Please ask me to be the emperor

Chapter 913 Night Attack

It is said that after the rebels were stationed at Liujiaying that night, they were all exhausted physically and mentally.

Zhang Shun felt as if his legs were going to waste and the pain was unbearable.

Gao Guiying asked the soldiers to boil some hot water to wash his feet, but when he took off his shoes, he saw that his socks had already been soaked with blood and sticky.

Gao Guiying pulled slightly, and Zhang Shun grimaced in pain.

It turned out that the scab on the wound had become knotted with the sock, making it difficult to separate.

There was no other way, so Gao Guiying had to find scissors and cut off the excess part of the socks.

Soak the rest of it in water as much as possible and peel it off slowly; if it cannot be peeled off, cut off the excess and wait for it to fall off on its own.

"It hurts, it hurts!" Zhang Shun opened his hands and shouted with a ferocious expression.

"Stop shouting, it's your own fault. If you don't ride a good war horse, who's to blame?" Gao Guiying carefully uncovered it and replied angrily.

"Okay, it's almost done!" After uncovering it for a while, Gao Guiying wiped it with a cloth and applied white medicine on it. Then he breathed a sigh of relief and said, "My lord, please be more careful next time, okay?"

"The human heart is made of flesh. We chase the officers and soldiers with one breath. If I can't share the joys and sorrows with the soldiers, how can everyone obey me?" Zhang explained by the way.

"Okay, okay, it's almost time. Let's not talk anymore. Let's go to bed early!" Doesn't Gao Guiying know the reason?

She just felt sorry for him and wanted to complain.

The camp was just established and the conditions were simple, so the two of them couldn't care much. They just spread some straw on the ground, hugged each other, wrapped a quilt and fell asleep.

It's just that Zhang Shun has never suffered such a crime in his life. His feet hurt so much that he couldn't sleep.

What's even more disgusting is that because Gao Guiying was too tired, she actually snored.

Although Zhang Shun had a splitting headache, he just couldn't sleep.

Now he has pain in the upper part of his head and pain in the lower part of his head. It really hurts both heads. But he was afraid of waking Gao Guiying, so he had to lie there in front of him and ponder the current predicament.

I don’t know how long it took, but the sound of sleeping and snoring could be heard everywhere in the camp.

One after another, like a symphony.

One sound, two sounds, three sounds.

Zhang Shun counted silently for a while, and then suddenly and inexplicably remembered the paragraph about counting plum blossoms in "The Passionate Swordsman". Could it be that he was so lonely too?

Just as he was thinking about it, suddenly there was a faint scream.

Zhang Shun got excited and quickly pushed Gao Guiying, but failed to wake him up.

He pushed a little harder and finally pushed Gao Guiying out.

"What are you doing!" Gao Guiying was startled, and then asked in a daze while trying to climb in.

"Enemy attack!" Zhang Shun ignored the pain in his feet and got up first, put on a coat and walked out.

"What!" Gao Guiying suddenly woke up, quickly grabbed the knife, and then put on her clothes in a panic.

As soon as Zhang Shun came out of the camp, a cold wind suddenly blew. He shuddered and looked around in the moonlight.

I saw that the bonfire outside had been extinguished, only tents were standing there, and there was no sign of anyone moving.

The two "door gods" Wukong and Wang Jinyi were lying on the left and right at the door of their tent, and the other guards were also lying on the ground.

Zhang Shun stepped forward and kicked each other.

"Ah? What are you doing!" Wukong and Wang Jinyi jumped up and were about to get angry, but when they saw it was Zhang Shun, their tone softened.

"The enemy is attacking, wake up the brothers quickly!" Zhang Shun couldn't help but ordered in a low voice.

"Wang Jinyi, go and wake up He Renlong and He Jin quickly and ask them to restrain the troops and not to disrupt the formation!"

"General, take your orders!" Wang Jinyi hurriedly went after hearing this, while the other guards were being woken up by Wukong's kicks one by one.

