Please ask me to be the emperor

Chapter 755 Persuading Surrender

When Zhang Shun rushed outside Nanyang City, he almost smiled crookedly when he saw the shivering "Mao Gourd" hiding in the city gate.

He quickly asked his subordinate "Mao Hulu" who was born in the Lu family to step forward and shouted: "Surrender without killing, King Shun will treat the 'Mao Hulu' who is willing to follow, and if he can make meritorious deeds, everyone will be rewarded!"

In fact, most of the "Mao Hulu" under General Ren Qian come from nearby places such as Tang County, Dengzhou and Lushi, and their accents are quite similar.

When those desperate Mao Hulu heard that they were all fellow villagers, they believed it 30% in their hearts.

However, due to the "Shaanxi bandits" in recent years, Henan, Shandong, Huguang and other places have been victims, so the "Shaanxi bandits" and "Jin bandits" have the worst reputations.

They couldn't help but ask again: "I wonder who the leader is? Can you come forward and talk to me?"

Zhang Shun stepped forward after hearing this, Gao Guiying couldn't help but stretched out his hand to grab it and said: "Dad, don't go, the sword has no eyes, not to mention it is so close to the city wall, if you accidentally get hurt, I will never forgive you!"

How did Zhang Shun and Gao Guiying think that this group of people still had "regional discrimination"?

It didn't matter if Gao Guiying opened his mouth, a burst of Qin opera came out.

"Mao Hulu", who was originally doubtful, couldn't help being shocked when he heard this. He quickly opened his bow and arrow and leveled his sword and gun.

He got ready to fight and cursed loudly: "It turns out that the 'Shaanxi bandits' are here. We are the most unjust. Those who want to kill themselves are not heroes!"

"Huh?" Zhang Shun was stunned. He never expected that "regional discrimination" was so serious in ancient times.

In fact, Zhang Shun did not know this. The large-scale uprising in the late Ming Dynasty first started in Shaanxi, and then spread to Shanxi, Beizhili, Henan, Huguang and other places with the imperial court's encirclement and suppression.

At the beginning of the Shaanxi Uprising, in order to survive, they had no military discipline and burned, killed and looted. They were like locusts wherever they passed, and the people deeply hated them.

There was even a time when people heard businessmen and travelers with Shaanxi and Shanxi accents and secretly attacked and killed them to relieve their resentment.

And this Nanyang happens to be at the junction of Shaanxi, Henan and Huguang, and there are many intrusions from Shaanxi rebels.

The local "Mao Hulu" was repeatedly deployed to fight against the rebels, and there was even a blood feud, so he fell in love as soon as he heard Gao Guiying's "Qin Opera".

Zhang Shun saw something bad and shouted loudly: "I don't know what you mean, but I am undoubtedly from Henan. I wonder if you can hear my accent?"

Zhang Shun is from the east of Henan, and his accent is similar to that of the north of Runing. Those "hairy gourds" were also a little surprised and confused after hearing this.

"It seems to be the accent of Runing Mansion, but I haven't heard of any big bandits there?"

"Come on, won't we find out if we ask?"

After all the people had reached a consensus, they couldn't help but ask: "You have a Runing accent now and a Shaanxi accent now. How can we tell the truth from the false? I don't know what evidence can make us believe it?"

How the hell do I have any evidence for this? Do I still want to accuse your hometown and let the people in the city dig up my ancestral graves and throw a snake in and chop them up?

Believe it or not, who is still spoiling you? Although it was a pity, Zhang Shun was still prepared to order the root cause to be eradicated.

Be careful if the city figures it out and lets them in, it will not be conducive to attacking the city in the future.

As a result, just when Zhang Shun raised his hand to give an order, he somehow remembered the incident with the two beauties Yun Yu, one big and one small.

Zhang Shun's eyes lit up and he couldn't help but smile: "Please wait a moment, my mother-in-law happens to be in the camp. I will shout a few words to you!"

Then Zhang ordered Gao Guiying to call the two of them over.

It turned out that the princess and the princess were hiding in the tent and shivering when they heard the fighting outside.

It was finally quiet when the wait outside finally calmed down, but after waiting for a while, Zhang Shun did not come back. They had no choice but to cover their heads and hide under the quilt, like an ostrich burying its head in the sand.

I don’t know how long it took, but I finally heard the sound of someone coming in, and then I asked in a trembling voice: “Who?”


"Huh~" The two of them breathed a sigh of relief and showed their heads. The two recognized Gao Guiying's voice and knew that Zhang Shun was back too.

If they looked carefully, there was no one else but Gao Guiying and a few soldiers she had brought back.

The two of them couldn't help but have a bad premonition: "Where is the master?"

"I'm waiting for you two outside, hurry up and pack up!" Gao Guiying responded angrily.

"No, no, no, I don't want it. We have to wait here for the master to come back!" The two were shocked.

Just kidding, it's dark outside, who knows what you're going to do to us? Do you think we are three-year-old children?

Gao Guiying was holding back her anger, so she interrupted her... Bah, bah, bah... Not to mention that she was slapped with a slap in the face for interjecting a word, but these two silly women could still be "improvised" by Zhang Shun. "As a "mother-in-law", it really makes people feel dissatisfied.

So she simply held the knife and threatened: "Go, you can't get up yet!"

"Go, go, go!" The princess hurriedly pulled the princess and responded repeatedly. The suspicion that something had happened to the "thief" was confirmed in my heart, and I couldn't help but feel even more terrified.

Compared to others, although Zhang Shun was lustful, it was fortunate that Zhang Shun was lustful and the two of them did not end up in a more tragic ending. If it were anyone else, everything would be hard to explain.

Are you going to be sold? Or did it fall into the hands of other thieves? Or are you tired of it?

The two of them had a cold war, and they simply didn't dare to think about what would happen to them!

In fact, the two of them had nothing to pack. They simply washed their faces and followed Gao Guiying cautiously.

The two of them were frightened along the way. The journey of just over a mile seemed like a long road to hell.

They finally walked to the brightly lit place, one step at a time, and when they looked up, they saw an expressionless Zhang Shun.

In the past, they were still afraid of Zhang Shun. Now, in a moment of despair, things have suddenly taken a turn for the worse. How can I still control my inner excitement?

The two people couldn't help but pounced on Zhang Shun, staggering him, and then hugged him one by one and started crying.

Zhang Shun was suddenly attacked, and his first reaction was to pull out the steel whip from his waist and blow their heads off.

Fortunately, I looked through the light and saw two slender figures, so I hesitated. Immediately, it feels warm and soft in your arms, and the fragrant wind enters your nose.

Only then did Zhang Shun realize that it was the princess and the princess who rushed towards him. He couldn't help but be shocked: Are we so familiar with each other?

Fortunately, the two of them cried for a long time before they remembered that they were still among the crowd. They quickly pushed away Zhang Shun who was hugging them, wiped away his tears and snot, and said with a red face, "I hope everything is fine, sir. He scared us both to death!"

"What can happen to me?" Zhang Shun asked inexplicably, "I just called you here. I want you to help me shout a few words to persuade the brothers on the other side of the city to surrender."

Originally, Zhang Shun wanted to threaten them not to say anything they shouldn't.

As soon as Zhang Shun finished speaking, the two men couldn't help but nodded, and shouted loudly: "King Shun is handsome... benevolent and righteous, and he will do what he says. Please surrender as soon as possible!"

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