By the way, Hong Chengchou and Zhang Shun, the old and the young, stayed in a small tent and plotted against all the heroes in the world.

If these words spread, even if the two of them are not cut into pieces, it will probably cause a huge uproar.

It's just that although the two of them "sat the front table in the middle of the night", the general trend of the world cannot be changed by them boasting a few words. The current problems facing the rebels still need to be solved.

Zhang Shun and Hong Chengchou became ruthless this time. They simply replaced "Scorpion Block" and "Huntian Xing" and ordered Chen Changzheng to supervise other generals to attack the city in turn.

They also dispatched dozens of cannons of various colors and heavy artillery, and only reduced Changle Gate, the east gate of Xi'an City, to ruins.

However, even though Changle Gate was in ruins, the foundation of the rammed earth city wall still existed, still standing there like a small hill.

Zuo Guangxian, the commander-in-chief of Shaanxi Province, personally led the troops and took charge of the city. Gan Xuekuo, the governor of Shaanxi Province, mobilized young men overnight, and actually built a simple new city gate inside the city.

Another day, the smoke from the siege dissipated, and an abandoned hillock densely covered with bullet holes appeared in front of us.

In front of the waste hill is the turbid moat. The water in the river is a little red and smelly.

The soaked corpses of various colors were floating on the river in a mess, some with traces of blood escaping, while others were soaked in a circle, giving off a disgusting death white color.

The original suspension bridge city bricks had long since disappeared, replaced by dark brown soil that seemed to have been turned over eight hundred times.

The defenders on the city looked blankly at the rebels retreating in an orderly manner outside the city, their eyes occasionally twitching, proving that they were different from those lying on the ground and were not considered dead.

Among the officers and soldiers, there was a general with a tired face and dark eyes, as if they were sunken.

"Cheer up my spirits. Someone else will come up and take over soon!" That general was none other than Zuo Guangxian, the commander-in-chief of Shaanxi Province.

This guy is really a strong-willed person. He fought against "Shunying" and was defeated repeatedly. If it were anyone else, he would have been unable to withstand it, but he still persisted.

In fact, while the rebels were suffering, the military officials in Xi'an were even more miserable.

Changlemen, once burned down by the rebels, is now like an ulcer, tormenting them all the time.

They were afraid that when they woke up, the city would be filled with rebel soldiers like wolves and tigers.

This city wall is a man-made natural barrier, in order to reduce the defensive pressure on the city and be able to resist more powerful enemies with fewer troops and horses.

However, the damage to Changle Gate caused flaws in Xi'an's city defense.

It's like a city gate that used to require only one person to defend five people, but now requires three or even four people to defend it.

Although in terms of offensive and defensive momentum, there is still a slight advantage.

However, since the enemy is strong and we are weak, the "shun thieves" can choose the time and point of attack at any time, which increases the difficulty of defense for the defending side.

As the saying goes: "You can only be a thief for a thousand days, but you can't guard against a thief for a thousand days." The officers and soldiers suffered terribly from being harassed by the rebels, but they had to pay for it with their lives.

This also caused great pressure on the generals who commanded the defense of the city. Liang Tingdong, the governor of the three sides, and Zuo Guangxian, the commander-in-chief of Shaanxi Province, had to take turns commanding to deal with the rebels' tired enemy strategy.

What's even worse is that the food and firewood in Xi'an are starting to run out.

The previous rebel strategy of "exchanging food for firewood" was ridiculed by Zuo Guangxian as "a woman's kindness cannot make a great weapon."

Now not only could he not laugh, he was almost crying.

Xi'an is a large, non-productive city with a population of hundreds of thousands. Although there is a small amount of food in stock, it cannot satisfy the consumption of hundreds of thousands of people who can only leave and not enter.

In addition, the 30,000 soldiers brought by Liang Tingdong, the governor of the three sides, made the city's supply even worse.

Roughly speaking, the city consumes four to five thousand shi of food in one day, and more than 100,000 shi of food in a month. How can it withstand this?

"If it doesn't work, drive out the extra people!" Gan Xuekuo, the governor of Shaanxi, thought for a long time and couldn't help but suggest.

"How to rush? What if the thieves come to attack and the people run around, but the thieves take the opportunity to invade the city?" Liang Tingdong couldn't help but shook his head and rejected Gan Xuekuo's proposal.

In fact, he still had a hidden worry in his mind. What if these people were coerced by "successful thieves" and used to attack the city?

"This won't work, it won't work anywhere. Are we just going to sit back and wait until everything is over?" Gan Xuekuo was also anxious and couldn't help but say something.

"No, actually the situation is not that serious!" Liang Tingdong, the governor of the three sides, couldn't help but sneered, "This time the court has made great efforts to deal with this beast in one fell swoop. We only need to guard it for another half month and discipline him to collapse without a fight!"

"Are you serious?" Gan Xuekuo said in disbelief, "The 'Shun Thief' has been running around for several years, and the court has been unable to do anything about it. Don't try to coax me, it may not work this time!"

"Don't worry. As far as I know, Huguang Governor Xiong Wencan has launched an attack on time. I'm afraid Zhu Dadian, Governor of Water Transport and Governor of Fengyang, should also attack Sishui and Dengfeng in the past two days..." Liang Tingdong knew the truth and could not help but wonder. .

"What step are we on?" Gan Xuekuo couldn't help but believe it when he saw that he had a nose and eyes.

"We are the last step, leaving it for the final word!" Liang Tingdong smiled upon hearing this.

"It's almost time. I'm going to send people to Ningxia Commander-in-Chief Zu Dabi to come and suppress this thief!"

"This...are the Tartars in the north not on guard?" Gan Xuekuo couldn't help but be surprised.

"I finally figured it out. In fact, the chief of Lu came here this time just to gather the remnants of Hu Duntu Khan." Liang Tingdong couldn't help but laugh.

"Actually, this place is two to three thousand miles away. Even if the Tartars capture this place, how can they occupy and govern it? I only need to order Yansui, Ningxia and other places to hold on to the city and wait for them to retreat!"

Because this guy had served as Minister of War, he was deeply afraid of Hou Jin's brutality, so he subconsciously treated Dorgon, Yue Tuo and others as if they were facing formidable enemies.

Is this method correct? That's right, he was even more aware of the threat to Hou Jin than most governors.

However, things have priorities. He invested too much energy, troops and materials in Houjin's threat, so he was not prepared enough for the threat of the rebels.

Is Liang Tingdong's estimate correct? That's right. In fact, just when he said these words, Changping Commander-in-Chief Zuo Liangyu urged Fu Commander-in-Chief Mou Wenshou, Fu Zonglongbiaoying, guerrilla Zhang Shiyi and more than 10,000 people to report to Cao Bianjiao and Zhao who were confronting Chen Yongfu. Carp launched an attack.

The officers and soldiers outnumbered the rebels, so Cao Bianjiao and Zhao Lizi had no choice but to retreat to the Sishui Pass newly built by Han Lin and others.

Zuo Liangyu led the crowd to take a look, and couldn't help pointing and laughing: "This thief is really stupid and ridiculous! Look at this city, it's low and clumsy. I'm afraid the officers and soldiers will fire a few rounds of cannons, and these rebellious officials and thieves will disperse in a rush!" "

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