Please ask me to be the emperor

Chapter 754 Night Battle

It was midnight and five drums at night, Nanyang City, the school grounds were brightly lit, shining like daylight.

General Ren Qian held up a bowl of wine, faced the "Mao Gourd" under his command, and shouted loudly: "Raise an army for a thousand days, use it for a while. Brothers have been following me for a long time, and now the time has come to make contributions."

"As long as we capture this thief, not to mention my promotion to the rank, everyone will be able to benefit from it. As long as we go to battle, each person will be rewarded with two taels of silver, and the merit of the head will be another matter."

These people under his command are all mountain people from the ravines, and they have always made killing a profession.

In the past, fighting was just a matter of leisure. Hearing this, he couldn't help but scream: "Mr. Qian has nothing to worry about. As long as the reward is in place, our lives will be sold to Mr. Qian."

Seeing that his morale was available, President Ren Qian shouted: "Do it!"

Then he drank all the wine in the bowl and smashed the pottery bowl containing the wine into pieces.

"Do it!" Zhongmao Gourd was also as powerful as a rainbow. He drank all the wine in one gulp and smashed the pottery bowl into pieces.

So General Ren Qian led these five hundred elites, armed with guns and arrows, out of the city lightly armed.

This group of soldiers has a typical "hairy gourd" shape, with their heads wrapped around their heads and their bare feet and leggings. Bamboo pieces were tied to the legs and body to serve as simple armor.

Although this kind of attire is not as good as the fast horse armor of the northern frontier army, it is quite adapted to the local climate and terrain.

Mr. Ren Qian led them out of Nanyang Mansion quietly, using the dim stars and moon, and walked all the way to the rebel camp.

When I reached it, I saw darkness in the camp, silence and no sound.

President Ren Qian hesitated for a moment, then ordered the attack.

Unexpectedly, there was a sound of cannon, and the camp suddenly lit up, and a group of people was seen ambushing the camp.

Mr. Ren Qian was startled and was about to leave. Another cry came: "Get rid of the officers and soldiers who robbed the camp!"

He turned his head and looked around, and saw two fire dragons on the left flanking him, one on the left and one on the right. They were the cavalrymen who had been waiting for a long time.

It turned out that Zhang Shun had expected that the officers and soldiers would come tonight. In addition to arranging some troops and horses to guard the camp, he also ambushed two waves of cavalry outside the camp to attack the officers and soldiers.

How did Mr. Ren Qian not know that he had fallen into the "thief's trick"? He couldn't help but said angrily: "If I had known this, I would have fought for the official position, so I shouldn't have stopped this errand!"

President Ren Qian quickly shouted loudly and ordered his soldiers to form formations, fight and then retreat.

When Zhang Shun saw it, he couldn't help laughing and said: "You actually want to fight to the death, I want to see how you can withstand the impact of my cavalry!" Then he ordered his horse to harass the officers and soldiers.

Immediately, the cavalry swept over from time to time, dropped a burst of arrows and flew away. Although the sight is limited, the accuracy is impressive. Fortunately, the counterattacks of the officers and soldiers were equally unsuccessful.

Although the "Mao Gourd" under General Ren Qian was fierce, it was the first time they encountered an opponent with cavalry as their main force.

The man was riding a horse, more than two meters high, and some were wearing iron armor, which could not be penetrated by spears or shot by arrows. It caused quite a commotion for a while.

Seeing that something was not going well, Mr. Ren Qian quickly rushed forward with thirty or fifty people in person.

As a result, he didn't expect that even though the cavalry was still more than ten feet away, he saw the knight on horseback slashing right in front of him with his sword.

Many Mao Hulu, who were skilled in martial arts, were caught off guard and fell to the swords and guns of the rebels before they could even show off their skills.

It was easy to survive this wave of impact, and about twenty people died. General Ren Qian quickly asked his soldiers to extinguish the lights, form a circular formation, and slowly retreat towards Nanyang Fucheng.

