Please ask me to be the emperor

Chapter 944 Two Hearts (Part 2)

Regardless of whether the two of them were convinced or not, Zuo Liangyu still ordered someone to beat them up before he vented his anger.

Logically speaking, is it right for Commander-in-Chief Zuo Liangyu to give them both a good beating? right!

These two people openly "padded" and failed to report the enemy situation to Zuo Liangyu in time. As a result, Zhao Zhu suffered heavy injuries and needed to be dealt with.

It's just that Zuo Liangyu failed to catch the two of them, and his behavior was rough, which inevitably made the two of them resentful.

"What does brother deserve? Why bother to offend General Zuo?" His younger brother Zhang Xianzhen consoled Zhang Xianbi with sincerity while applying medicine to him.

"What are you afraid of? He is just a 'butt seller'. What is it worth for me to work for him?" Zhang Xianbi said unconvinced.

"The arm cannot twist the thigh. There is someone in the middle of the court. You are so arrogant. When they take a breath, they will inevitably kill you both!" Zhang Xianzhen smiled bitterly and shook his head.

"You can't afford to hide if you can't offend us?" Zhang Xianbi couldn't help but sneered when he heard this, "If you don't want to keep me here, you have to keep me. I heard that King Shun was benevolent and righteous and recruited heroes from all over the world. If we are pressed, why don't we? To vote for him?"

"What?" Zhang Xianzhen was shocked. She quickly went out to check around, then turned around and scolded in a low voice, "You're crazy! Are you going to ignore your parents and children at home?"

Zhang Xianbi finally woke up a little, and after a while he slowly said: "It depends on the situation. Who would be willing to be a thief unless they have no choice?"

"Yes, who would be willing to be a thief unless they had no choice?" At the same time that Zhang Xianbi lamented, Chai Shihua, the former Gansu commander-in-chief who was stationed in Ye County three hundred miles away from Sishui County, also expressed the same emotion.

After finishing speaking, Chai Shihua flicked the letter in his hand, turned around and asked, "Now that I am the general of Shunying, what does Eunuch Lu mean by this?"

The man in front of Chai Shihua had a white face and a beardless face, and his face looked quite gentle. He could only hear him whisper softly: "My father-in-law said that General Chai has been loyal and good for generations and has received favors from the emperor. He must not be a thief sincerely. Therefore, please tell me, Your Majesty, The punishment of the Chai family has been suspended."

"Now the traitors are in danger, and their destruction is imminent. I hope General Chai will rein in his horse in time and turn around, so as not to make a mistake that will lead to eternal hatred!"

Chai Shihua is a general of the Chai family in Xining. His father Chai Guozhu, uncle Chai Guodong and brother Chai Shixiu all died for the country. How can he be called "loyalty from generation to generation".

Therefore, the man in front of him said something soft and hard at the same time, which made Chai Shihua ponder for a long time.

"A man is born in heaven and earth, how can he look at Qin and Chu?" He didn't know how long it took before he couldn't help but sigh, "If the imperial court had treated me like this, why would I be like this?"

After hearing this, the man in the middle couldn't help but twitch the corners of his mouth, with a half-smile on his face.

After hearing what Chai Shihua said, he didn't have much reaction. Instead, he walked back and forth slowly for a few steps, and then he smiled and said, "Then those ships stranded outside Ye County are the rewards given to General Chai by 'King Shun'" ?"

"What do you mean by that?" Chai Shihua's eyes widened when he heard this, and he stood up suddenly, pressing his head slightly, looking like a tiger ready to pounce.

As a result, the man seemed not to notice Chai Shihua's threat, and continued to respond in an orderly manner: "You know what I know, and God knows and earth knows. If you don't want others to know, you have to do nothing unless you do it yourself!"

"I heard that King Shun has always been benevolent and righteous, but he can't get sand out of his eyes!"

"If he knows what you're doing, how many heads does Mr. Chai have that he can chop off?"

