Please ask me to be the emperor

Chapter 914: Retreating from the Enemy

Wukong stood there in a suit of iron armor, majestic and majestic. The officers and soldiers who came to attack the camp were immediately frightened and couldn't help but subconsciously take a few steps back.

"Ignore him, hurry up and harass the fire prevention!" You Zhai couldn't help but shouted at the sight.

When Wukong heard the sound, his eyes were like lightning, and he shouted: "Who are you? A certain family will not kill the nameless general!"

You Zhaiyuan was frightened at first, and then he couldn't help but said with joy: "What a coincidence, that certain person is an unknown person, please don't kill me!"

"How dare you, my bastard, to make fun of the Sa family!" Wukong couldn't help being furious, and he came over to kill him with an iron rod in hand.

This guy is born with divine power, who can stop him? Immediately, gods were killed when gods were standing in their way, and Buddhas were killed when Buddha was standing in front of them. For a while, officers and soldiers were running wild, crying for their fathers and mothers.

You Zhaiyuan was so frightened that his liver and gallbladder were split apart. He couldn't help but hid in Tibet and cursed angrily: "But you are a man who doesn't keep his word. Why don't you promise not to kill unknown generals?"

"Old Sun is coaxing you, idiot!" Wukong chuckled, knocking over a few more people.

You Zhai was shocked and frightened by the sight, and quickly stepped back to avoid its sharp edge.

Wukong kills him again, but You Zhaiyuan, who is chasing him, is like a frightened mouse, running around.

It's just that although Wukong is brave, there is only one person, and he cannot repel and annihilate all the offending officers and soldiers in the future.

Many officers and soldiers still took the opportunity to walk to the rebel camp and started killing people and setting fires.

Zhang Shun and Gao Guiying happened to arrive together. He quickly ordered his guards to expel the officers and soldiers, while cursing: "This monkey is trying to show off his talents again. I gave him so many elites for nothing, but he forgot them all when he went crazy!"

At this time, some tents were already burning, and the officers and soldiers in the tents ran out.

Some picked up swords and guns and fought with the officers and soldiers, while others ran around.

When Zhang Shun saw that something was wrong, he quickly shouted: "For the tents that were not under fire, the soldiers were all lined up outside the tents for defense. They were not allowed to go forward and fight at will!"

"The soldiers in the camp who were attacked all moved closer to me and listened to my command!"

At the same time, He Jin and He Renlong also received the order conveyed by Wang Jinyi and quickly gathered their soldiers to maintain order in the camp.

In the camp at the rear, some soldiers came out to watch the fun, but they were beaten back with sticks by the guards led by He Jin and He Renlong.

The camps that were attacked on the front line, after surviving the early chaos, began to launch a defensive counterattack in an orderly manner under the command of Zhang Shun.

The number of officers and soldiers infiltrated was not large, and their general You Zhaiyuan was chased all over the ground by Wukong, and he had no time to command.

At first they were able to take advantage of the rebels' lack of reaction to fish in troubled waters, but when Zhang Shun reorganized, the officers and soldiers could no longer resist.

Under the command of Zhang Shun, lanterns were hung at the entrances of the rebel camps, and the counterattacking teams were driven out and killed camp by camp in units of tens.

"Ah~ah!" Several more officers and soldiers were picked out by the rebels and stabbed to death on the spot.

"Dad, it seems that everything is almost done!" Gao Guiying said excitedly.

Under the light of the nearby fire, Zhang Shun was stunned when he saw Gao Guiying's smiling face.

Then I realized that this was a battlefield, not a love scene.

Zhang Shun temporarily suppressed his charming thoughts and said with a smile: "Thanks to my understanding at the time, I suddenly realized that it might be a night attack by officers and soldiers, otherwise the consequences would be disastrous!"

"King Shun!"

"Your Highness King Shun, are you okay?"

