Please ask me to be the emperor

Chapter 847 Breakthrough

"Let's try it with a blast!" Zhang Shun frowned as he looked at the pass in front of him.

No wonder Zhang Shun was worried. Who would have thought that Jindou Pass is three to four feet high and three to four feet wide. Compared with most city walls that are more than ten feet wide, this is just a small mountain of earth.

It turns out that Chinese-style city walls have used rammed earth as the main construction method since records began.

"Mencius" once said: Shun was born in the countryside, and Fu Shuo was in the building.

This Fu Shuo is said to be the prime minister of King Wu Ding of Shang Dynasty. His so-called "started from building" means building rammed earth walls for people when he was not prosperous. This shows that our country's rammed earth technology has a long history.

The so-called "ban building" means that the board is a plywood and the building is a wooden pestle.

To build a wall, first clamp it with plywood, put in the middle a mixture of soil, slaked lime and sand, then vibrate and tamp it with a wooden pestle, and the city wall is completed.

Even in order to pursue the quality of wall construction, a large amount of glutinous rice juice is added to the rammed earth of most city walls to enhance the strength of the city walls.

After the rammed earth wall was built, it looked like ordinary earth on the surface, but it was actually surprisingly strong. According to later research, good quality Sanhe soil has a strength equivalent to later C15 standard concrete.

Although Zhang Shun didn't know the strength of this triple soil, he looked at the thickness of this golden douguan.

Even if these are made of ordinary clay, it is enough to be daunting.

What's more, this pass was built during the Hongwu period of the Ming Dynasty. At that time, the country was newly established, the king was wise and the ministers were wise, and the war had just ended. Naturally, the majestic pass he built could not be mixed with any water.

The heavy "Qingtian General Cannon" was dragged and pushed by dozens of cattle and people, and it slowly plowed deep ruts. It took an unknown amount of effort to move to the rebel position in front of the pass.

Governor Zhang quickly ordered people to adjust the firing angle of the artillery, observe the shooting distance, and charge and reload the ammunition.

After everything was done, he quickly asked Zhang Shun for instructions: "His Royal Highness King Shun, the 'Qingtian General Cannon' is ready, please give the order!"

"Shoot!" Zhang Shun gave the order, and then the gunner commander received the order and repeated the order: "Shoot!"

With a loud "Boom!", the huge "Qingtian General Cannon" suddenly retreated, and then fireworks violently sprayed out from the muzzle.

A huge iron bullet was like an arrow leaving the string. It broke through the smoke with a "swish" and flew out. With a "dong" sound, it hit the Jindou Pass city wall opposite.

All of a sudden, the mud and sand fell, and the Jindou Pass, which was as stable as Mount Tai, seemed to tremble!

The battlefield was silent for an unknown period of time. The smoke spread and got into the nostrils of the nearby soldiers, causing a coughing sound. Only then did everyone wake up.

Immediately, the rebels below the city cheered: "Hey! 'The sky is invincible, the city is about to be destroyed!"

In Zhang Shun's view, although the sound and light effects of this 10,000-kilogram Hongyi cannon are indeed good, the firepower alone is actually far behind. He and the others had gone through a lot of hard work, but they could only throw a fifty-pound iron bullet. If they wanted to break through a three- to four-foot-thick city wall with this thing alone, it would be an impossible task.

However, for people of this era, just hearing the deafening sound of this artillery can't help but feel dizzy and pale.

Not to mention that just this one shot consumed twenty-five kilograms of black powder. Coupled with the narrowness of Yuhuang Alley Slope and the echo effect caused by the cliffs on both sides, this huge noise was even more intensified. It made everyone's ears buzz and they couldn't recover for a long time.

However, the faces of the soldiers in Jinduuguan City had already turned earthy, as if they were mourning for their heirs. Some were trembling and paralyzed on the ground; some peed their pants on the spot; and some had headaches like pounded garlic, muttering in their mouths that God's punishment had arrived!

Fortunately, the guard at Jindou Pass was still somewhat conscious. He quickly drew out his sword and shouted loudly: "The thief just got two Hongyi cannons from somewhere. What's so strange about it?"

"My Jindou Pass is as solid as gold and rock. How can something like this be broken?"

While scolding, he kicked his knife and slapped his feet, calling for the trembling soldiers to fight.