The rebels lost track of their officers and soldiers and did not dare to act rashly. He was also afraid that the horse would lose its front hoof and break the horse, which would be worthless, so he asked Zhang Shun for orders.

In fact, in addition to being brave, fighting requires skill.

In a mindless battle, even if you win by chance, the losses will be too great and will not be conducive to the next battle.

War is a dynamic game process. In addition to taking advantage of unpreparedness and winning by surprise, war often uses small-scale battles to gradually gain advantages and finally establish victory.

Since the sneak attack on Nanyang City was unsuccessful, Zhang Shun did not expect to capture Nanyang City in one fell swoop.

Seeing that the officers and soldiers in front of him were quite brave and their generals were quite organized, Zhang by the way knew that these should be the elite of Nanyang City.

He then smiled and said: "Since these officers and soldiers do not have to drink fine wine for toasting, then we will pull out the cannon and serve them!"

Zhang Shun's camp is only two miles away from Nanyang City. If there are Hongyi cannons in Nanyang City, they can get here.

However, this short two-mile journey has become a sad road for Mr. Ren Qian and his "Mao Hulu".

The field artillery in Zhang Shun's hands is the "Iron Cannon Flying Cavalry" that he reformed. It is very luxurious and equipped with one cannon and ten horses, and its mobility far exceeds the artillery of this era.

Mr. Ren Qian had never fought against Zhang Shun, and said that this group of thieves were no more than officers and soldiers. They carried some light French guns and Western cannons, which meant they had fierce firepower.

Only a loud noise was heard in the dark night, and then the miserable screams of the officers and soldiers came out.

Mr. Ren Qian's heart trembled when he was shocked by the sound of cannons. He turned around and saw the flickering fire and the roar of cannons near the rebel camp. For a moment, he didn't know how many cannons the "thieves" had prepared.

"Hongyi cannon! It's Hongyi cannon!" Some of the "knowledgeable" officers and soldiers shouted in panic.

"Nonsense, the thieves are coming at a gallop, where did the Hongyi cannon come from!" President Ren Qian quickly scolded.

But where is the time? In fact, due to line of sight problems, the rebel artillery made a lot of noise and raindrops were light, so the actual casualties caused were not large.

But because of the darkness, the officers and soldiers could only hear the roar of artillery and the wailing of the soldiers around them, which actually amplified this fear.

Husband has the courage to fight! The officers and soldiers lost their courage, and fear spread in the hearts of everyone like a plague.

Every sound of cannons will make their hearts tremble; every cry will make them feel it with their bodies.

They shouted in panic, but pointed the direction for the rebel artillery, so the firepower became more intense.

I don't know who started, but the last string of the officers and soldiers finally broke, and suddenly they all scattered and took their separate ways.

Mr. Ren Qian looked around and saw that there were only dozens of people around him. He couldn't help but smile bitterly and said: "I am the one who harmed everyone. Let's take advantage of the darkness and escape to other gates to enter the city!"

The officers and soldiers collapsed, and the rebels couldn't help but be overjoyed, and they quickly divided into several groups to hunt down the officers and soldiers.

Both sides chased and fled for only two miles, and it was unknown how many bodies the officers and soldiers left behind.

Originally, the Nanyang magistrate was sitting in his mansion, waiting for news about the success of General Ren Qian's attack on the camp. Unexpectedly, good news did not come, but bad news came.

His first reaction was: "Mr. Ren Qian made a mistake!", and his second reaction was: "Secure the city gate quickly to prevent thieves from seizing the door!"

The Nanyang prefect responded very quickly, but the five hundred soldiers outside the city were actually locked up outside the city.

When the defeated "Mao Gourd" arrived at the north gate of Nanyang Mansion, he was shouting and shouting and could not open it tightly.

The rebel cavalry who had originally chased outside the city were worried about the artillery bombardment on the city and were ready to retreat to the camp to make plans.

They never expected that the officers and soldiers could operate like this, and they immediately surrounded them outside the city like evil wolves, and reported to Zhang Shun.

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