What is the status of the war in Nanyang, and what is the progress of Zhang Sanbai's clamor to advance eastward? In fact, Zhang Shun has no news at all.

Due to the backward communication system of this era, except for the post stations where the imperial court transmitted urgent military information, many messages were naturally transmitted, which often took several months or even longer.

Although the rebels have initially established a political power, they still have no good way to convey information to areas beyond their control.

Even if the messenger works quickly, several days will have passed by the time Zhang Shun receives the news, and the timeliness of the information will be lost.

This is one of the reasons why the Art of War has always emphasized that "military orders abroad will be subject to certain restrictions."

The battlefield is ever-changing and fighter planes are fleeting. If you ask for instructions on everything, I am afraid that the war will fall into a very passive situation.

"King Shun!" Chief of Staff Hong Chengchou came in and reported, "General Chen led the 'Scorpion Block' and 'Huntian Star' to attack fiercely for three to five days, but Liang Tingdong and Zuo Guangxian are still unable to retreat, and there is not much progress!"

It's really embarrassing to say that Hong Chengchou had fought with these people to death before and had a deep hatred.

Now the two sides are not meeting each other, making Hong Chengchou, the former governor of the five provinces, feel like a sheep among tigers.

If it weren't for Zhang Shun's protection, and these people were now seeking help from Zhang Shun, they would have pounced on him, eating him alive and skinning him alive.

As a result, Hong Chengchou has become much more honest recently and only obeys Zhang Shun's orders.

"You draft a warrant for me and immediately mobilize Governor Zhang and his craftsmen to go to Huazhou to start casting at least eight more 'Qingtian General Cannons'; ask Lu Weiqi to recruit young men, collect iron materials and iron ore, and use ten Ten thousand kilograms is the benchmark!”

"Yes!" Hong Chengchou hesitated for a moment after hearing this, but stopped talking.

"What's wrong? If you have anything to say, just say it. You won't be punished for your words here!" Zhang Shun couldn't help but feel strange when he saw it.

"I think King Shun is very determined to conquer Qin, but now there is another war in Nanyang and Henzhong. I'm afraid that if anything happens, the entire rebel army may be destroyed!" When Hong Chengchou saw Zhang Shun asking, he couldn't help but said honestly .

"At this time, are you still persuading me to return to Luoyang?" Zhang Shun shook his head and said firmly, "The Ming Dynasty's population, soldiers, land, wealth, etc. far exceed those of the rebels. If we can't take advantage of the situation to start fires everywhere, If you have no time to take into account the opportunity, if you fight to the death, will you have any chance of victory in the future?"

"King Shun misunderstood. This time I am not trying to persuade you to retreat, but to persuade you to march!" Hong Chengchou couldn't help but laugh.

"Oh? How do you say this?" Zhang Shunqi asked.

"A gentleman is born without exception, and he is good at pretending to things. Since King Shun was able to use the power of the rebel army to conquer Qin, why did he forget about a stronger force?" Hong Chengchou couldn't help laughing.

"Which force? How could I not know?" Zhang Shun became more and more curious.

"It's the Houjin in the north!" Hong Chengchou pointed to the north and couldn't help but smile, "Now the princes of Houjin, Dorgon and Yue Tuo, lead more than 10,000 elite troops and are stationed in Guihua City."

"As long as King Shun promises his children gold and silk and invites them to attack the Qin army together, they will definitely be able to use it to my advantage if they are greedy and greedy!"

"Joining the army with Hou Jin?" Zhang Shun was greatly shocked when he heard this, "This is absolutely impossible!"

"What's wrong with this?" Hong Chengchou asked strangely, "Since ancient times, Gou Jian had to lie down on firewood and eat his guts, and Tang Gao had ministers to the Turks. Both of them are outstanding people!"

"A real man can endure things that ordinary people cannot endure, so he can accomplish things that ordinary people cannot. Why should King Shun worry?"

Good guy, no wonder you have become a big traitor in history. You have already shown signs of love!

Loyalty, filial piety, justice, and the debate between Chinese and foreigners are not important. What is important is your glory and wealth!

Zhang Shun originally had some prejudice against him because he had been a traitor in history.

It's just that after he defected to the rebels, he acted honestly. As time went by, Zhang Shun felt a little guilty in his heart.

