"Historical Records: The Chronicles of the Five Emperors": "Shun cultivated Mount Li... and settled in Ju in one year, a town in two years, and Chengdu in three years."

It is said that Zhang Shun followed the example of Liu Bang, the great ancestor of the Han Dynasty, and settled in Liujiaying to look down on Qin. It happened that "Scorpion Block" Tuo Yangkun and "Huntian Star" Hui Deng came to vote.

Unexpectedly, something unexpected happened. "Scorpion Block" Tuo Yangkun suddenly changed his mind when he saw Gao Guiying and joined Zhang Shun.

Things suddenly took a turn for the worse when "Huntianxing" Huiden met, and he couldn't help but be confused on the spot.

Did we agree to cooperate with King Shun? How come you changed your mind and made me act like a villain!

Things in the world are so strange. If one person is different from another, he will be regarded as an alien.

The "Huntianxing" Hui Dengxiang was not as powerful as the "Scorpion Block" Tuo Yangkun. Originally, the two of them were in a group and could barely negotiate the price with Zhang Shun.

In order to set an example, Zhang Shunnian would not embarrass them too much.

As a result, "Scorpion Block" suddenly changed his stance and showed his loyalty to Zhang Shun, but sold out "Hun Tianxing" Hui Dengxiang.

Good guy, this circle is full of Zhang Shun's troops, and I only have a thousand or so men under my command who dare to fight. How can I bargain with Zhang Shun?

If you are still ignorant and hate this person, you might wipe your neck in the wild and kill your soldiers. Where can you go to redress your grievances?

Thinking of this, he quickly knelt down and said: "I have always heard of King Shun's name, but I was arrogant and conceited, thinking that it was just a rumor."

"Now that I can see Long Yan, she is indeed very human!"

"I just drank two more sips of the yellow soup, which was a bit smoky. I accidentally glanced sideways at King Shun, and unexpectedly I saw a yellow dragon soaring on the top and a white tiger lying on his seat. Only then did I know that King Shun is really a celestial being!"

"I am not talented, I have nothing but a dead life. Now that I can see the real dragon, I am willing to follow the tail of Ji and travel thousands of miles. I will have no regrets in this life!"

Zhang Shun was stunned when he heard this, and it took him a while to realize that this "Hun Tianxing" had also turned to him.

He couldn't help but hesitate for a moment, fearing that this guy would lose face and ruin his career in the future.

Zhang Shun advised: "This is a serious matter, so you have to think it over clearly. Don't act rashly in a hurry, lest you regret it in the future!"

"Hun, I believe what I saw with my own eyes, and I have no regrets!" Hui Deng heard this and thought to himself: These are just two polite words from King Shun, I must not take them seriously. He quickly continued to express his position.

"Okay, okay, okay!" Seeing his firm attitude, Zhang Shun couldn't help but hold up his palms and said with a smile.

"Since both of you are interested, I will not be stingy with the officers, titles, food and grass. Zhao Guangyuan happens to be here too, so I will promote three of them to the rank of chief military officer."

"It's just that it's wartime now, and seals, ribbons, official robes and other items can be made after they have settled down."

"The men and horses under the three men's command are all less than one battalion. It will be filled up when the troops are recruited and surrendered. I wonder what the three of you think?"

When Prime Minister Hui Deng and Zhao Guangyuan heard this, they couldn't help but be extremely happy. After all, the position of Commander-in-Chief is still very valuable at this time, and it is almost the highest position of military attaché in the imperial court.

Fierce generals such as Bai Guangen and He Renlong in history had to fight with the peasant army for another seven or eight years before they obtained such positions. How could they be dissatisfied?

Only "Scorpion Block" Tuo Yangkun thought he was higher than "Huntian Star" Hui Denxiang, and he was a little unhappy.

Just thinking about the level of flattery this guy had just now, the three of them together are no match for him.

In addition, he had hated King Shun just now, so he must have taken the opportunity to vent his anger, right?

Thinking of this, "Scorpion Block" Tuo Yangkun couldn't help but feel a little relieved, and he quickly thanked King Shun for his kindness along with Prime Minister Hui Deng and Zhao Guangyuan.

