Please ask me to be the emperor

Chapter 848: Breakthrough (Part 2)

Chen Changzhen led thirty elite men, all wearing double armor and holding broadswords, long axes, and fire guns. They took advantage of the opportunity of being suppressed by rebel artillery at Jindou Pass and rushed over.

After closing the door, a few long arrows and projectiles were shot sporadically, but I don't know where they hit.

When Chen Changzheng came to the city gate, he saw that the thousand-jin gate wrapped in fine iron had been blasted by the "Qingtian General Cannon" to open several holes and cracks. However, due to the restrictions of the fine iron outside, it could not accommodate soldiers to pass through.

At this time, the cannons rumbling overhead, gravel and sand rustled down, and the helmets of the soldiers hit them "dang-dang".

Chen Changzhen made a quick decision and immediately ordered: "Chop with a knife and axe!"

This Thousand Jin gate is about two or three inches thick. It is wrapped with fine iron on the outside and solid wood on the inside. It is extremely strong. It turns out that it is difficult to break with swords and axes, and it is difficult to damage with fire guns. Fortunately, the rebels made a 10,000-kilogram Hongyi cannon and fired 50-jin iron bullets, which could easily penetrate the cannon.

After the Thousand Jin Gate was pierced by rebel artillery shells, although only a six or seven-inch hole was left in the fine iron outside, the solid wood inside cracked along the grain.

Chen Changzhen and others followed the cracked texture of the wood and took turns hacking from top to bottom.

When I closed the door and heard the clinking sound of chopping, I immediately became anxious. Under the inducement of the defender, some people took advantage of the gaps in the firing of rebel artillery to shoot arrows, muskets, and throw rocks and other objects at the pass.

"Close to the city wall, all close to the city wall, keep chopping!" Chen Changzhen shouted while ordering the soldiers to speed up chopping.

Several of the swords and axes had their blades broken, so they had to be thrown aside and replaced with new ones to continue chopping.

The rebels have already cut a crack along the crack of the solid wood inside the Qianjin Gate. They still need to cut another crack, and then cut off the entire piece so that the soldiers can enter.

Zhang Shun looked at it from a distance and couldn't help but feel anxious. The sworn brother Chen Changzhen and these thirty good men are now in a situation where they are passively beaten. If there is an emergency, how will he face his sister-in-law Wang?

He originally thought that his sworn brother Chen Changzhen had fought hard in Tongguan to no avail, so this time he was asked to go into battle to catch the enemy, which would be an explanation. But he never expected that this thousand-pound gate would be so strong.

Only then did Zhang Shun realize that as long as this Thousand Jin Gate was easy to break through, how could it be allowed to remain until now? If it had not been for relying on the power of the "Qingtian General Cannon" this time, I am afraid that the rebel army would still be in despair and be overwhelmed by the troops.

Just when Zhang Shung thought of this, he suddenly saw several packages thrown down from Jindou Pass and hit the city wall, scattering a large amount of white powder and causing a burst of smoke.

Then the powder fell all over the soldiers in the city, just like a light snowfall in March.

Zhang Shunzheng was confused, but he heard several soldiers covering their eyes, rolling around and screaming.

"What's going on?" Zhang Shun asked Governor Zhang quickly.

"Zhi Niang, this is quicklime!" Governor Zhang couldn't help gritting his teeth. He quickly turned around and ordered to the soldiers beside him, "Go get a pot of oil and send it up quickly!"

The soldier went away quickly after hearing this, and Governor Zhang explained: "Quicklime boils when it meets water, so it must not be washed with clean water. Only by using oil in time can we have a chance of rescue!"

Hey, I still need you to teach me this? Of course Zhang Shun knew that quicklime should not be exposed to water, but he did not expect that the rebels could use oil to solve the problem of quicklime getting into the eyes.

It turned out that the officers and soldiers suffered a disastrous defeat, and Zuo Guangxian led his soldiers to retreat to Tongguan. However, due to the long-term peace of the country and the depletion of armaments, many of the wood cannons and artillery stones on Jindou Pass and Tongguan have been lost, and the firepower of firecrackers, bows and arrows alone is weak.

It happened that a lot of quicklime and sand were piled up near the checkpoint in preparation for repairing the city gate.

Zuo Guang first ordered people to take quicklime, crush it, wrap it in paper and cloth and throw it downward to stop the rebels.

Where have the rebels seen this before? Immediately, there were heavy injuries, and many people had their eyes burned or even blinded.

Cao Wenzhao and Chen Changzhen offered a large reward for the solution. Fortunately, there was a cook in the rebel army who had encountered a similar situation before. He proposed to wash his eyes with oil, which solved the problem.

This is really "the natives have their own methods." Although the ancients may not understand the principles, the bloody experiences and lessons passed down from their ancestors are also their strategies for survival.

Not long after, soldiers rushed forward, braving the guns, cannons, bows and arrows of the officers and soldiers. They brought oil to clean the eyes that were blinded by quicklime. Chen Changzhen and others tried their best to chop the Qianjin gate.

After another long while, only a burst of cheers was heard.

Immediately, there were fewer and fewer rebel soldiers outside Jindou Gate. As the last person got in, Zhang Shun saw that a small door on the thousand-jin gate had been opened by the rebel soldiers with knives and axes.

"Okay!" Zhang Shun became energetic and couldn't help but order, "Send someone to follow quickly, we can't let Changzhi and others fight alone!"

Although Jinduuguan and Tongguan are both called Guan, they are different. The former is actually just a level, while the latter is a city gate.

The difference between the two is that the latter is really a city. It not only has city walls and gates, but also the family members and soldiers of Tongguan Guard living in the city.

However, Jindou Pass is just a large mound. Except for a closed door for people to enter and exit, there is nothing, not even a closed tower.

When Chen Changzhen led everyone to break through the Thousand Jin Gate of Jindou Pass, they only saw an empty space behind the pass without any buildings.

It turns out that officers and soldiers are stationed at this three to four-foot-thick pass. If the enemy cannot be eliminated, the rebels will still be unable to pass.

Chen Changzhen looked around and saw a narrow staircase on the side behind Jindou Pass. He quickly ordered: "Kill him, the other brothers in the rebel army will follow immediately!"

The twenty or thirty people led by Chen Changzhen were all brave men. When they heard this, they didn't even frown. They held a shield in one hand and a knife in the other, and rushed up against the city wall.

The officers and soldiers at the gate also discovered the rebels in time and quickly used bows, arrows and projectiles to shoot at the rushing soldiers. It's just that because these soldiers are wearing double armor, Yamaru cannot enter.

The two sides quickly came into contact with each other. Because the stairs to the pass were very narrow, only one person could pass through. Moreover, one side of the stairs was suspended in the air, so the rebel soldiers could only rely on the wall on the right to fight, unable to move, and were soon driven down again by the officers and soldiers.

"Lefty, who the hell is a lefty? Come up to the front!" Chen Changzhen couldn't help but yelled loudly.

Only a left-hander can hold a shield in his right hand and a knife in his left hand, avoiding the obstruction of the wall on the right and fighting to his heart's content.

But before Chen Changzhen could find Zuoyi and come forward, the officers and soldiers descended the stairs, intending to eliminate these twenty or thirty people in one fell swoop. Chen Changzhen quickly ordered his soldiers to block the officers and soldiers at the entrance of the stairs, making it impossible for the opponent to take advantage of their large numbers.

Thank you to fans "Boes", "hewle", "20210301106453758774" and "160222231033534" for your multiple tips. Thank you for your support!

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