Please ask me to be the emperor

Chapter 938: Cause others without causing harm to others

"Tang Taizong Li Jing Wen Dui·Volume": (The art of military use) There are thousands of chapters and sentences, but they are all about hurting people but not hurting them!

When the imperial court ordered the governors to organize and train their troops to prepare for the rebel army, Zhu Dadian, the governor of water transportation and the governor of Fengyang, was not able to stay out of the matter.

He also selected and trained 10,000 elite soldiers from Shandong spearmen and Kaifeng government officials, organized them into an army, and now he just led them to Guide Prefecture.

Guide Mansion was governed in Shangqiu County, which later became Shangqiu City.

The mansion is located on the upper reaches of the Yangtze River and Huaihe River, and is the backbone of Bianluo. It is connected to Bianliang in the west and Xuzhou in the east, which are both exterior and interior.

In the Ming Dynasty, the Yellow River had not yet changed its course, and its downstream direction was roughly Kaifeng, Guide, Xuzhou, Pizhou and Huai'an.

The deployment plan of Zhu Dadian, Governor of Water Transport and Governor of Fengyang, was to use Sui Chen's general Luo Ju, Xuzhou's deputy general Ma Xu and eunuch Lu Jiude to guard Runing with nine thousand troops to guard against "shun thieves" from conquering Chongfan again.

He personally led the main force to Kaifeng via Xuzhou and Guide, and then based on Kaifeng, he attacked Sishui and Dengfeng in order to force the "submissive thieves" Heluo to take root.

"How is Xiong Dameng's situation now?" Zhu Dadian asked the staff next to him while looking at the simple map in front of him.

The word Dameng is exactly the name of Xiong Wencan, the governor of Huguang.

"Reporting back to the army, according to the news received yesterday, Xiong Fu's army has successively captured three important places in Xinye, Tangxian and Dengzhou, and is preparing to advance by land and water to encircle the 'Ten Evil Generals' in Nanyang. I'm afraid there will be good news in the near future. Come on."

"It's too fast, it's still too fast! This Xiong Dameng has some tricks, but I'm afraid he may not have good intentions!" Zhu Dadian, the governor of Water Transport and the governor of Fengyang, frowned and said.

Originally, according to the plan, Xiong Wencan, the governor of Huguang, should be the first to launch the attack, forcing the "Shun Thief"'s sworn brother, "General Ten Evils", to mobilize the main force of the thieves.

When the main force of the thieves went south, he, Zhu Dadian, then governor of Henan and Fengyang's troops, took Sishui and Dengfeng directly.

Nowadays, Huguang Governor Xiong Wencan is making rapid progress. He is worried that if he fails to mobilize the main force of "shun thieves", he will feel uncomfortable at that time.

"After Kaifeng Mansion, Wanwu will send more 'Ye Bu Shu' to me to investigate carefully and make sure we don't hit the main force of the thieves!" Zhu Dadian thought for a moment and repeatedly warned his staff.

"Yes, Junmen!" The staff member responded quickly and took out a pen and paper to write down carefully.

But at this moment, another person suddenly opened the door and came in. He gave a simple salute and then stepped forward and said: "Junmen, this is a big deal!"

"Why are you so alarmed?" Zhu Dadian said displeased.

This guy is his newly promoted guerrilla general Zhang Shiyi, and everything else is fine.

It's just that this man was a reckless warrior and didn't know etiquette, which made Zhu Dadian quite unhappy.

"Fu Jun, news just came that the 'Shun Thieves' army suddenly arrived outside Fengyang City and sent spies to try to cooperate inside and outside to attack the city in one fell swoop."

"Fortunately, the soldiers fought to the death and repelled it from Kankan. However, the thief claimed that the army will arrive soon and asked the guard to surrender quickly!"

"Nonsense, nonsense!" Zhu Dadian, the Governor of Water Transport and Governor of Fengyang, couldn't help but said angrily after hearing this, "The thieves are only a few steps away from Fengyang, how can they get to Fengyang City?"

"Let them investigate our army carefully. Are the thieves Ying and Huo coming to act as monsters again?"

The so-called "Yinghuo thieves" refer to the rebels entrenched near Yingshan County and Huoshan County in the Dabie Mountains.