What kind of person is Zhang Shun? Although he knows very well that the "Qingtian Grand Cannon" will actually be difficult to break into the city for a while, but now the morale of the soldiers is high, it is the opportunity to use troops.

He laughed quickly and said: "God help me, send such a 'Qingtian General' to help our army, why should I break this great barrier!"

"Where is Chen Changzhen? Quickly order the artillery at Xiaoyuanzhai to suppress it, and fire the Qingtian General Cannon, Feibiao Gun, Golden Cannon, and Field Cannon under the city!"

"First break its gate, then break its city, and conquer this city in one go!"

Chen Changzhen has followed Zhang Shun for a long time and has a tacit understanding. As soon as he heard Zhang Shun's words, he knew that he actually wanted to blast open the city gate and seize the opportunity.

He quickly pulled Governor Zhang over and whispered: "A small number of people attack the city wall, and most of the firepower is focused on Jin Dou to close the city gate!"

"This..." Governor Zhang hesitated for a moment, obviously already understanding what Zhang Shun was going to do, "Then the original city gate was broken long ago, but now it is the Thousand Jin Gate that fell at Jindou Pass."

"Not to mention whether the shot will hit, but even if it does, how can it break through the gate covered with thousands of pounds of fine iron?"

"Try it, what if you win?" Chen Changzhen was actually a little unconfident, but after all, it was his brother who gave the order, and he must not refute his face.

"Okay!" Governor Zhang nodded. There was no good way anyway, so I might as well give it a try.

For a time, the rebel position was under fire, and countless large and small artillery shells poured towards Jindou Pass.

At this time, the artillery of the officers and soldiers was interfered by the artillery fire commanded by Li You on "Xiaoyuan Village", making it difficult to counterattack.

The rebels were even more unscrupulous, constantly repeating the steps of shooting, resetting, cleaning the barrel, charging, loading, and shooting.

The city wall in front of Jindou Pass suddenly received countless cannonballs. Mud, sand and bricks rained down one after another, and the surface began to become riddled with holes.

From time to time, some flying bombs fired by flying guns flew to the city wall, making loud explosions.

It's just that this scene looks lively, but in fact it still can't move the enemy at all.

Zhang Shun frowned and scolded in a low voice: "Shoot the city gate!"

Governor Zhang couldn't help but look embarrassed, and was about to tell him that the artillery shells often missed their target, so how could they point to where to hit?

Unexpectedly, I only heard a loud noise and saw a huge cannonball smashing into the city gate, smashing a hole in the "thousand catty gate"!

Can it be done? Governor Zhang couldn't help but be shocked.

It turns out that due to workmanship issues, the shells and barrels of artillery of this era did not fit perfectly.

The diameter of the cannonball is normally much smaller than the bore, which is called "play". Generally, the "clearance" is between one-fifth and one-tenth of the muzzle diameter, so the accuracy of the artillery can be imagined.

When Zhang Shun was casting the "Qingtian General Cannon", he creatively adopted the process of building the cannon bore around iron pillars.

According to Zhang Shun's level, it is easy to design a straight and smooth cylinder. Although the barrel of the "Qingtian General Cannon" produced by the way may not be as smooth as the milled barrel, it is far smoother and smoother. .

A huge benefit brought by this is that the clearance of the "Qingtian General Cannon" is only about 6%, and the accuracy of the artillery shells is far higher than that of ordinary artillery.

The straight and rounded barrel brought great convenience and good accuracy to Zhang Shun's calculation of the axis of the barrel and the drawing of the aiming marks on the artillery.

With the superposition of these benefits, the direct-aiming accuracy of Qingtian General's cannon increased sharply, and it only took three rounds to hit the city gate of Jindou Pass.

Driven by twenty-five kilograms of black gunpowder, the fifty-kilogram iron ball easily tore apart the thousand-jin gate wrapped in fine iron.

One, two, three... more and more shells hit the thousand-jin gate, and not long after, the gate was riddled with holes and fell to the ground!

"The barrier has been broken, the barrier has been broken!" The rebels who were under the sudden force of the pass couldn't help but be ecstatic when they saw this, and they shouted one after another.

Chen Changzhen had already organized a "selecting vanguard team" and personally led the charge.

He vowed to win this level in one fell swoop to relieve the hatred in his heart!

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