He originally thought that Hong Chengchou was a traitor in history, and it was "the time and the situation" that he had no choice but to do.

And since he has changed history in this life, he can be an upright person.

Now it seems that it is true that "wolves travel thousands of miles to eat meat, and dogs travel thousands of miles to eat shit." Neither of them can change their bad habits.

However, as a qualified politician, Zhang Shun is responsible for the safety of a party. He must be based on profit. How can he be bound by benevolence, justice and morality?

If he said such nonsense as "the Chinese and the barbarians are not at odds with each other" and "the Han and the barbarians are not in alliance", Hong Chengchou would only think that he was not suitable to be the leader of one party.

"How do you think Mr. Hong can persuade the likes of Dorgon and Yue Tuo?" Zhang Shun couldn't help but ask.

"The barbarians of that generation are only interested in profit and only have a few possessions. If that doesn't work, why not follow the old practice of the prosperous Tang Dynasty and allow them to take all the possessions of Xi'an women!" Hong Chengchou responded proudly.

He felt that Zhang Shun would only nod his head and go to the north to become a smooth-tongued lobbyist regardless of the hardships.

"No, no!" Zhang Shun shook his head upon hearing this, hating that iron cannot make steel, "Mr. Hong underestimated Hou Jin!"

"Since they came to separatize Liaodong, they have established laws and officials. After two generations, they defeated the Ming Dynasty's frontier army."

"The reason why it is in trouble now is that it is small and broad, and the weak defeats the strong. The snake is not strong enough to swallow the elephant!"

"The things they are trapped in are, firstly, food and grass, and secondly, population. Therefore, even though they are forced to enter the pass but cannot gain a foothold, they are just waiting for the opportunity!"

"The one who I want to seize the world is not the world of Ming Dynasty, nor the world of Hou Jin, but the world of Tianxia."

"How can we raise tigers and cause trouble and suffer the consequences?"

"This...isn't that what it is?" Hong Chengchou couldn't help but said in shock when he heard this, "That generation is just a small tribe outside the Great Wall, so how can it be compared to An Dahan back then?"

"It's okay to just make him King of Shunyi and agree to trade with each other!"

"This old slave is immoral and murderous. He is not as sweaty as I am. However, his son Hong Taixiong is very talented and cannot be ignored by barbarians!" Zhang Shun couldn't help but say cautiously based on his knowledge from his previous life.

"How can you see it?" In this life, Hong Chengchou had not directly come into contact with Hou Jin Bingfeng. He only easily killed Huang Taiji's defeated Lin Danhan at level 6000, thinking that he was nothing more than mediocre.

Therefore, when Zhang Shun proposed that Huang Taiji should not be underestimated, he was quite dissatisfied.

"When Tai Hong came to the throne, the Hou Jin Dynasty was beset with internal and external difficulties, and the people were in dire straits. Only by winning over the false kings and fighting to the death, entering the pass and plundering, the crisis was turned into safety, this is one of them!"

"Liaodong is located in a remote area, the people are poor and have no money, and they are facing enemies on all sides. However, Hongtai took advantage of the Ming Dynasty to encircle and suppress the rebels, and conquered Korea in the east, Mongolia in the west, and captured Daur tribes in the north. This shows that his ambition is not small. This is the second reason. !”

"Now that Hu Duntu is dead, the rest of the army is not a concern. Hong Taifu sent the puppet prince to station in Guihua City to gather his remaining troops, with the intention of outflanking the Ming Dynasty from the right wing. This is the third reason."

"If he really wanted to be a chieftain, how could he be so scheming?"

"Now that it has become powerful, it reaches Gansu in the west and North Korea in the east. It threatens all areas two to three thousand miles away. Once the Ming Dynasty collapses, how can I deal with it?"

"This..." Hong Chengchou was not a person who had gained a reputation in vain. Hearing this, his expression changed greatly.

"If it is as King Shun said, who in the world can control it?"

"This matter will be discussed in the long term, but if it is as I said, if we call him into the pass, I am afraid that he will occupy the magpie's nest!" Zhang Shun whispered in a low voice while secretly pointing at the rebels outside the camp. department.

Chief of Staff Hong Chengchou was shocked when he heard this, and his liver and gallbladder were split.

Of course he understood what Zhang Shun meant. Now these people were desperate and had to seek refuge with King Shun.

If there are other better choices, you can only imagine what they would choose!

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