Please ask me to be the emperor

Chapter 931 Crisis (Part 2)

The rebels are looking for an opportunity to engage in a decisive battle with the officers and soldiers. In fact, the officers and soldiers are also seeking an opportunity to engage in a decisive battle with the rebels.

Since the queen outside the customs is eyeing the situation, everyone does not want to be taken advantage of by a third party, so they are a little impatient to wait.

So, when Zhang Shun left Luoyang and tried to capture Guanzhong. Not only Zhang Shun saw the fighter plane, but Yang Sichang and others in the imperial court also saw the fighter plane.

They wrote letters one after another: "The bandits arose during the Tianqi period and invaded the north. It has been eight years now."

"Now the thief chief 'Shun Zee' is arrogant and wants to seize our Shaanxi Province. This is a God-given opportunity to destroy this wolf in one fell swoop!"

"I hope your Majesty will issue an order as soon as possible, gather officers and soldiers from all over the world, defeat Nanyang in one fell swoop, regain Heluo, and then suppress the thieves in Shaanxi, so as to restore peace to the world!"

Since Chongzhen ascended the throne for eight years, he has often discussed military affairs with his courtiers. Even the most stupid people have some insights.

How could he not know that now was the time when the rebel army was empty? He couldn't help but said with great joy: "As expected, your words will turn the world from danger to peace!"

Then he sent eunuchs to all directions to issue decrees and urge the governors and governors to march in time and annihilate the rebels in one fell swoop.

Before Xiong Wencan, the governor of Huguang, received the order, he happened to have finished training his soldiers and cast twenty red cannons, and six or seven other Western cannons of various colors. He was full of ambition and preparing to achieve unparalleled achievements.

Therefore, he sent soldiers to surprise Xinye County to open the road to Nanyang.

However, the two sides had had a small fight before, and Zhennan General Xiao Qinhu didn't take it seriously. He just ordered Liu Xiyao and Wu Xian, the "king of the world" stationed in Dengzhou and Tang County, to assist the "sweeping king" in retaking Xinye City. .

Unexpectedly, Xiong Wencan, the governor of Huguang, had been prepared and personally led the four generals Xu Chengming, You Zhaiwen, Zhang Yingchang, You Shiwei, and Zhang Waijia, as well as the Xinlian Zhenjun Army, the Firearms Camp, and the Yangtze River Navy, a total of more than 25,000 people, along the The Baihe River flows on both land and water and rushes towards Nanyang City.

It was only a hundred miles from Xinye to Nanyang. Xiong Wencan originally thought that if he could do both, he would still be able to conquer Nanyang.

Unexpectedly, since Xiao Qinhu was entrusted to Nanyang by Zhang Shun, he had been working hard and sleeping day and night, not daring to slack off at all.

Not only do he communicate with other generals from time to time, but he also takes time to personally inspect city defenses, patrols and other matters every day. Therefore, Nanyang City has always been on high alert.

Xiong Wencan, the governor of Huguang, failed to steal the chicken, but Xiao Qinhu looked at him and sent He Yilong to lead a cavalry counterattack, which hurt morale.

Immediately, the three battalions of "Sweeper King" Zhang Yichuan, "World Contest King" Liu Xiyao and Ren Guangrong, who were wandering outside, joined forces to attack Xinye, intending to cut off the officers and soldiers' escape route.

Xiong Wencan had to lead his army back to Xinye and drove away the three men, and then stabilized his position.

At first, Zhennan General Xiao Qinhu didn't know whether Xiong Wencan was real or not. He also said that this time the rebels had suffered a loss from the surprise attack by officers and soldiers, so he just reported it as if it was a small fight between the two sides.

Then Lu Weiqi didn't know how to fight, and he was thousands of miles away. How could he know what was going on in Nanyang? That's why Lu Weiqi's previous remarks were superficial.

It's just that Lu Weiqi doesn't know how to fight, but Zhang Shun knows how to fight.

As soon as the officers and soldiers moved here, he knew that this movement was wrong.

Zhang Shun was like a mirror in his heart. He knew on duty that there was a huge gap between the rebel army and the officers and soldiers in terms of occupied area, personnel, materials and the number of troops.

