Please ask me to be the emperor

Chapter 928 Xining Mutiny

Do you know why there was a sudden turmoil outside Xi'an?

It turns out that although the rebels were everywhere, and Prince Dorgon of the Later Jin Dynasty was watching eagerly in Guihua City, there was still a difficult problem that greatly affected the strength of the officers and soldiers.

This matter has to start in October of the seventh year of Chongzhen. At that time, Emperor Taiji of the Later Jin Dynasty attacked the Chahar tribe of Lin Dan Khan in the west and threatened the Ming Dynasty. Zhang Shun also occupied Luoyang and was in danger of becoming powerful.

The imperial court used troops everywhere and could not make ends meet.

Among them, the rebels such as "General" Li Zicheng, "Eight Kings" Zhang Xianzhong and "Living Cao Cao" Luo Rucai prepared more horses, mules and other livestock, and fled everywhere, making it difficult for the officers and soldiers to catch up.

This resulted in the imperial court's urgent need for a large number of war horses to enhance the mobility of officers and soldiers.

Therefore, Emperor Chongzhen, on the advice of his courtiers, ordered the eunuchs Zhang Yuanheng and Cui Liang to go to Xining Guard to monitor the tea horse censor Yi Zhuangma.

At the end of the Ming Dynasty, there were already many ills, and the old age was waning. How could it withstand the torment?

As soon as the two eunuchs were under surveillance, they immediately sparked a mutiny.

On October 27th of the seventh year of Chongzhen, Huang Cheng from Nianbo and Ma Anbang from Zhenhaibao in Xining rose up against the Ming Dynasty.

Nianbo is the place where Nianbo guards Qianhu, Xining Zhenhai Fort is Xichuan Zhenhai Fort near Xining Guard, and the main body of the troops is some grassroots officers and soldiers of Xining Guard.

They "threatened the soldiers and civilians in the city internally, and connected with pirates externally". "The wife and daughter of Kong Wen, a soldier in the army, burned themselves to death. Zhang Shouli, a eunuch in the guard, Ding Kongyin, a guard, Li Benlong in the Chinese army, and Zhang Erjing, a hundred households, all died." Then they occupied Xining City.

According to the original historical line, Hong Chengchou, the governor of the five provinces who was pursuing the peasant army such as "Invading General" Li Zicheng, had to withdraw his army and returned to Gansu to put down the rebellion.

As a result, due to Zhang Shun's intrusion, Hong Chengchou, the governor of the five provinces, led his elite troops to fight with Zhang Shun outside Luoyang City. How could he have time to take care of such things?

Zhang Yingchen, the former governor of Gansu, quickly urged Xining's deputy commander Mo Yujing to lead troops to quell the rebellion.

Na Mo and Jing were not mediocre generals either. They went to Nianbo's guarding Qianhu Station to appease the soldiers and the people, and captured the rebel general Huang Cheng.

However, when he led his troops to attack Ma Anbang who occupied Xiningwei.

Because most of the rebels in the city were relatives of the soldiers, they fired artillery fire into the sky and refused to fight.

When the deputy commander-in-chief Mo Yujing urged him hard, his troops were scattered and became useless.

As a result, the governor of Gansu Zhang Yingchen and the deputy commander-in-chief Mo Yujing were dismissed by officers and soldiers, and Tang Daoheng, the prefect of Dongchang from Danyang, was re-promoted to the post of governor of Gansu.

Tang Daoheng, the prefect of Dongchang, is also a talented official, but he is faced with the mess left by his predecessor before he takes office. What should we do?

Fortunately, he was originally from Danyang, Zhenjiang, and his folk customs had always been tough.

During the Three Kingdoms period, Danyang's elite soldiers were famous all over the world, and there was no shortage of elite soldiers.

When he first took office, he was introduced to someone and learned that there was a strange man living in seclusion in Jiaoshan, Zhenjiang.

This person's surname was Ge Minglin, with the courtesy name Cang Gong and the nickname Qu'an. He was a member of the second year of Chongzhen.

He is a man of upright character and extraordinary physical strength. When he was young, he liked to play fighting games with the boys from the same village.

When he was a little older, Ge Lin liked to practice martial arts, and he was still good at bows, arrows and spears.

At that time, Yin Siqi, the prefect of Zhenjiang, was very capable in his administration, but he was condemned by the court. Out of righteous indignation, Ge Lin went to Beijing in person to redress his injustice, which made him famous.

However, he himself was also affected by it and had to temporarily avoid Jiaoshan to study, practice martial arts, and cultivate his moral character.

After Tang Daoheng received the recommendation from others, he personally carried the gifts and climbed Jiaoshan Mountain to visit Ge Lin.

Since the mid-Ming Dynasty, the status of warriors has gradually been lower than that of civil servants. Although Ge Lin was good at martial arts, he still refused to abandon literature and join martial arts. How could he go with him?

Tang Daoheng had no choice but to plead: "I come to invite Mr. Cang today, not for private reasons, but for public affairs!"