At the end of last year, the Yinghuo Rebel Army, headed by the "Sweeping King" Zhang Yichuan, took advantage of the unpreparedness of the officers and soldiers to seize Fengyang. As a result, the original water transport censor and Fengyang Governor Yang Yipeng was beheaded and abandoned the city, and Fengyang patrol commander Wu Zhenying was expelled to guard the border.

Zhu Dadian felt that he was not as big as Yang Yipeng, and he was even more shocked and frightened.

"Military Gate!" Guerrilla Zhang Shiyi considered himself a close confidant of Zhu Dadian, so he couldn't help but approached and reminded in a low voice, "The Yinghuo thieves are led by the 'Sweeping King', and the rest are nothing to be afraid of."

"At the beginning of the year, because the officers and soldiers were in a desperate pursuit, the 'Sweeper King' couldn't wait any longer, and he and the 'Xian Thief' fled westward for their lives!"

Although Zhang Shiyi didn't say anything else, Zhu Dadian also knew what he meant.

Today's Yinghuo thieves simply don't have the strength or courage to take Fengyang. This time, I'm afraid there will only be two other people besides the 'Shun thieves'.

"Damn it!" Zhu Dadian's face turned red with anger and he almost grabbed the drawing in front of him and tore it to pieces.

Seizing Sishui, Dengfeng, and encircling the rebel army in Heluo was a strategy that the imperial court had been brewing for several months. Fengyang Mansion was the central capital of the Ming Dynasty. Zhu Dadian was not able to bear any loss!

This was the consequences of the "death in battle" of Fu Zonglong, the governor of Henan. No one in Henan was in charge of the plan to deal with the rebels, so he had to bother Zhu Dadian, who was thousands of miles away, to take action, and Zhang Sanbai was so surprised that he was beaten. caught off guard.

When the guerrilla general Zhang Shiyi saw Zhu Dadian was in trouble, he looked around, and then whispered softly: "Fengyang made a mistake, Yang Yipeng learned from the past; after the defeat, Chen Qiyu was the guide for the aftermath!"

Zhu Dadian was stunned when he heard this and immediately reacted.

Yes, if Fengyang makes mistakes, he may not be able to escape death no matter what; if he is like Chen Qiyu and fails to suppress the thieves, he will at most lose his status and be imprisoned, but he can save his life.

Although Zhu Dadian didn't want to lose any of his power and official position, he had to shoot the arrow when it was on the string, and now he couldn't help it.

Thinking of this, Zhu Dadian, the governor of Water Transport and the governor of Fengyang, couldn't help but ordered: "Everything is difficult, we must not lose anything; the thieves of Heluo must be punished!"

"My army wants to personally lead Biaoying and other soldiers and horses back to rescue Fengyang. I have Zuo Liangyu, the commander-in-chief of Changping, to supervise the generals on behalf of my army to fight against the thieves in Henan. There must be no mistakes!"

Hou Xun, the benefactor of Zuo Liangyu, the general military officer in Changping, and the current secretary of household affairs, was from Guide Mansion. It happened that Zhu Dadian, the governor of water transportation and governor of Fengyang, also came here, so he came to visit him together, and he was in the city.

Zuo Liangyu couldn't help being surprised and happy after hearing the order, and quickly kowtowed nine times to thank Zhu Dadian.

It's not that Zuo Liangyu doesn't know that it's very risky to command soldiers to attack the "thief chief" now, especially since he has fought against the "thief chief" many times and knows that he is cunning and very difficult to deal with.

It's just that as a military general, it is too tempting to obtain the power of the governor-general. At least as far as he knows, only Cao Wenzhao has received this honor in recent times.

Zhu Dadian, the Governor of Water Transport and Governor of Fengyang, made this decision, killing two birds with one stone.

He can not only pass on the high-risk matter of "eliminating obedient thieves", but also sell Hou Xun, the current Minister of Household Affairs, which is really two birds with one stone.

After Zhu Dadian finished arranging everything, he couldn't wait to lead his subordinate Biaoying through Bozhou and went straight to Fengyang Mansion.

The Art of War says: Control people without controlling them.

How could Zhu Dadian have imagined that this time, just because of his own selfishness, he was mobilized by the "successful thieves", so that there were huge loopholes in the cooperation between the officers and soldiers, which ultimately led to the outcome of losing everything due to one careless move.

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