Therefore, he tried his best to fight slowly and quickly to gain a stable territory that could protect himself before this old and decaying empire could react.

How can things in this world not go as planned?

At the critical moment when Zhang Shun was preparing to fight for Shaanxi with the officers and soldiers, such an unexpected thing happened.

If one of them is not handled properly, the entire rebel army may be in danger of being destroyed.

Zhang Shun tasted the unusual taste just from the changes of Xiong Wencan, the governor of Huguang.

Is this Xiong Wencan, the governor of Huguang, adventurous and sending troops alone, or has the imperial court planned this for a long time?

If the imperial court has been planning for a long time, how many troops and horses have been prepared this time, and how are they planning to attack?

Zhang Shun thought a lot in that moment, and a cold sweat couldn't stop breaking out from Zhang Shun's forehead.

"What's wrong, Your Highness King Shun?" Lu Weiqi asked strangely when he saw that Zhang Shun looked wrong.

"Oh, it's okay, I'm just a little surprised!" Zhang Shun's mind changed and he thought: All this is still conjecture, and you can't mess up your position.

So, he made a joke to avoid shaking the morale of the army because of his unfounded speculation.

After the two sides exchanged polite greetings for a while, Zhang quickly cut through the mess and ordered: "The reason why I have called you here is to prepare to return to take over the land of Shaanxi, and secondly to consolidate the occupied areas."

"Lü Weiqi was temporarily appointed as the magistrate of Huazhou, Dong Duxing was temporarily appointed as the magistrate of Lintong, Li Jiqi was temporarily appointed as the magistrate of Weinan, and Zhang Luxuan was temporarily appointed as the magistrate of Huayin. The commander...the commander went to Li Mou's camp to borrow 500 people and went to occupy Luonan. , and also temporarily held the post of county magistrate."

"This..." Shi Zuo was one of the 'Three Friends of the Valley' who had taken refuge with Zhang Shun, and he was quite talented. He couldn't help but be startled when he heard this.

There are many civil servants in the world who are considered wise and courageous when they take office alone, but they end up having to conquer the place where they take office. What can one say?

However, the master is not an ordinary person. He nodded and agreed.

Zhang Shun thought he was going to say something, but when he saw his expression remained unchanged, he couldn't help but wonder: "Are you sure?"

"I'm not sure!" Shizuo shook his head honestly and said, "It's just that I know that King Shun invited me here to do something, not to kill me. I just need to act according to the order."

"Okay, so brave!" Zhang Shun praised, and then explained, "Luonan is located among high mountains, the folk customs are simple and strong, and there are only small mountain roads and external transportation."

"There is nothing to fear. What I fear is occupied by officers and soldiers and threatens our army's food routes, so I am sending you there."

"It may be difficult to get there, so please proceed carefully!"

"Yes, I will take your orders!" Shizuo said honestly.

"Okay!" Zhang Shun glanced appreciatively, then turned to the others and said, "Xu Quan, since you want to lead the army, there are exactly five thousand good men in my camp, but they lack clothes and armor and have crude weapons. For now, I have you. Leader, can you object?"

"Ah? The general has no objection!" Xu Quan also knew that Zhang Shunda was currently using troops and his men were short of men. How could he have the wealth to lead him?

Originally, he thought that only if he won the battle later would he have troops to surrender to him.

He never expected that as soon as he arrived, there would be 5,000 men and horses at his disposal. He couldn't help but be overjoyed and thanked Zhang Shun quickly.

"Wen Tingtang and Zhang Shifan, you two will stay with me for now and share some daily affairs for me. It will be of great use in the future, okay?" Zhang Shun saw that the arrangement was almost complete, and then he asked the remaining "Three Friends of Shangu" The two people said.

The two men saw that there were many soldiers and horses in the camp and the affairs were complicated, and they also knew that Zhang Shun wanted to put them in a more important position, so they quickly agreed loudly.

After the official business was completed, Zhang Shunyou arranged a banquet for everyone.

After finally waiting for everyone to disperse, he took Lu Weiqi and whispered: "I'm worried that Xiong Wencan, the governor of Huguang, has some evil intentions. After you succeeded Hong Chengchou in Huazhou, you will allocate young people, collect grain and grass, and guard the door. Just in case the escape route is cut off for the officers and soldiers!"

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