"Bastard!" Zuo Guangxian, the commander-in-chief of Shaanxi Province, was furious. He grabbed the tea cup on the table, threw it to the ground and smashed it into pieces.

"How could I, Zuo Guangxian, a lifelong hero, give birth to a son like you!"

It turned out that Zuo Guangxian and Gan Xuekuo led three to four hundred elite troops to defend the Qin Palace together with the palace guards and servants. He had already sent his son Zuo Xing to look for his Zuo family servants.

Yansui was originally a land of elite soldiers, and he carefully selected them and raised them with double or triple pay, so that his servants were all brave and good at fighting, and could always obey orders.

This time the incident happened suddenly. In order to occupy the Prince of Qin's palace as soon as possible, Zuo Guangxian did not bother to mobilize elite servants, so he ordered his son Zuo Xian to go and mobilize troops with his own military orders.

Zuo Xian followed the order of his father Zuo Guangxian and mobilized six to seven hundred people to come to the Qin Palace to rescue him, while You Zhaiyuan was ordered by Zuo Guangxian to go to the east gate to seize the door.

Zuo Guangxian's judgment was very accurate. Zuo Guangxian was short of manpower. In fact, he was unable to control the city gate and attack the Qin Palace at the same time.

Now that Zuo Xian was able to break the siege of Prince Qin's Mansion, and You Zhaiyuan recaptured the east gate of Xi'an, He Jin's 1,500 people were really trapped in a desperate situation, with no chance of survival.

As a result, He Jin fought with Zuo's servants in front of the Prince of Qin's Mansion and was unsuccessful in the battle, so he led his troops to fight and retreat, all the way to the east gate.

When He Jin retreated to the east gate, Changle Gate, he saw that the city gate was closed. Someone on the city shouted: "'King Zuo Jin,' Changle Gate has been taken by me. If we don't surrender now, when will we wait?" "

"King Zuo Jin" He Jin looked up and was shocked to see the flags of officers and soldiers flying above the city gate.

At this moment, there was another cry of killing behind him. He Jin turned around and saw that it was Zuo Guangxian's son Zuo Xing who brought the servants of the Zuo family. It was another situation where there was a wolf in front and a tiger in the back.

He Jin couldn't help but shout loudly: "The officers and soldiers thought they were attacking us from both front and back, and we were cornered. But a certain person regarded the officers and soldiers as if they were like chickens and dogs!"

"When we are trapped in this situation, he must think that we will flee in a hurry. Someone will do the opposite. I want to blunt his edge first, and then rush out of the door, okay?"

"Why not?" He Jin's cavalrymen also had many desperadoes. They used to be picky and picky, but now that they were in a desperate situation, why not fight to the death?

He Jin, determined to die, led his cavalry to counterattack the elite servants led by Zuo Xing.

Zuo Xing had seven or eight hundred elite troops under his command to attack the rebel army with overwhelming force. He was young and vigorous, so he was at the forefront of the servants' pursuit.

Zuo Xing was suddenly startled when he encountered a desperate attack by the rebels.

Young Master Zuo considers himself to be of high status and has a lot of gold and silver beauties to enjoy at home. How can he risk his life with a mud-legged man?

When Zuo Ming saw this, he slapped his horse and moved out of the way to avoid its sharp edge.

It didn't matter if Zuo Xing hid, the officers and soldiers around him immediately followed suit.

The general is the daring of the army, but Zuo Xing is timid. Naturally, his officers and men did not dare to fight against the rebels.

He Jin was led by all cavalry troops. When he saw that the officers and soldiers were timid and did not dare to interact with each other, he immediately acted without mercy and charged straight in.

This single blow disrupted the formation of Zuo's servants, killing and wounding seventy or eighty people.

When Zuo Xing saw this, he was even more frightened and frightened, so he slapped his horse and ran away.

The "King of Zuo Jin" He Jin had already seen that he was timid, how could he let him leave so easily?

So, He Jin personally led his bodyguards to kill Zuo Xing. While charging, he shouted: "The enemy general will stop leaving, and I will fight for three hundred rounds!"

