Please ask me to be the emperor

Chapter 945 The battle situation suddenly changed

May 5th, the eighth year of Chongzhen year, is the Dragon Boat Festival, and it is also the day to worship the loyal minister Qu Yuan of Chu State.

However, on days like this, Zhang Shun received news from betrayers in both places.

"What's the matter, His Royal Highness King Shun?" Chief of Staff Hong Chengchou looked at the rare uncertain expression on Zhang Shun's face, and he couldn't help asking strangely.

"Take a look!" Zhang Shun handed the letter in his hand to Hong Chengchou expressionlessly.

"A great victory over Sishui?" Hong Chengchou picked up the letter and read it, and couldn't help but said with great joy, "This is a great thing. Why is King Shun so depressed?"

"Look carefully!" Zhang Shun said coldly.

"Oh? Zhang Xianbi and Huang Chaoxuan, the remnants of Fu Zonglong's officers and soldiers, could not bear the bullying of Zuo Liangyu, the commander-in-chief of Changping, and angrily defected to our army." Hong Chengchou couldn't help but read aloud as he watched.

"The two sides agreed to release the left wing when the officers and soldiers launched a large-scale attack on the city, so that the rebels could defeat the enemy."

"On the second day of the fifth lunar month, Zuo Liangyu was really impatient with Zhang Xianbi, Huang Chaoxuan and others, so he personally led the troops out to supervise the generals to storm Sishui Pass."

"The two sides fought hard for two days, and the officers and soldiers could not advance even an inch. I then led the cavalry to ambush in the Nanshan Mountains and sent Zhao Lizi and Han Lin to guard the city."

"When the officers and soldiers suffered successive setbacks and the soldiers were tired and discouraged, I then let the cavalry trample them."

"Zhang Xianbi and Huang Chaoxuan were defeated as promised. I took the opportunity to rush in and destroy the remaining troops of Xuan Mo, the former governor of Henan."

"The remaining soldiers were routed and then rushed into Zuo Liangyu's middle army. The officers and soldiers were in chaos. I pursued them all the way to the gates of Zhengzhou City before returning to camp."

"Xuanmo's remnant generals Chen Zhibang and Ma Liangwen were desperate and surrendered to the rebels."

"So far, we have beheaded 231 officers and soldiers, captured 457 people, surrendered four generals, and more than 3,400 soldiers, and finally lifted the siege of Sishui!"

After reading this, Hong Chengchou couldn't help but said loudly: "Okay, what a great Cao Bianjiao!"

"There is another letter below!" Zhang Shun continued without any hesitation.

"King Shun is here, and I have Li Xin, the commander-in-chief of Ruzhou, to pay my respects."

"Since I left Yuzhou, I have not failed to do my best every day, for fear of betraying King Shun's great trust."

"Since General Zhang's Eastern Campaign, I have been responsible for the defense of Ruzhou, Yuzhou, Xuzhou, Ye County and other places. I have been fighting with fear and fear, as if I were facing an abyss or walking on thin ice. I may not be able to sleep peacefully one day!"

"Unexpectedly, dozens of days ago, Sui Chen's commander-in-chief Luo Ju, Xuzhou deputy commander-in-chief Ma Xu and eunuch Lu Jiude who were stationed in Runing led 9,000 troops to besiege Ye County."

"Fuye County is the main route for the rebel army to go south, and the gateway for officers and soldiers to go north. I dare not neglect, and hastily ordered Jiang He, who is stranded in Linying, to lead his troops to rescue."

"Unexpectedly, before Jiang He arrived, Ye County had fallen, and Chai Shihua, the former commander-in-chief of Gansu Province, had surrendered to Lu Jiude."

"In desperation, I abandoned Yuzhou, Xuzhou and other places, ordered Jiang He to station in Xiangcheng to guard against his going north, and stationed himself in Baofeng to block his westward advance and temporarily stabilize the current situation."

"It's just that Li Jiyu, who was stationed in Mi County, was weak and was in danger of being detoured and attacked in Dengfeng by officers and soldiers, so I ordered him to retreat to Dengfeng."

"It's just that as a result, the rebels abandoned four or five cities, and all that King Shun gained at the beginning of the year was abandoned!"

"I am guilty of the death penalty. If I fail to find out, Chai Shihua is cunning and repeated, so much so that his whole body will be affected by a single move."

