Please ask me to be the emperor

Chapter 926 Old Department

After all doubts were gone, the guests and hosts had a great time that night, and soon everyone was tipsy.

It happened that the wine was gone, so Zhang Bian shouted loudly: "Guiying, bring some more good wine, I want to get drunk with the two brothers!"

Gao Guiying was busy in the kitchen. Seeing everyone busy, she picked up two jars of good wine and entered the camp in person.

Since the defeat, the "Scorpion Block" has not seen a woman for several days.

Suddenly I smelled a fragrant wind, and couldn't help but reach out to touch Gao Guiying with the help of wine.

Gao Guiying had just removed the wine seal and was about to pour the wine when he suddenly saw someone approaching and quickly ducked to the side. The "Scorpion Block" Tuo Yangkun suddenly missed it.

Don't look at Gao Guiying who used to be groveling in front of Zhang Shun, looking like a frustrated little daughter-in-law.

In fact, she had followed her uncles and uncles since she was a child, and all of her friends were desperadoes. Later, she followed the "Chuang King" Gao Yingxiang to fight in all directions. If she had been weak at all, her bones would have been swallowed up long ago.

Therefore, compared with Ma Yingniang, Hong Niangzi and others, she is a veritable "thief woman".

Seeing that someone dared to take advantage of her, Gao Guiying suddenly became furious. Would she be willing to spare him?

Immediately she spread her fingers as tender as green onion, and slapped "Scorpion Block" Tuo Yangkun on the face like thunder.

The "Scorpion Block" was caught off guard and was slapped to the ground by her.

Gao Guiying stepped forward, yanked the steel knife from her waist, and "snatched" it in front of Tuo Yangkun, cursing: "Straight bitch, you even dare to eat my tofu! Tell me!" , what parts do you want to keep!"

"Little... Miss?" "Scorpion Block" Tuo Yangkun was stunned for a moment, became furious, and was about to struggle desperately.

However, when he looked up, a pretty face with an angry look appeared in front of him, and he suddenly broke out in cold sweat.

"Miss, I was wrong. After two sips of yellow soup, I no longer know my last name. Please forgive me!"

"Scorpion Block" Tuo Yangkun kept kowtowing and begging for mercy like he was pounding garlic. How could he be half as heroic as before?

"Gui Ying!" Zhang Shun was stunned when he saw this and couldn't help shouting.

Although Zhang Shun heard that this guy was going to do something to her just now, Zhang Shun wanted to kill him with a knife.

It's just that this guy didn't take any advantage. You can't just kill him on the spot because of this, right?

"Okay, okay, look at your potential, don't let this embarrassment show you!" Gao Guiying frowned, knowing that today he couldn't be as carefree as before.

She glared at him fiercely, then straightened up, pulled out the sword, and put it into the sheath.

"Scorpion Chuan" then breathed a sigh of relief, quickly got up and said to please: "Unexpectedly, Miss is here. If I recognize Miss, even if you lend me a hundred courages, I won't dare to attack Miss!"

"What's going on?" Zhang Shun heard that this guy just wanted to make a move on Gao Guiying, but that's it, so the "Scorpion Block" wouldn't be like this, right?

"Ah? Please forgive me, King Shun!" "Scorpion Block" said secretly that he was obsessed with it, how could he dare to do anything in front of King Shun?

This kind of person is used to being arrogant. He originally thought that Gao Guiying was just an ordinary maid.

He just touched it once. What else could Zhang Shun do to him?

As a result, when he saw the tigress acting like a docile kitten in front of Zhang Shun, he suddenly shuddered.

Thinking about how powerful this tigress was back then, since His Highness King Shun was able to subdue him and her, he was naturally even more ferocious.

As the saying goes: "There is no room for two tigers in one mountain, unless there is one male and one female." Looking at the expressions of the two people now, it is obvious that they have an unusual relationship.

It turns out that he not only provoked a female tiger, but also a male tiger!

He quickly apologized and said: "I, the scorpion, made a mistake and bumped into King Shun... If anyone around King Shun wants to be killed or beheaded, please do as you please. I will have no objection!"