"Not to mention that Xiong Wencan, the governor of Huguang, is besieging the 'Ten Evil Generals' in Nanyang, Zhu Dadian, the governor of water transportation and governor of Fengyang, is besieging Cao Bianjiao in Sishui, and Liang Tingdong, the governor of the three sides, has led a hundred thousand elite troops to besiege the 'shun thieves' in Bashang."

"The land where it is based, Heluo, seems to be as stable as Mount Tai, but in fact it is as dangerous as eggs. I wonder where General Chai will go?"

"This..." Chai Shihua hesitated for a moment when he heard the words, and then laughed again, "Although Chai is incompetent, he is not a 'weed', so just report back to Eunuch Lu!"

"Okay, let's go then. General Chai, let's think about it carefully!" The man smiled and Shi Shiran left.

As soon as the man left, people gathered around him and shouted: "General!"

"Tell me, what do you think?" Chai Shihua couldn't help but smile.

Suddenly, the meeting hall was as chaotic as a vegetable market. Some people said they wanted to leave, some said they wanted to stay, and everyone expressed their opinions.

After everyone had finished the discussion, someone finally remembered and asked, "What does the general think?"

"No matter who follows us, they can't defeat us!" Chai Shihua chuckled, "There are soldiers and generals these days, and he is the Grass-head King!"

What do you think?

It turns out that Zhu Dadian, the governor of water transportation and the governor of Fengyang, originally stayed in Runing and was guarded by 9,000 soldiers, including Luo Ju, the commander-in-chief of Chen Chen, Ma Xu, the deputy commander-in-chief of Xuzhou, and Lu Jiude, the eunuch, to prevent the rebels from returning and plundering Chongfan. , I have never dared to use it easily.

When Zhang Sanbai made a surprise attack on Fengyang, Zhu Dadian, the governor of water transportation and governor of Fengyang, rushed back to help, and then he remembered that there were three battalions of troops here.

He quickly dispatched soldiers with three hundred miles of urgent letters, ordering these three men to cooperate with the commander-in-chief Zuo Liangyu to attack Ruzhou.

Luo Ju, the commander-in-chief of Sui Chen, received the order and was about to act according to the plan. Unexpectedly, Ma Xu, the deputy commander-in-chief of Xuzhou, persuaded him and said: "Ruzhou and Sishui are more than a hundred miles apart, and there are thieves stationed in Yuzhou, Ye County, and How can Xuzhou and other places be taken lightly?"

"Chai Shihua, the Chai family of Xining, is currently stationed in Ye County. This place connects the north and the south. It is the retreat route of the traitor 'Ten Evil Generals' after Xiong Wencan, the governor of Huguang, captured Nanyang and the only way for the 'shun thieves' to come to help."

"If we can seize this place, we can cut off the connection between the Nanyang thief and other thieves, and make them dead."

"Secondly, it can also be used as the basis for attacking Ruzhou. You can attack when you advance, and you can defend when you retreat!"

This Ma Xu is none other than the son of the Ma family, a general of the Ming Dynasty.

His grandfather was the famous general Ma Fang, and his father was the famous general Ma Lin. All five of his brothers died in state affairs, and now only one of them is alive.

Although Ma Xu was not as good as his grandfather, father and others, he was also familiar with military literature since he was a child. His suggestions did not dare to be ignored by General Chen Sui and Luo Ju.

"I wonder what Eunuch Lu thinks?" Luo Ju thought for a while, then turned around and asked.

"Good!" Although Lu Jiude was a eunuch, he was not a supervisor, but a serious general who led the elite troops in the capital.

He has a high status and can reach directly to heaven. Because of his humble position and power, no one dares to offend him easily.

But after hearing this, Lu Jiude laughed again and said: "In this matter, the top priority is to attack the heart, and the bottom priority is to attack the city!"

"Chai Shihua is a general in Xining. He has been favored by the emperor. How can he become a thief easily?"

"We only need to attack to promote surrender, and we can fight and pull at the same time. Maybe we can easily capture this city without any effort, and gain one more general!"

The three of them had decided on their plan, and then the previous scene appeared.

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