Please ask me to be the emperor

Chapter 946 Cultivated Land

Nanyang is located in the south of Henan, and wheat tends to mature earlier than in other places.

After the landless farmers in Nanyang were divided up their land this time, they worked hard and worked hard from dawn to dusk in order to have a good harvest this year.

Seeing that there will be a good harvest this year, I can have a good year.

However, these people did not expect that the war was coming and the "Returning Corps" also came.

"I am not a thief, I really am not a thief!" an old man shouted, with his whole family escorted behind him.

"Never a thief? Not a thief, you can't even afford a meal like this. Where did this land come from?" The leading officer and soldier couldn't help but sneered, "You are so brave that you even dared to own the land of Prince Tang." Rob!?"

"I didn't steal it, I really didn't steal it! The thief gave this to me for free, sir!" The old man was about to cry.

"If it really doesn't work, can I go back?"

"Who are you coaxing? Why didn't the thief give it to me or him, but to you?" the leading officer and soldier sneered.

"Now you even dare to rob the royal family's land. I can't imagine what you will dare to do in the future!"

"Master, I was wrong, please spare me!" The old farmer was so frightened that he couldn't help but beg for mercy.

"What did you do earlier? It's too late now!" After saying this, the leader took out his sword, stepped forward and stabbed the old farmer in the chest.

"Ah!" The old farmer screamed, holding the blade tightly with both hands, his eyes widened, and he wished he could eat the person in front of him alive.

The leading officer was immediately frightened and took two steps back. When he looked again, he saw that the old farmer's eyes had already lost their luster and he was already dead!

"Bah! Just die, and you're trying to scare people!" The leading officer put his body on his body and wiped the blood from the spatula, then turned and ordered, "Kill them all. This group of unscrupulous people actually dared to rob the royal family's property. Is there anything you don’t dare to do?”

"Fujun, this..." Tang Wang Zhu Yujian hesitated for a moment, and couldn't help but plead in a low voice, "I can just take back my king's fields, why bother to cause more killings?"

Xiong Wencan, the governor of Huguang, couldn't help but smile bitterly and shook his head after hearing this, but he did not accuse Tang Wang Zhu Yujian of being a good boy for taking advantage.

He just smiled bitterly and said: "Your Highness, do you think this official is willing to do this? It is really a last resort!"

"Your Highness comes from a wealthy family and does not know the hardships of ordinary people. These people work hard from beginning to end of the year, planting seeds and fertilizing. Now that the harvest is imminent and the whole family's rations are here, how can they be willing to give up?"

"No matter how pitiful they look now, they will definitely collude with the gangsters and take revenge on us!"

"Instead of doing this, it is better to take precautions, nip problems in the bud, and completely eliminate hidden dangers!"

"Uh" Zhu Yujian was stunned for a moment, and then he understood the reason and couldn't help but admired, "What Fu Jun said is true. This king is pedantic in this matter!"

It's just that Zhu Yujian was an honest gentleman and he really couldn't bear to see such a tragic thing. He confessed and left after a short time, leaving whatever Xiong Wencan, the governor of Huguang, had to do.

At this time, people gathered around him and asked in a low voice: "Fu Jun?"

"It's okay, you can do it with peace of mind!" Xiong Wencan couldn't help but smile, "The people of Nanyang are mostly disturbed by thieves and bandits, and most of their property and land have been plundered by them. It's time to seek justice!"

At this time, the gentry on the left and right couldn't help but smile, and quickly promised: "Fu Jun, please keep your heart in your stomach. This time, we will supply the officers and soldiers with food and grass, and this amount will be delivered to Fu Jun later!"

"Two or two hundred thousand taels?" Xiong Wencan couldn't help but rub his hands in embarrassment and said, "Why is this so embarrassing?"

Damn, we are talking about 20,000 taels!

The gentry had a hard time arguing, and immediately looked at each other in confusion.

"Don't worry, Fujun. As long as you give us some time, we will definitely send the silver to your mansion!" Unexpectedly, someone suddenly agreed.

"Okay, okay, then I can't refuse the governor's hospitality!" Xiong Wencan chuckled and walked away triumphantly.

"Why did you agree? You paid for it?" Others complained when they saw Huguang Governor Xiong Wencan leaving.

"I'll do it? Where can I get so much money? Of course we all do it together!" The man chuckled.

Damn it, you used our money to make a crowd, and suddenly everyone wanted to eat him in one bite.

When the man saw everyone's expressions, he couldn't help but sneered: "Should I call you stupid, or should I call you naive?"

"Nowadays, people are like swordsmen and fish and meat. If Xiong Fujun just says a word, how can we have any room for bargaining?"

"I know that everyone has suffered this time and money is a little tight, but didn't you listen to the governor of Huguang who asked us to 'ask for justice'?"

"How do you say this?" Everyone couldn't help but look at each other in confusion when they heard that there was something in his words.

"It's not up to us to decide who owns this land and who should own it!" The man couldn't help but sneered after hearing this, "Do you want me to be more clear about it?"

"You mean to rob other people's farmland?" Everyone was shocked. Isn't this too immoral?

"I never said that. What I said was that we want to get our own land and house back!" The man couldn't help but take advantage of others.

"What about the field deed?" Zuo Zuo couldn't help but asked in shock.

"What kind of land deed? What kind of land deed does a person who is a bandit have? Naturally, the property will be confiscated, and the children will be turned into slaves without official titles!" the man said grimly.

"This" everyone couldn't help but feel chilled when they heard this, and they were immediately speechless.

This guy was so ruthless. Without the acquiescence of Huguang Governor Xiong Wencan, he would never have said such a thing.

Directly slandering good people as being complicit in banditry, and then destroying their families and plundering their property, is there any royal law in this world?

"Everyone in the city, listen to me. It is the crime of destroying the whole family if you are a traitor! Look at these people, this is the fate of being a traitor!" Not two days after this happened, the officers and soldiers had already led a group of people to the gate of Nanyang City. , kill the chicken to scare the monkey.

"Bastard!" Xiao Qinhu, who was on the city tower, was furious and cursed, "I have been dealing with tigers and leopards all year round. I thought that there was no one more ferocious than this in the world. But now I see that you are so vicious and evil, and you can't compare to tigers and leopards!" "

"Xiong Wencan, you are also an important official in the imperial court. How are your actions different from those of an animal? What did you learn by reading the books of sages?"

Xiao Qinhu cursed, and Xiong Wencan, who was under the city, immediately covered his face and retreated.

In fact, it would be unfair to say that Xiong Wencan is personally cruel.

It's just that in the late Ming Dynasty, when class contradictions and contradictions between man and land were sharp, once the fundamental issue of land was touched, it would lead to a life-and-death struggle.

How come Xiong Wencan doesn't know how these people under his command behave? However, the situation is stronger than the person, and he cannot control the entire situation.

The summer harvest is about to begin. With the endless wheat on the fields, you have to figure out who owns it!

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