"I have always heard that Cang Gong is an upright man and has the world in mind. He must not care about personal gain or loss."

"Unexpectedly, today for the sake of civil and military disputes, the safety of the people of Xining was abandoned!"

How can Ge Lin resist this?

Hearing this, he quickly stood up and bowed: "Wei Gong, I almost missed important national affairs!"

Ge Lin then recruited three thousand soldiers in Danyang for him, and took office with him as the new governor of Gansu, Tang Dao Hengbiaoying.

After Tang Daoheng led his troops to take office, Zuo'er Lingzhen, the great national division commander of the Xina tribe, and Ye Bingqian, the headmaster of the Xining Guards, led a joint effort to regain Xining City.

After Tang Daoheng took office, he appeased the people and soldiers, pardoned the sins of the participating soldiers, and characterized them as "the people and soldiers were held hostage;

On the one hand, Ge Lin was sent to lead Danyang's elite troops to supervise the Xina tribe's great national division Ban Zhuo'er Lingzhen and Xiningwei leader Ye Bingqian's subordinate Ma Mingzhuang to conquer Ma'anbang.

At the beginning, Ge Lin and his Danyang soldiers were not accustomed to the local environment and were not good at riding and fighting, so they suffered some losses.

But a man with both civil and military skills like Ge Lin can grow up quickly if given some time.

After the two sides fought many times, Ge Lin finally got the chance.

Nama Anbang's repeated attacks on Danyang soldiers were unsuccessful, so Ge ​​Lin urgently ordered the Xina tribe's great national division Ban Zhuer Lingzhen and Xining Guards commander Ye Bingqian to lead the cavalry to fight and defeated the rebels who were just about to retreat.

Ma Anbang had no choice but to retreat to Zhenhai Fort in Xichuan. He was surrounded by groups led by Ge Lin and could not escape.

The two sides attacked and defended for three months. Seeing that there was no hope of breaking through, Ma Anbang had no choice but to ask Ge Lin to surrender.

Ma Anbang said to Ge Lin: "I am a commoner in Zhenhai, but because the guarding eunuch Zhang Shouli forced me too hard and took my horses at a low price, I had no choice but to do it. Therefore, the officers and soldiers of Xining Guard are unwilling to fight with me."

"Now that you have led the Jiangnan troops and come all the way here, I am no match for you."

"If I succeed as a king and lose as a bandit, even if I am cut into pieces with a thousand swords, I have nothing to say. But how can my soldiers and relatives be so innocent?"

"I beg you to agree to pardon them, then I am willing to surrender and save the court from using weapons!"

As soon as Ge Lin heard this, he immediately reported it to Tang Daoheng, the new governor of Gansu, and asked him to make a decision.

Tang Daoheng responded immediately, and Ge Lin killed Ma Anbang to collect his followers.

After all the rebels surrendered, Gansu Governor Tang Daoheng immediately turned his back and ordered his soldiers to kill all the Ma clan members and their key members.

Ge Lin couldn't help but feel inexplicably sad and angry, and asked to see Tang Daoheng all night.

When Tang Daoheng heard the sound, he ran out barefoot, hugged Ge Lin and cried, "I know Ma Anbang has no choice but to do it, but the court has its own laws, how can I spare him?"

"What's more, the world is in turmoil and there is a danger of subversion in an instant."

"I heard that the 'Chuang thieves' are besieging Qinzhou, the 'Scorpion thieves' are besieging Pingliang, the 'Cao thieves' are besieging Qingyang, and the 'Shun thieves' are besieging Xi'an. If I had a little kindness as a woman, would the world be safe?"

"This time, it was me, Tang Daoheng, who broke his promise to make himself rich, not Duke Ge Cang who broke his promise. I also ask Duke Cang to think of all the people in the world!"

Although Ge Lin was depressed when he heard this, he was helpless.

Tang Daoheng, the governor of Gansu, was really ruthless. He cut through the mess with such a sharp sword and killed him, and he really killed the Xining guards.

This disaster caught Liang Tingdong, the governor of the three sides, unexpectedly, and was temporarily suppressed by him.

Immediately, Tang Daoheng, the governor of Gansu Province, took Ge Lin as his commander and dispatched more than 7,000 guards and local soldiers from all over Gansu Province. A total of more than 10,000 people went to Pingliang to help Liang Tingdong, the governor of the three sides.

At that time, Liang Tingdong broke through the "Scorpion Block" Tuo Yangkun and "Huntianxing" Hui Dengxiang. With the help of Ge Lin and his troops, his power suddenly increased.

Then he led the army to conquer "Living Cao Cao" Luo Rucai in the east, killed the leader of the rebel army "Huang Chao" in formation, and attacked "General" Li Zicheng and "Guo Tianxing" Zhang Tianlin in the west.

Although these battalions are powerful, they are mainly focused on coercing the people and the officers and soldiers of the guards who have defected to the rebels. They are chaotically organized. Who is Liang Tingdong's opponent?

Suddenly they were defeated by Liang Tingdong, the governor of the three sides, and had no choice but to go east and join Zhang Shun.

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