"What are you doing? You're keeping people awake in the middle of the night!" Everyone was already extremely sleepy and couldn't help but complain.

A few even wanted to practice with the person who woke them up, but they gave up after finding out that it was Wukong who was nine feet tall.

"Dad, did you hear me wrong?" At this time, Gao Guiying had already put on her worn cotton armor, opened the curtain and came out to ask.

"It's better to be wrong than to have your head chopped off for no reason!" In fact, Zhang Shun was a little unsure at this time, but it was better to be cautious in everything.

"Go to the camp gate!" Seeing that everyone was almost ready, Zhang Bian took the lead and left quickly.

When Gao Guiying saw that Zhang Shun was still wearing clothes, not to mention asking for a fight, even if he went out on the street, he would be laughed at.

She quickly dressed him and said to Wukong: "Hurry up and take people to the gate of the camp to see what's going on. Don't yell or make any noise. We'll be there soon!"

"Master?" Wukong glanced at Zhang Shun uncertainly. Wukong learns wisdom from every experience. Although Wukong is stupid, he also knows that if he leaves him, he will be captured by some monster if he cannot save his master.

Especially this big-footed woman, she has a bit of a monster look, so you must be careful!

"It's okay, I'll be fine soon. I can follow you!" Zhang Shun was busy getting dressed while rejecting Gao Guiying's suggestion to wear another armor.

Wukong and others had just set off when the noise at the camp gate to the east started, and the sound of killing was loud.

It turned out that after Zuo Guangxian heard that the rebels were stationed in Liujiaying that night, he knew that if the rebels were to gain a firm foothold, Xi'an would never have peace.

So he personally selected more than a thousand elite cavalry and ordered You Zhaiyuan, who had been defeated without a fight before, to take advantage of his crime and perform meritorious service, and come to attack the camp.

This You Zhaiyuan was also a general of the You family, and of course he also knew the principle of surprise.

As a result, the officers and soldiers traveled thirty miles overnight and arrived near the Liujiaying camp of the rebel army.

Due to the dangerous situation of Liu's camp, the officers and soldiers could not use cavalry to conduct harassment raids. He then ordered the soldiers to temporarily place the horses in one place, leaving 200 people to guard them.

He led eight hundred soldiers and sneaked into the only entrance east of Liujiaying at night.

This place was the most dangerous. If the rebels were awakened and one man guarded the gate and ten thousand others could not open it, the officers and soldiers would naturally return without success. Then You Zhaiyuan ordered more than ten people to go and check the sentry.

Zhang Shun set up camp and always liked the combination of open and hidden sentries to prevent the guard from losing its guard.

You Zhaiyuan didn't know how powerful Zhang Shun was. The men he sent up successfully touched the rebel's open sentry, but unexpectedly, they were discovered by the hidden sentry who was staring at the open sentry.

It's just that the secret whistle was too sleepy and took a nap. When he was woken up, he didn't realize what happened.

The sharpshooter sent by You Zhaiyuan reacted first and shot him to death on the spot with one arrow.

The secret whistle let out a low scream, and it was this scream that revealed the officers and soldiers' intentions.

It is said that You Zhaiyuan sent someone to contact the rebels and knocked down seven or eight of the rebel sentries. They happened to pass through the gate of the rebel camp and couldn't help shouting loudly and rushing in.

Due to the backward lighting technology and night blindness in ancient times, the killing efficiency of night battles was actually very low.

Therefore, when attacking camps at night, they usually use bluff, mainly shouting, making noise and setting fires, supplemented by charging and killing.

As long as the enemy's camp is in chaos, it will not only damage the enemy's morale, but also cause stampedes and camp roars, causing indirect damage!

But as soon as the officers and soldiers rushed in, they met a tall man head-on.

I saw that he didn't make any moves, he only knocked down five or six people with one stick, one after another, and then he put the iron stick back and shouted loudly: "The Monkey King, the Monkey King is here, who can come and die!" "

The second update has been completed. I wish everyone a happy National Day!

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