Please ask me to be the emperor

Chapter 756 Being a Dog

The "Mao Hulu" at the bottom of the city looked through the firelight from the rebel army and saw two women running over from the other side.

They hugged Zhang Shun and cried and laughed, and their relationship was very close.

Then they shouted to him in Runing's accent, and they immediately believed him.

According to the usual experience of these "mao gourds", almost every woman who falls into the hands of "thieves and bandits" survives, not to mention the humiliation.

Even if he is lucky enough to survive, he will probably be like a marionette with a dull expression. How can he be so alive?

I think it must be the original match! Only then did everyone believe Zhang Shun's words.

Afterwards, after some bargaining between the two sides, these hairy gourds took the initiative to walk out of the range of the city wall and surrendered to Zhang Shun.

And so many things happened under Nanyang City, but the people on the city remained indifferent. He neither stopped nor promised any benefits to win them over.

Zhang Shun couldn't help but sigh: "We know that Nanyang City has fallen!"

Gao Guiying knew that Zhang Shun was trying to boost morale, so he answered, "Dad, what do you say?"

"A strong man asked for orders to go to war and returned, but he was left outside the city by the mediocre people in the city. Human hearts are made of flesh, how can we not feel the sorrow of a rabbit dying and a fox?"

"The masters in the city are well-dressed and well-fed, but they enjoy all the wealth and honor. They don't take the lives of poor soldiers seriously. How can they be willing to die? With one thing going down and the other going up, Nanyang City is not difficult to attack!"

When everyone heard this, they realized that Li'er was indeed Li'er, and their morale immediately increased. Although they were delayed for most of the night, they were still able to get up and attack the city early the next morning.

Things turned out just as Zhang Shun expected. The rebels were full of momentum, but the officers and soldiers had low morale and no fighting spirit. Even daily patrols began to be perfunctory.

At this time in the city, the Nanyang magistrate was sullen, looking at the dozens of tables of wine and food in the courtyard without saying a word.

"Sir, the King of Tang and his famous figures in the city came to visit. I don't know how to deal with it?" the housekeeper walked in and asked in fear.

"We invite people over to watch a joke, how else can we respond?" Nanyang magistrate sarcastically said, "Please come in, sir, my old face has been completely disgraced by Ren Guangrong!"

It was okay not to mention Ren Guangrong. When the Nanyang magistrate mentioned this matter, the housekeeper quickly asked: "President Ren Qian is shirtless now and is holding a thorn outside to plead guilty. What should I do?"

"What should I do? Cold! He still has the nerve to plead guilty?" As soon as the Nanyang magistrate heard about him, he became very angry.

"Immediately take away his seat and throw all the wine, meat, fruits and vegetables out to me to feed the dogs!"

The so-called President Ren Qian, whose real name is Ren Guangrong. Originally from Mao Hulu, he was promoted to the post of Qian Zong because he was young, vigorous, good at martial arts, and had meritorious service in killing enemies many times.

Now he was in a bad situation when he went out to fight in the city, and he was almost locked up outside Nanyang City by the officers and soldiers.

Fortunately, he took advantage of the main force of the rebel army to besiege the main force of "Mao Hulu" and took advantage of the cover of night to escape to the west gate of the city with dozens of his cronies.

The guard at Ximen was familiar with him, so he secretly let him in without telling the Nanyang magistrate.

Ren Guangrong knew that he could not escape his guilt, and he did not care about his resentment against the Nanyang magistrate and was about to kill himself, so he discussed with several brothers: "If you are not afraid of officials, you are afraid of management. Now that we have failed to attack the camp, we have lost many brothers. How should I explain to the prefect?"

The brothers can still fight and kill each other, so it would be really embarrassing for them to come up with an idea.

Everyone frowned for a long time, and suddenly someone said: "People often say that there are seven-rank officials in front of the prime minister's door. This matter has to fall on the old housekeeper of the prefecture!"

Ren Guangrong had no choice but to collect dozens of taels of broken silver and send them away. The old housekeeper gave him a trick to imitate Lian Po's apology.

The weather in the first month is still chilly. Ren Guangrong knelt shirtless for a long time. Not only did his knees hurt, but he was also shivering from the cold.

Finally seeing the butler coming out, he hurriedly walked over and asked in a low voice: "I wonder how the prefect is planning to punish us?"

"Just wait!" the housekeeper replied angrily, "Because of this, I got scolded too!"

After saying this, he first welcomed in the guests such as the king of Tang Dynasty, celebrities and military officers who had just arrived.

Not long after, the housekeeper led a few more good dogs out, tied them to the door, and ordered the servants to put the bowls and plates over one after another for the dogs to eat.

Ren Guangrong went out to fight at night and asked for forgiveness in the morning. He was already hungry after working all night.

When he saw that so much food was wasted, he couldn't help but asked regretfully: "What's going on? How can such good food be fed to dogs?"

"These are your food and drinks, do you understand what I mean?" the old butler said with a smile.

Ren Guangrong's face suddenly turned livid, and his eyes wanted to spit out fire.

"A scholar cannot be killed without humiliation, right?" The old housekeeper couldn't help but sneered when he saw it, "If you have the guts, just stab me to death in front of my face, risk the lives of my whole family, and go out to join the bandits!"

"If you don't have the guts, just treat your grandson like a dog and let me calm down! You must know that the prefect's face is his face. Do you call this face? You are an ass, you have no face!"

"Yes, you are right, you can wake up the dreamer with just one word!" Ren Guangrong could only say with a shy smile, "What did the old man say? Just think of your ideas to make me happy, I will remember your kindness!"

"That's more like it! When the old housekeeper saw that he was convinced, he smiled and said, "When the master asks you later, just climb in and say, 'I'm here to guard the door for you.' "

"The master asked you to sit down, but you refused and said: 'That's a place for people to eat, where is the place for a dog like me?'"

"If the master wants to ask you whose dog it is, just say: 'Sir, you don't remember, I am your watchdog!'"

"Just memorize it by heart, and I will explain it to you when the time comes!"

Hearing this, Ren Guangrong couldn't help but thank him profusely. When the old housekeeper left, he couldn't help but bleed from the corner of his mouth.

It turns out that this guy is only in his twenties, which is when he is young and energetic. How can he bear this birdiness?

But thinking about the family members, parents and brothers, I had no choice but to endure it. I gritted my teeth and made my gums bleed.

Not long after, I heard the prefect shout: "Where is Mr. Ren Qian? Today, I specially invited him to a banquet. How come he hasn't come yet?"

Ren Guangrong closed his eyes in pain for a while, then climbed in hand and foot, and responded flatteringly: "Master, Ren Guangrong has arrived early and is guarding the door for you outside!"

Everyone was stunned when they heard this, and burst into laughter. Even Tang Wang Zhu Yujian pointed and said with a smile: "There are such shameless people in the world!"

He didn't know how long the laughter lasted, but Ren Guangrong felt that he was even inferior to a wild dog.

He couldn't remember exactly what he said. He only remembered that those people kept laughing, laughing at a shameless person and a clown.

It was as if he was no longer a person, but a dog, a real dog!

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