Please ask me to be the emperor

Chapter 933 Cloud surge

"Then donate it!" Although Li Sanniang was a little reluctant to part with it, she still pulled it off and handed it to Zhu'er, motioning her to pass it to Huang and said, "This will be charged to my account!"

Hairpins are different from hairpins. Single strands are hairpins, while double strands are hairpins.

Li Sanniang's piece is made of pure gold with fine workmanship and is inlaid with rubies and sapphires. It is worth a lot of silver at first glance.

Xiao Zhu originally thought that she was just a village woman. She had never seen such expensive jewelry before, and she said she would not give it up.

Unexpectedly, Li Sanniang came to the rescue and was immediately speechless.

However, she then thought about it, it would not be bad to earn her a gold hairpin for free.

Little Zhu was about to step forward to take it, but the red lady suddenly stood up and said: "Sanniang only has this belongings, how can she donate it? I will pay for her share!"

Good guy, I became a bad guy, but you jumped out and became a good guy!

When Xiao Zhu heard this, she glared at the red lady fiercely and said unhappily: "Sanniang herself didn't say anything, why are you meddling in her own business?"

The red lady couldn't laugh or cry when she heard this. It wasn't that she wanted to be a good person, but that she had to stand up and be a good person.

Do you know where this golden hairpin Li Sanniang came from?

This was after the rebels occupied Prince Fu's Mansion, Zhang Shun selected several pieces of jewelry and gave them to each of them.

The red lady didn't know what Zhang Shun gave Li Sanniang at that time, but looking at her poor appearance, she didn't have any other valuable items except this.

She wears this thing on her head all day long. If Zhang Shun comes back one day, he will casually ask: "Where is the hairpin I gave you?"

Well, how can everyone look good in the eyes of the master then?

Li Xiang, who had a big belly, was also very alert, and she immediately guessed the situation.

She also expressed her position on the spot: "What is a gold hairpin worth? I can get it if I pay a little more money. Sanniang, you don't have any jewelry, just keep it for your own use!"

The Zeng family, Huang family and Zhu family were suddenly confused. What is going on?

The four of them arrived late and had no idea what had happened.

When Mrs. Huang saw that something was wrong, she quickly helped: "How can you talk to my wife, no matter how big or small you are?"

"We can't accept this hairpin. We don't need anything but Madam's money!"

Huang quickly grabbed what Zhuer handed over and pushed it back.

"This" Zhu'er looked at Li Sanniang with some embarrassment. She didn't know whether to take it back or give it away.

"Although I am poorer, I still have to set an example, otherwise how can I convince the public?" Li Sanniang hesitated, remembering Zhang Shun's previous teachings, and couldn't help but insist.

"Ah? Madam, you are worrying too much. We are all convinced and have no objections!" Huang almost cried and expressed her position quickly.

She didn't expect such a woman to be so powerful. Who could withstand this?

The red lady was also dumbfounded. Originally, everyone wanted to give her eye drops, but instead she gave her a good beating and had to cooperate with her and hand over the money.

Now that the Zeng family, the Huang family, and the big and small Zhu people have surrendered, the red lady has nothing to say, so she follows the crowd.

"Is this really okay?" Li Sanniang asked with a puzzled look.

She originally thought that she was inferior to others in terms of status, ability and reputation, and she didn't know how to persuade the other girls with her earnest words.

As a result, I didn't expect that these few people understood the righteousness well and took state affairs as their top priority. Instead, they judged the heart of a gentleman with the heart of a villain.

Thinking of this, Li Sanniang became even more ashamed and couldn't help but suggest again: "How about I donate some too, otherwise it seems a bit unjustifiable..."

"Ah? It makes sense, it makes sense, if you have money, you should contribute, if you don't have money, you should contribute!" Li Xiang didn't know whether to laugh or cry, so she had to persuade her earnestly.

This made Li Sanniang feel more and more deeply that all the women were good people who understood justice. At the same time, she felt even more that Zhang Shun had been lucky enough to marry so many good women for eight lifetimes.