How could Zuo Xing dare to challenge? Involuntarily, his liver and gallbladder were split apart, and he ran away.

Upon seeing this, He Jin also pursued him, seemingly determined not to give up until he achieved his goal.

Both sides chased and fled, leaving the officers and soldiers at Changle Gate at the east gate behind.

You Zhaiyuan and the officers and soldiers under his command suddenly looked at each other. It took a while for someone to react and quickly reminded him: "General, that Zuo Xiang is the legitimate son of General Zuo."

"I'm just watching helplessly. If something goes wrong, how can I explain it to General Zuo?"

"Explain? That's his son, not my son. What should I explain to him?" You Zhaiyuan said disdainfully.

"What's more, there are many thieves in this city. If we disobey military orders, it will be a capital crime!"

It turns out that Changle Gate in the east of Xi'an has been lost, which was an illusion deliberately created by You Zhaiyuan.

The cavalry under He Jin's command were the elite of the rebel army. Although they were not as carefully selected as Zuo Guangxian's servants, they were still of much higher quality than ordinary officers and soldiers.

Although You Zhaiyuan led many men and horses, the space on the city gate was limited and the officers and soldiers could not use them.

The two sides attacked and defended for a long time, but You Zhaiyuan only captured the main tower, while the other arrow towers and gate towers were still in the hands of the rebels.

But if there were radios and walkie-talkies in this era, how would He Jin and the rebels know about each other's movements?

You Zhaiyuan believed that this was a bluff. Firstly, it could damage the morale of the rebels. Secondly, he was also confident that he could block the rebels' way out of the city with only a line of defense in the main building.

Bendao wanted to catch a turtle in the jar this time to avenge the rebel army's defeat last night, but he never expected that Zuo Xing, the son of the mighty general Zuo Guangxian, was a coward and ruined the big thing.

There is a saying that goes, "When the house leaks, it rains all night, and when the boat is late, it encounters a strong wind."

Zuo Xing, "one general was incompetent and exhausted thousands of troops." He originally relied on his servants to fight to the death, but then regained his strength and made a comeback, but the victory or defeat was still unknown.

But no one expected that suddenly another group of rebel cavalry appeared behind the officers and soldiers.

Originally, as soon as this group of rebels saw the main force of officers and soldiers, they would turn around and run away.

When they took a closer look, they saw that the officers and soldiers in front were retreating in defeat, and they couldn't help but be overjoyed. They quickly changed into an assault formation and inserted themselves directly behind the officers and soldiers.

No matter what happened to Zuo's servants, how could they withstand the rebel cavalry's attack from both front and back?

Fortunately, these people also had some sense of loyalty. Knowing that they could not escape this time, they couldn't help shouting loudly: "It is a matter of loyalty to the emperor to eat the emperor's salary. The Zuo family has raised me for more than ten years. Today is the day to repay the kindness!"

After saying that, two groups of armored soldiers were actually separated, and they pestered He Jin and the cavalry who arrived later to buy time for Zuo Xing and other servants to withdraw from the battlefield.

"King Zuojin" roared angrily upon seeing this, but still couldn't escape. Some servants even pounced directly on them, dragging their horses with them in order to delay the rebels for a moment.

He Jin was so angry that he had no choice but to vent his anger on these people and assassinate them with the sword and gun in his hands to relieve his hatred.

After a long while, the rebels chopped all these people to the ground. When He Jin saw that there was no trace of Zuo Xing, he ordered his soldiers to ride on them.

After finally getting rid of his anger, He Jin finally joined the cavalry that suddenly appeared just now.

It turned out that by coincidence, these two groups of cavalry were the same ones that He Jin sent out to bluff and make noise all over Xi'an.

After they completed their mission, they came to the east gate to join the rebel army as agreed. They happened to meet Zuo Xing's defeated servants, and they made great achievements.

Afterwards, He Jin led these troops to counterattack Changlemen, the east gate of Xi'an.

I just didn't expect that You Zhaiyuan, who had lost consecutive battles in the past, was so stubborn and stubborn this time that he refused to retreat at the east gate. For a while, the rebel army was in a dangerous situation again.

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