Zhang Shunping got two powerful generals for no reason, and he was quite happy, so he had a good time and everyone drank happily.

Early the next morning, Zhang Shungang got up and quickly sent Wang Jinyi to call "Scorpion Block" Tuo Yangkun and "Huntianxing" Hui Dengxiang to inquire about the movements of the officers and soldiers and the situation to the west.

In the past two days, I had been running around everywhere, so I didn't know anything about the situation or trends. I only told Zhang Shunlai what I knew.

"Liang Tingdong! There are 20,000 people! There are also rebels in Qinzhou and Qingyang!" Zhang Shun keenly grasped several key points.

Then he called Chen Changzhen, He Jin, He Renlong and others, and told them the situation, and he would continue to attack Xi'an City.

"This...His Royal Highness King Shun!" Chen Changzhen frowned and said, "Since ancient times, it has been a taboo for military strategists to rush troops under a fortified city."

"The rebels are trying their best to attack the city. If they can seize Xi'an before Liang Tingdong arrives, they will certainly have an advantage."

"It's just that the city of Xi'an is impregnable, and there is also a famous general like Zuo Guangxian sitting in charge. How can it be easily conquered?"

"If we are unable to attack for a long time and our soldiers are exhausted, what will we do when Liang Tingdong's army arrives?"

"Unexpectedly, my second brother has made some progress since he led the troops in person!" Zhang Shun couldn't help but look at Chen Changzhen in surprise after hearing this, and couldn't help but smile.

"Second brother, what you said is actually quite right. Now I am stationing troops in Liujiaying, with high forts and deep ditches as a long-term solution. I want to break Liang Tingdong and then seize the Qin Dynasty!"

"The way of using troops is to save people and lose territory, or to save territory and lose people. The more cities I attack, the more divided my troops will be; the more cities I defend, the more divided the troops will be."

"Therefore, I want to tire out his troops and send his people to fight at the foot of Xi'an City!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Zhang Shun pointed to his camp and the Xi'an City Road in the distance: "Now our army's camp is here, and that army's camp is there. If there are any gaps in his camp, wouldn't it cost a lot of energy and troops?"

"I want to fight, but those who have no choice but to fight me despite the enemy's high fortifications and deep ditches must behave themselves!" Chen Changzhen's eyes lit up when he heard this, and he couldn't help reciting his art of war.

"That's right!" Zhang Shun heard the words and laughed loudly, "You have got it! Now I will temporarily leave the siege to you and 'Scorpion Block' and 'Huntianxing' to be responsible for it. Is that okay?"

Where do the three of them have any objections? After hearing this, he followed Zhang Shun's arrangements and used artillery to attack the east gate of Xi'an every day. Over time, the Changle Gate was completely destroyed.

At this time, other rebels came one after another from the west, either to join Zhang Shun or to join forces with him.

Among them are quite famous people, including "Hundred One Hundred Thousand" Ma Jinzhong, "White Robe General" Xue Rengui, "Crashing the Sky" Liu Guoneng, "Tidy King" Zhang Fatty and others, among whom there are no less than 50,000 old, weak and strong men.

For a time, although Zhang Shun's subordinates were mixed, they were still powerful and the world was shocked.

At the same time, the rumors quickly spread throughout Shaanxi, Henan, Shanxi and other places.

Everyone said: King Shun came to the world in Liujiaying, with a white tiger under his feet and a dragon on his head. Heroes from all over the world gathered together to change the world and overthrow the Ming Dynasty!

Zhang Shun couldn't help but laugh and cry after hearing this, and especially admired their imagination.

Originally, he thought Song Xiance had arrived to fool the people.

As a result, Song Xiance did not arrive, but he suddenly heard a report from the soldiers: "His Royal Highness King Shun, 'Chuang Jiang' Li Zicheng, 'Living Cao Cao' Luo Rucai, 'Guo Tianxing' Zhang Tianlin and others led 20 to 30,000 troops and came to join forces with King Shun! "

"Okay, okay!" Zhang Shun couldn't help laughing when he heard this, "Please come quickly!"

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