Just do what you say, since everyone is willing to "help others", Li Sanniang also quickly led people to visit Ji Cheng, Ji Dan and his son, Li You and others.

These three people are all "idle people". Is there any reason why they should not respond when Li Sanniang comes to visit in person?

These three people also recruited hundreds and dozens of people respectively, and Ma Yingniang also used her position to select more than ten Wu Shichang as grassroots officers.

After Li Daliang of Baodu Village learned about this, he also sent over a hundred people. Li Xiang also asked for dozens of guards from his father, and finally managed to gather a division of 500 people.

So Li Sanniang appointed Li You as the chief general, and Ji Cheng and Ji Dan as deputy generals, and asked them to train every day.

This matter soon reached Zhang Shenyan's ears. He couldn't help but shook his head and said, "How is it unbecoming for a woman to be a woman who is not at home caring for her husband and raising her children, but instead wielding swords and guns?"

"Which of the wives in King Shun's family is the most economical? As long as they don't mess with us, as long as King Shun doesn't have any objections, why should we meddle in other people's business?" Song Xiance also laughed after hearing this.

Zhang Shenyan didn't say anything when he heard this. Instead, he asked Liu Cheng: "How is General Liu recovering now? Can he go out to fight against the enemy?"

"Don't worry, I'm as strong as a cow now!" Liu Cheng patted his chest and promised.

He was slashed by Lu Xiangsheng and almost cut in half.

Fortunately, the nurses in the rebel army dealt with it in time, and Zhang Shun selected a doctor to treat him in time, so he was able to save his life.

His original "Song-Suppressing Camp" was taken by Li Mou, and Zhang Shun asked him to reorganize the "Song-Suppressing Camp" based on Li Mou's subordinates.

When Liu Cheng was almost recovered, he often supervised training under the care of a nurse.

Now the new "Zhensong Camp" has been training for four or five months, far exceeding the three-month training cycle for ordinary soldiers.

Even if Liu Chengdu encounters elite officers and soldiers, he is not afraid of them at all, so he is full of confidence.

"What's going on with Wei Zhiyou?" Zhang Shenyan asked again.

Now that there is no commander in Luoyang City, Liu Cheng can be regarded as an old man next to Zhang Shun, and he has made great achievements in killing Song Tongyin, the governor of Shanxi Province, so Zhang Shenyan and Song Xiance invited him out to help handle military affairs.

"It's almost okay!" Liu Cheng scratched his bare head and explained, "The personnel and weapons are all ready, but the training is not complete."

"Where is Lu Xiangsheng?" Zhang Shenyan continued to ask.

"Probably, he is going to train cavalry. Nowadays, many of them need to be tied to horses before they can ride!" Liu Cheng said with a bitter smile.

"Can this be done?" Zhang Shenyan couldn't help but feel a little anxious.

"Actually, don't worry too much. This is not just a guess by King Shun. It may not be..." Liu Cheng comforted after hearing this.

"Report, urgent military information!" Before Liu Cheng finished speaking, he suddenly heard a soldier shouting loudly.

"Quick, let him in!" Zhang Shenyan, Song Xiance and Lu Weiqi couldn't help being surprised and responded quickly.

Not long after, as expected, a soldier dripping with sweat stumbled in. He took out a letter from his arms and shouted loudly: "There is an urgent military situation in Nanyang. Xiong Wencan, the governor of Huguang, suddenly led an army to occupy Xinye and defeated Dengzhou and Tang Dynasty. County, besiege Nanyang, please King Shun to make a timely decision!"

"What? How could it be so fast!" Liu Cheng couldn't help but screamed in disbelief.

A few days ago, Zhennan General Xiao Qinhu sent a letter saying that he had fought with Xiong Wencan, the governor of Huguang. Everyone didn't take it seriously. They didn't expect that in less than ten days, they lost three cities in a row!

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