outside the city for me?"

After seeing no one respond for a while, the magistrate added: "The local garrison will resign in the near future. If anyone has made such a great contribution, I will not hesitate to give him a few kind words and help him!"

Everyone was a little moved when they heard the words, and they were worried that the thief was fierce, so they hesitated for a while.

When the magistrate saw that no one took the initiative to invite him, he couldn't help but look sad.

He couldn't help but take the initiative and said: "Mr. Ren Qian, your subordinate Mao Hulu is known as an elite man. How about he gives it a try tonight!"

That Mr. Ren Qian was none other than the young general who had just persuaded the prefect.

Hearing this, he knew he couldn't avoid it, so he gritted his teeth and said, "General, I would like to select five hundred elites and leave the city tonight."

"If by luck the dog thief is killed, please take credit for us!"

"Okay, okay, okay!" The magistrate of Nanyang couldn't help but said with a smile, "I'll order someone to prepare a banquet, and I'll ask for your credit tomorrow morning!"

Then the Nanyang magistrate arranged some more defenses, and ordered the soldiers of the guard station and the palace guards to guard the four gates. This time he turned to Tang Wang Zhu Yujian and smiled and said: "I wonder what your prince has to say about this arrangement of my palace?"

Although the King of Tang Dynasty had great ambition, he had lived in the palace for a long time and had no experience. How could he know how to do it?

He saw that the Nanyang magistrate arranged everything in an orderly manner, and he was quite impressed. He shook his head and said: "Since the Lord of the Palace has made arrangements, I will return to the Palace and wait for the good news!"

When the Nanyang magistrate saw that his calculations had made the usually refractory King Tang speechless, he couldn't help but feel extremely proud.

He said a few polite words and sent Prince Tang back to the palace.

Feishui, later known as Baihe, originates from Nanzhao County to the north of Nanyang City, passes through Nanyang City, passes through Xinye, and reaches Xiangyang where it meets the Tang River and flows into the Han River.

In the past, Cao Cao conquered Zhang Xiu in Wancheng, but because he insulted Zhang Xiu's aunt Zou, Zhang Xiu rebelled. This is where Cao Cao lost his beloved general Dian Wei and his eldest son Cao Ang.

The "Ode to the Water" sung by the poet in "The Romance of the Three Kingdoms" later got its name from the river.

Fortunately, Zhang Shun didn't know anything about it. After he finished his business, he came to play with the princess and the princess again.

Unexpectedly, when he opened the curtain, he saw two beauties, one big and one small, sitting there with painful expressions on their faces.

"What's wrong?" Zhang Shun asked strangely.

"Riding... the skin is scratched!" The two of them also knew that their lives were in the hands of others, so they did not dare to say anything, so they could only whisper.

"Where is it broken?" Zhang Shun couldn't help but asked with concern.

How dare the two women say it? They blushed in shame and remained silent.

Zhang Shun asked again and again, only to find out that these two women were used to fine clothes and fine food, and they only thought that horse riding was not much different from their spring outing.

As a result, following the rebel army in the past few days, the inner thighs were worn out.

Zhang Shun came to take advantage of the excitement and returned home exhausted. As soon as he walked out of the tent, he happened to meet Gao Guiying who was returning from fetching water.

Gao Guiying already knew about the situation of the two girls and told Zhang Shun that he was disappointed and returned home. She couldn't help but laugh and said: "What's wrong? Are you not allowed to sleep? They think they are the golden branches and jade leaves of the past!"

"That's not the case. My legs and feet are a little injured. It's not interesting!" Zhang Shun waved his hand.

"Then how about I accompany you for a while?" Seeing that he was unhappy, Gao Guiying couldn't help but offer her a pillow.

"Let's wait another day. Officers and soldiers may come to steal the camp today, so it's better to be cautious!" Zhang Shun shook his head and responded cautiously.

"Who are you looking down on?" Gao Guiying couldn't help but throw the bucket away after hearing this, water splashed everywhere, and asked angrily, "You are looking for someone because you are free, but they are looking for you because the military situation is urgent?"

"Uh..." Zhang Shun had no choice but to explain, "This is like eating. Sometimes you have a main meal, and sometimes you just have some snacks. Each has its own charm!"

"No, I want to eat too!" How could Gao Guiying be the one who suffered the loss? It’s okay if he can’t capture a few ladies, but why can’t he capture two female slaves?

Zhang Shun saw that she was determined to do this, so he had to secretly pull her into the tent and take out the "snacks", put them to his mouth and said, "Hey, come and eat!"

"Yeah!" Gao Guiying suddenly turned red with embarrassment, turned around and ran away.

When the sun went down and night fell, all kinds of monsters and monsters came out and began to peek at the rebel camp.

At this moment, Zhang Shun was more awake than ever. He had already made various arrangements, and even vented the evil fire in his heart in advance.

The lights were turned off, and there was no other unnecessary sound in the pitch-black camp except for the rushing of the river in the east.

Zhang Shunduan sat motionless in the Chinese army's tent, waiting for the arrival of officers and soldiers.

After serving in the army for so long, he finally understood why there was a saying in ancient times that knowing things is like a god.

This was a kind of intuition. He secretly felt that the officers and soldiers would definitely rob the camp tonight.

Waiting is boring yet exciting.

Just like a beautiful tiger lying in the grass, waiting for prey to pass by. Zhang Shun is also full of desire for his prey.

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