"Second, the current crisis could not be solved, so General Xiao of Nanyang fell into an isolated and helpless situation, and General Zhang of the Eastern Expedition was cut off from retreat, and he was trapped in death..."

While reading, Hong Chengchou broke into a cold sweat.

There is a saying that "a dike of a thousand miles breaks in an ant nest." Although King Shun's deployment this time was rigorous and meticulous, the rebel troops were insufficient.

If there is a slight accident now, everything will be ruined!

"King Shun, the matter is urgent. Please let me rush to Guihua City. If I rely on the sharp tongue of an old minister to say that Dorgon went south, we still don't know who will win!" Hong Chengchou couldn't help but kneel down in a hurry and spoke impassionedly. The admonition said.

"Why are you panicking? Things haven't reached the worst yet. Now that everything east of Ruzhou has been abandoned, what's the harm?" Zhang Shun said calmly after hearing this.

"Xiao Qinhu, I can trust him. Even if he fights to the death, he will never lose Nanyang City."

"So what if the escape route is cut off now? There are 500,000 stones of rice and grain transported by Cheng Jia in Nanyang City. How can it fall easily?"

"As for Ruzhou, you will draft an order for me in a moment, asking Chen Jindou and Wei Yingzhi who are stranded in Ruzhou to repair the city, train the men, and raise food and grass as soon as possible to prepare for emergencies!"

"If there is any disharmony, Li Xin and others will be ordered to retreat to Ruzhou and wait for the opportunity!"

Hong Chengchou felt a little at ease when he saw that Zhang Shun's mood was stable and his orders were orderly.

Hong Chengchou then wiped the cold sweat from his head, sang a song, and then asked: "Your Highness King Shun, good advice is hard to hear. Now that the situation of the rebel army is dangerous, I have to say something that I shouldn't say."

"Nanyang and Ruzhou can be temporarily defended, but they are still shaky. After all, it is not a long-term solution."

"Now the rebels can't look after each other, the north and the south can't save each other, and they are weak with few soldiers, food and finances. If we don't find a way in time, I'm afraid the day of collapse is not far away!"

Is Hong Chengchou right? Very true!

Although the officers and soldiers carried out a surprise attack strategically this time, they actually carried out a steady and steady attack tactically.

As a result, the soldiers and horses at every location far outnumbered the rebels, causing the rebels to be beaten and passive everywhere.

What's even more frightening is that every force is being restrained.

The mobile forces in the hands of the rebels were better than nothing. Except for Liu Cheng's troops in Luoyang City, there were no other available troops.

Now the battlefield is blooming on all sides, facing powerful enemies. So much so that even a small victory like Cao Bianjiao cannot solve the current predicament.

what to do?

"Your Highness King Shun, tell me the truth. Is there anything you can do? Do we still have the strength to make a comeback?" Hong Chengchou was almost crying.

"If it really doesn't work, I would rather bear the name of 'Tong Yi', and I ask King Shun to make a decision as soon as possible!"

Having said this, Zhang Shun couldn't help but look at this "traitor" with admiration.

He was silent for a long time, nodded and said: "Although there are some unexpected things in the middle, it is generally within my expectations, so it is nothing!"

"Really?" Hong Chengchou was hesitant when he heard the words, and couldn't help but confirm again, "Does King Shun really mean what he said? So where is the winner in this battle?"

The winning move is a Go term, which refers to a side whose situation is not optimistic and makes a move that is not enough to reverse the victory, and ultimately reverses the outcome, so it is called the "winning move".

It can be seen that the situation of the rebel army has reached such a stage that Hong Chengchou said such a thing.

"I'm waiting too!" Zhang Shun couldn't help but chuckle after hearing this, "Although the situation is indeed not optimistic, the officers and soldiers want to defeat Zhang with these, I'm afraid they have a pretty good idea!"

Zhang Shun often played games in his previous life, and he understood the truth. It is not scary whether there is a tailwind or a headwind. What is scary is that one side has the ability to end the game quickly.

Chai Shihua's betrayal certainly posed a serious threat to the rebels, so much so that the entire situation fell into a passive situation.

However, this is not enough!

If the officers and soldiers want to "end" "this game", then he will definitely use his last killer move!

That is the key to victory or defeat, and it is also the key for the rebels to use their "winner's hand" to turn defeat into victory!

And before that, Xiao Qinhu, Zhang Sanbai, Li Xin, you all have to stand up to me!

It’s the end of the month, please vote for me, thank you all for your support!

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