Please ask me to be the emperor

Chapter 932 The Wind Rises

When Zhang Shun left Luoyang City in a hurry and went west to conquer Shaanxi, the girls had some time to spare.

Even if there was some intrigue in the past, now that there is no one in charge, they are too lazy to fight and wink at the blind man.

Early that morning, the red lady was in a daze when she suddenly heard a loud cry.

Without opening her eyes, she just held the child in her arms, stuffed it into his mouth, and fed him milk.

The child stopped crying when he had food. After eating for a while, he fell asleep again.

But after all this tossing, the red lady was not a little sleepy.

She then shouted softly: "Jian'er, what time is it?"

"It's five o'clock!" Jian'er heard the sound and glanced out drowsily, then yawned and responded.

"Then let's sleep a little longer!" Seeing that there was nothing going on around her, the red lady responded lazily.

Since the birth of the child, she has been crying a lot at night and she has been a little sleep deprived.

Jian'er helped her take care of it. In fact, it was the same situation, so he couldn't help but responded in confusion.

The two of them were about to continue sleeping for a while, but suddenly there was a rapid knock on the door outside.

"Who is it?" Jian'er asked a little unhappily, "It's still dark, why don't you let people sleep?"

"It's me!" Zhu'er's voice came from outside.

"You're here to cause trouble on purpose, right?" Jian'er said angrily upon hearing this.

Ever since Li Sanniang "stole" the red lady's position as the first wife, the two of them have had noses that are not noses and faces that are not faces.

It felt more serious than Zhu'er snatching her position as the wife of Jian'er, and there was a "bloody feud" between the two.

"The master has a letter, do you want to read it? If you don't want to read it, then I will go back!" Zhu'er laughed hatefully after hearing this.

"Look, why don't you look!" Upon hearing this, Jian'er jumped up and put on his clothes in a panic to open the door.

As a result, she saw the red lady groping her way up from the corner of her eye, and couldn't help but stop her: "My lady is taking the child with her, why bother to see a servant? I'll just go there and do it."

"I guess there's something going on!" Lady Red frowned and said, "If it's a private matter, they wish I didn't know about it, so how could they come and notify me so early in the morning!"

"Hey, madam, that's the bad thing about you. If you are really angry with the master, you must ignore him! If you can't bear to let him go, don't get angry with him!" Jian'er couldn't help but curled her lips after hearing this.

"Now you have been angry with him for half the time, you have given in, but he is eating you to death. Why are you doing this?"

The red lady herself felt that she was worthless, but she couldn't help but argue: "It's not entirely his fault. If Li Hongji hadn't been the one to interfere, there wouldn't have been so many things involved!"

"Okay, then let's go together!" Jian'er originally wanted to say a few more words, but then she remembered how kind Zhang Shun was to her in the past, and her heart softened, so she couldn't say any more.

Not long after, the two of them packed up and followed Zhu'er to Li Sanniang's residence with their children.

They were a little slower, and by the time they arrived, the other girls were almost there.

Everyone, you are looking at me and I am looking at you, wondering in my heart what kind of medicine Li Sanniang bought in this gourd.

Seeing that everyone had almost arrived, Li Sanniang said to everyone: "People say that men are the outsiders and women are the insides, but there is no conclusion on which one is the outsider and which one is the inside."

What does it mean? Hong Niangzi, Ma Yingniang, Li Xiang and Zeng Yurou frowned when they heard this and just watched with cold eyes without saying anything.

"Zhang Sheng wrote a letter in the past two days, saying that the officers and soldiers may launch a large-scale attack on our land of Heluo. Please pass the bamboo to everyone so that everyone can take a look!"

"As a woman, I don't understand many things. I only know that these two prefectures and one state belong to our Zhang family. Since Zhang Shun is not here, we absolutely cannot give it to outsiders."

"It's just that the matter is big, and I'm just a 'village girl.' I can't handle such a big thing by myself."

"You are all the mothers-in-law of the Zhang family. You also know that the bird's nest has been poked. There is no reason why the eggs will not rot. Only by guarding this family can we live a good life."

Everyone was shocked when they heard this and quickly read it carefully.

The red lady couldn't help but frowned and said: "This is a business matter. We should discuss it with Mr. Zhang and Mr. Song in time!"

"You are right!" Li Sanniang nodded and said, "This letter is what Zhang Sheng entrusted Mr. Song to deliver to me."

"They mentioned a few measures, but I didn't understand them very well, so I didn't interfere with them."

"It's just that I think since Zhang Sheng wrote the letter himself, the matter must be extremely urgent. How can we just entrust our lives and property to others?"

"What do you want to do?" Ma Yingniang frowned, wondering what this "ugly woman" had planned.

"I want them to do theirs, and we do ours. Madam Ma, you can train the soldiers, Lady Hong, you can take care of the baggage, Madam Li, you can take care of the medical care, Madam Zeng, you can take care of the military law, Madam Huang and the big and small Zhus can take care of the paperwork and other miscellaneous matters. , what do you think?" Li Sanniang said with a solemn face after hearing this.

"Oh? Where did the soldiers come from? Where did they come from, and where did the money and food come from?" Mrs. Zeng said without comment.

"Mr. Ma has twenty or thirty female guards under her, and Li has twenty or thirty nurses and medics under her. There are also seventy or eighty other middlemen and maids available."

"I have Ji Dan, who was originally Zhang Sheng's bodyguard and a fierce general. His father, Ji Cheng, was Sima. He was also extremely powerful and unstoppable. They once followed me to quell the rebellion in Zezhou, which can be regarded as He has some ability.”

"There is also Li You, because the family members who went to invite General Lu to visit him are also idle at home. He has also led troops before. He has twenty or thirty brothers under his command, and he is also a good general."

"Totaling all these, there are almost hundreds or dozens of people."

The girls turned pale when they heard this and glanced at each other secretly.

But I underestimated this "ugly woman". She was isolated and helpless except for being favored by King Shun.

They never expected that she would be able to get acquainted with so many generals without saying a word, which showed that she had some skills.

"What about the money and food?" Xiao Zhu was suppressed by her momentum and couldn't help but said unconvinced, "If we only rely on these two hundred people to start a war, what will be done?"

Li Sanniang then smiled and said: "One family does not speak the same language as the other. I come from a poor family and have little financial resources."

"Everyone here is different. Some are wealthy, some are from wealthy families, and some are in charge of money and food, and have some gold and silver jewelry and valuables under their hands."

"If you can select some of them for military use, I will definitely ask Zhang Sheng for your credit!"

The five people, Zeng, Huang, Zhu and Hong Niangzi, couldn't help but change their faces when they heard this.

Mrs. Zeng couldn't help but said angrily: "If you want to donate together, how can you favor one over the other?"

"That's right! Li Sanniang nodded and said, "You can choose whatever you think is suitable in my house and donate them all. "

"This..." After hearing this, the five people looked around and realized that although Li Sanniang's residence was tall and spacious, the house was actually very simple, with only the clothes and furnishings of ordinary people.

Only then did the red lady remember that she had never been given a penny in the two years she had been in charge.

As for Zhang Shun, she was not tainted by the smell of copper. She said she still owed a lot of debts to several people. How could she have any money?

When the red lady was feeling ashamed, Xiao Zhu suddenly shouted: "I think that hairpin on your head is pretty good, why don't you donate it?"

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