Just as Zhang Shun was still feeling frightened, guards led by He Renlong, He Jin and Wang Jinyi also arrived one after another and hurriedly inquired.

"It's okay, what can happen to me!" Zhang Shun smiled, patted his chest, and cursed, "These thieves are really hateful, they actually delayed the brothers' rest, what a killer!"

"Thanks to King Shun's alertness, we survived!" He Renlong and others couldn't help but slap their horses, and both sides exchanged polite words.

It was only then that Wang Jinyi remembered someone and couldn't help but ask: "Where is Wukong? He loves to be in the limelight the most, why can't he be seen today?"

"He must have gone after the officers and soldiers!" Zhang Shun only directed the troops to fight and actually forgot about this guy.

He quickly ordered: "Jinyi, take a hundred brothers and follow him to have a look. Don't break Wukong!"

"Yes!" Wang Jinyi responded quickly.

Although the two often quarreled in the past, there was still a sense of brotherhood.

Although Wukong was brave, he was still made of flesh and blood, and Wang Jinyi was afraid that something might happen to him.

He quickly led his personal guards and chased them along the passage outside the camp.

The moonlight is not bad tonight, half of the jade plate hangs diagonally in the sky, and I can vaguely see the road conditions.

These personal guards led by Wang Jinyi are elites carefully selected from thousands of people, and they all have mounts.

Everyone took advantage of the moonlight and walked around the high plateau where the camp was located, heading westward.

After walking for about an incense stick, I suddenly heard the sound of horse hooves from the opposite side.

If you listen carefully, you can see that there are about seven or eight riders. Wang Jinyi quickly ordered his soldiers to ambush for the time being.

Now that the officers and soldiers were defeated and fled all the way to the west, this team of people went in the opposite direction. It is really admirable and lamentable.

He wanted to see which hero dared to turn around and attack the rebels when they were defeated.

Not long after, I saw five or six horses running towards me from the opposite side, among which a big man was sitting on top of the horse in the middle.

Wang Jinyi looked at his figure and couldn't help but feel something in his heart. He quickly shouted: "Who is here?"

"Your grandfather, the Monkey King, the Monkey King!" Sure enough, Wukong's voice came from the other side.

"You monkey, you are so powerful today!" Wang Jinyi scolded with a smile.

"White Dragon Horse, what are you doing here?" Wukong had already heard Wang Jinyi's voice and couldn't help but retorted.

It turns out that Wang Jinyi used to deliberately make Wukong angry, calling him "monkey" every time.

When he was annoyed, Wukong called him "White Dragon Horse" and asked him to enter the camp and let his master "ride" him.

When Wang Jinyi heard this, an unknown fire suddenly rose up, and he was about to scold him.

Unexpectedly, Wukong smiled and said: "Brother, wait a moment before you get angry, but I, Sun, have a good deal. I wonder if you will do it or not?"

"What kind of deal?" Wang Jinyi only said that he was making jokes and was not at all angry with him.

At this time, Wukong had just arrived and couldn't help but smile: "What do you think of my mount?"

Wang Jinyi took a closer look and was shocked. The horse was in complete darkness, almost invisible under the night.

But looking at its outline, it is eight feet high from the hooves to the neck, and one foot long from head to tail, which is no less than Lu Xiangsheng's mount Qianli Snow.

"What a horse!" As a military general, Wang Jinyi was naturally envious, "Where did you get it?"

"Three or five miles to the west from here is the place where the mounts of the officers and soldiers are kept." Wukong couldn't help but pointed, "I, Old Sun, rushed over and took advantage of the chaos to snatch a few horses!"

"Look, Liangzhou has great horses since ancient times. All the horses in Shaanxi are good. If you are brave, you can go with me!"

Wang Jinyi felt hot when he heard this and couldn't help but said loudly: "How dare you not, but if there are good horses coming, not to mention the defeated generals with more than a thousand remnants, even among thousands of troops, I will go!"

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