Zhang Shun was stunned when he heard this, but he didn't expect that "Scorpion Chuan" would give in first, and then pursue the case himself, which would be against the emperor's will.

He frowned, turned to look at Gao Guiying and said, "What do Guiying think?"

When Gao Guiying heard this, he frowned and said, "According to my rules when breaking into the camp, just chop off one hand!"

When "Scorpion Chuan" heard this, he was so frightened that his forehead started to sweat, and his face turned ashen.

"Hun Tianxing" became anxious when he heard that, we have come all the way to seek refuge with His Highness King Shun, why don't you insult us like this just because of a bitch?

"Scorpion Block" felt that something was going to happen, so he quickly pulled "Huntianxing" Hui Dengxiang, for fear that he would get in trouble.

When Zhang Shun heard this, he realized that he had made a mistake. He still thinks in his past life and likes to respect the opinions of the parties involved at all times.

However, in this era, women are just objects for men. When he asked this question, Gao Guiying had to express her stance quickly to avoid suspicion.

Zhang Shun quickly "persuaded": "Brother Scorpion Chuan has just come to Liujiaying to work with me. If we act like this, it would be too overbearing."

"Since you, Guiying, have not been wronged, why don't you let him drink three drinks as a penalty, and this will never happen again. What do you think?"

Gao Guiying couldn't help but feel happy when she heard this. Although she originally followed Zhang Shun, she actually had no status.

Now that she was meeting her old friend, he gave her enough face by praising her in such a way.

She couldn't help but blush, holding the corners of her clothes with both hands, and said coquettishly: "It's all up to the master!"

"Scorpion Chuan" then breathed a sigh of relief, and quickly poured three bowls of good wine, holding it up to apologize to Zhang Shun: "'Scorpion Chuan' apologizes to you!"

Then I poured bowl after bowl into my stomach, which felt a bit generous.

"Okay, let's not mention this matter. We will still be brothers from now on!" Zhang Shun nodded when he saw this.

"Scorpion Chuan" returned to his seat after hearing this, feeling that the alcohol was only making him stronger.

He couldn't help but feel dizzy and said: "Don't blame King Shun. In fact, I, 'Scorpion Block', was born to Tuo Yangkun, and I was originally the general of the four teams under 'King Chuang'."

"When the 'Chuang King' launched an army, we were the first to lead the response, and we lived together through life and death for many years. It was only after we became separated that I set up a new branch."

"To be honest, I have some doubts in my heart because of the 'Chuang King' incident."

"Since Miss Gao is following you now, she must have misunderstood His Highness King Shun by spreading rumors."

"I, 'Scorpion Block', have always been the most kind and kind. 'Chuang King' was very kind to me back then, and I must repay it."

"I wonder if Gaoying is still there in the past? 'Xie' left the team for more than a year and is now on the same team as Angelica!"

"Guiying, tell him!" Zhang Shun was stunned when he heard this and couldn't help laughing.

"Gao Ying is still there, led by my brother Gao Yigong, stationed in Mengjin." Hearing this, Gao Guiying obediently told "Scorpion Block" the truth.

Although "Scorpion Chuan" was a little disappointed when he heard this, he still knelt down and begged: "In that case, please allow me to return to Gaoying!"

You... "Huntianxing" Hui Dengxiang was confused for a moment. We have cooperated so many times, why didn't I realize that you are such a noble person?

It turns out that this "scorpion block" also has some motives.

Originally, after he accidentally collided with Gao Guiying, he had been estimating Zhang Shun's strength and trying to appease his dissatisfaction.

He saw that since Gao Guiying, a tigress, was so honest, the rest of "King Chuang" would definitely be attracted by her.

He knew the strength of "Chuang King" Gao Yingxiang. If Zhang Shun had been able to conquer the rest of Gao Yingxiang's troops, and he was the leader of the 36th Battalion of the Rebel Army, who could compete with him?

In this case, since he can't beat him, why not join earlier?

It just so happens that Miss Gao's reputation can be used to create a loyal and kind person.

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