Please ask me to be the emperor

Chapter 918 Shocking Xi'an City

"King Zuojin" He Jin was also one of the first leaders to participate in the rebel uprising. He had always been bold, otherwise he would not have engaged in this beheading business.

Now, although there are obstacles in front of the rebels and reinforcements in the back, what does he have to fear?

He Jin simply arranged for the second division chief to lead 200 men to defend at the East Outer Gate. He himself led 500 men under his command to get on their horses and kill the officers and soldiers who came to support them.

Cavalry has been the king of land warfare in classical society since ancient times.

For the officers and soldiers who came to support them, the intended battlefield was street fighting, and they had no psychological preparation at all.

When He Jin led the team to charge, they were immediately dispersed.

The rebels charged back and forth along the street, killing the officers and soldiers who had retreated to both sides of the street.

Anyone who has never seen a cavalry charge cannot imagine how thrilling this overwhelming force is.

Together, the man and the horse are about eight feet tall, even two feet taller than the tall Wukong.

Including weapons and armor, he weighs seven to eight hundred kilograms, which is almost the same as the weight of two or three people.

In terms of speed, horses still have the upper hand in short distances and cannot be resisted by humans.

To a certain extent, infantry fighting cavalry is equivalent to fighting a giant two and a half meters tall and weighing seven to eight hundred. The psychological pressure can be imagined.

The reinforcements only resisted for a few rounds before turning around and running away, unable to resist He Jin's cavalry.

Seeing the officers and soldiers fleeing in retreat, He Jin hesitated for a moment, but actually advanced instead of retreating, and then followed the defeated soldiers and rushed over.

While He Jin was killing, he ordered his soldiers to shout loudly: "He Jin, the 'King of Zuo Jin' under King Shun, is here. Why are Gan Xuekuo and Zuo Guangxian hiding in the palace of King Qin?"

Not far to the east of the east outer gate of Prince Qin's Mansion are the Prince's Mansion of Lintong County and the General Mansion of Zhenguo, which are separated into streets to the north and south, with very few residential buildings.

The officers and soldiers were killed by the rebel cavalry and were unable to reach the sky or the ground.

Originally, in a normal street fight, the defeated party could take the opportunity to hide in a residential building and be safe and sound.

Unless the victorious party completely controls the situation in the city, it is impossible to conduct house-to-house searches and killings.

However, there is a prince's palace and a general's palace on both sides of the street. The long courtyard wall literally encompassed most of the street. How could the officers and soldiers have any place to hide?

A feast of killings bloomed from the Qin Prince's Palace to the street in front of the Lintong County Prince's Palace.

Bodies were scattered on both sides of the street, with most of the wounds coming from the back.

Blood not only covered both sides of the street, but was also scattered all over the walls on both sides.

Screams, wailings, begging for mercy and killing sounds spread like a tide into the high-profile houses on both sides. The clan members, who had not seen blood for two hundred years, were so frightened that they hid under the bed and shivered.

Their hearts felt like they were being grabbed and squeezed twice, so suffocated that they almost couldn't breathe.

The masters and servants, old and young, all had faces as earthy as color and trembled like chaff.

"King Zuo Jin is here, whoever comes to fight!"

A terrifying sound like thunder came from outside the house, which frightened everyone. The smell of feces and urine came from nowhere.

I don’t know how long it took, but there was finally no movement outside.

Then everyone raised their heads and looked at each other with lingering fear, and then quickly looked down at their crotches. Whoever was wet was embarrassed.

Just when everyone was about to breathe a sigh of relief, a voice suddenly sounded from somewhere: "The old lady has passed away!"

Everyone looked at each other, then quickly rubbed their eyes and cried softly: "Old Madam."

Then, he looked up and around with a horrified look, then lay down behind the door or the wall and listened for a long time before he had the courage to cry loudly.

Not to mention how the noble clan in Xi'an was frightened half to death by the "King of Zuo Jin" He Jin, but he led more than 500 cavalry to kill them all the way and cut down an entire street.

When they arrived at the street intersection in front, they saw officers and soldiers escaping to the north in a hurry.

On the north side is the main entrance of Lintong County Prince's Mansion, and on the other side are residential buildings. At this moment, the officers and soldiers were like spring water that found the exit and poured in one after another without paying any attention.

"King Zuo Jin" He Jin frowned, hesitated for a moment and was about to pursue him.

But suddenly I heard someone shouting: "General He, the Second Division is being besieged by officers and soldiers, please return your troops as soon as possible!"

"What's going on?" He Jin turned around and saw that it was the messenger sent by the Director of the Second Division who was rushing to deliver the news, and he couldn't help but ask.

"We don't know either. We only know that after the general killed this group of officers and soldiers, another group of officers and soldiers came soon. There were about a thousand people. They were quite powerful. The Second Division rebel army could not resist it." How did you know this in the chaos of the army? detailed?

The messenger only made a brief statement and waited for He Jin's decision.

Everything is under the fog of war. How to make a decision depends on the general's own judgment.

He Jin hesitated for a long time and thought to himself: The Prince of Qin's Palace is certainly the key point of Xi'an, so naturally officers and soldiers gathered everywhere, trying to repel our army in one fell swoop.

Now I am just looking for a flaw in the officers and soldiers to catch them off guard. If the stalemate lasts for a long time, it will definitely not be good for me.

If I risked a decisive battle with him, I wouldn't be even 50% sure. Now that the enemy may not know my truth or falsehood, why don't I show my strength to the enemy and disrupt Zuo Guangxian's decision?

Thinking of this, He Jin couldn't help but smile and pointed his finger: "You, and you, the two of you, as a team, go to various parts of the city to bluff, shout and fire, to intimidate the people in the city."

"You just shout loudly, 'Zuo Guangxian and Gan Xuekuo are dead. The rebels will not kill or torture them. Please put down your weapons and surrender as soon as possible.'"

"In half an hour, no matter what the effect is, come to the east outer gate of Prince Qin's Mansion to help me!"

"Yes, General!" Upon hearing this, the two flag commanders quickly held up their small flags and quickly disappeared into the street.

"King Zuo Jin" He Jin then smiled and said: "Let's go, help me follow me and meet old friends for a while!"

After this period of killing, He Jin himself became much more awake. With his cavalry of less than 2,000, it was simply a fantasy to attempt to seize the great city of Xi'an where more than 10,000 elite troops were stationed.

This matter was originally due to the carelessness of the guards in Xi'an, and a mistake was made due to a combination of circumstances, which allowed him to take advantage of it.

If you think that people's hearts are not as good as snakes swallowing elephants, are you afraid that you will be overwhelmed to death?

In fact, He Jin's guess was right this time. The enemy the two companies are fighting now is really He Jin's "old friend".

It turned out that the first wave of reinforcements from the officers and soldiers was from the Xi'an Right Guards in the northeast corner of Xi'an City. After hearing that the Qin Palace had suffered a loss, they reluctantly selected hundreds of capable men to build up their momentum.

The real reinforcements were the elite Zuo family members led by Zuo Guangxian's son Zuo Xing.

Since Zuo Guangxian can be as famous as Cao Wenzhao, "the best general of the Ming Dynasty", he naturally has two brushes.

In addition to the elite cavalry under his command, he also has more than a thousand elite servants under his command, one person and two horses, which is very powerful.

Historically, Zuo Guangxian once relied on this team to defeat Li Zicheng every time, and he could be called Li Zicheng's nemesis.

This relies on the elite combat skills and good mobility of this group of troops.

This time, when things got out of hand, he had to make a last-ditch effort!

There is only one chapter today, please forgive me!

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