"Fellow, have you eaten?" Old Liu Tou was walking home from the market carrying two baskets of sweet potatoes. When he heard the sound, he turned around and saw that it was Niu Er from the west of the village.

He couldn't help but responded awkwardly: "Eat, just finished eating!"

In fact, he had been selling sweet potatoes all morning, but he didn't sell a few at all. He had to pick a piece, wipe it on his clothes and take a few bites. Now his stomach was filled with acidic water and felt uncomfortable.

Could it be that this guy is out of food and wants to borrow food from me?

Old Liu Tou muttered in his heart, and quickly added: "I just took a few bites at random. The situation is not good these days, and there are several half-grown children in the family who are crying for food. I am really ashamed of this old man!"

"Isn't it true? Since the governor of Huguang came here, there have been no ships on the water and no food on the land. It's not a bad life!" Niu Er didn't pay attention to his two baskets of sweet potatoes and continued to chat for a while.

It turns out that there is an important commercial town to the north of Tang County, called Qianqi Town.

This Qianqi Town is located on the banks of the Zhao River and is a typical land and water terminal.

The Zhao River flows from north to south and meets the Xianshui River near the county seat of Tang County.

Then it flows southward, merges with the Feishui River flowing through Nanyang, and flows into the Han River.

Thanks to the advantages of water transportation, this town has become a trade hub for the exchange of goods between western and southern Henan, as well as Shaanxi and Shanshan provinces and the Huguang area.

However, the western and southern parts of Henan, which directly benefited from it, are now occupied by the rebels. So if this important trading town trades here, isn't it capitalizing on the enemy?

Xiong Wencan, the former governor of Fujian, knew the importance of trade, so he immediately cut off the trade node of Qianqi Town.

It's just that compared to other traditional Confucian officials, this guy is far-sighted, but he still lacks sufficient understanding of business economics.

They only know the dangers of being displaced, but they don’t know the risks of unemployment.

Xiong Wencan controlled the waterways in Shengqi Town and closed the shops. A large number of sailors, boatmen, helpers and hard laborers suddenly lost their jobs, among which old Liu Tou and Niu Er were the representatives.

They are all bankrupt farmers with no land to cultivate. In the past, they only used their strength to do some help and fiber pulling work in Shengqi Town.

But now that Xiong Wencan has cut off trade, these people are all unemployed.

Old Liu Tou was better off than the others. In his spare time, he once opened several acres of thin farmland on nearby hillsides and ditches.

If we grow some food in these barren lands, we may not even be able to harvest the food seeds.

It just so happened that a few years ago, while working as a helper, Old Liu Tou begged for a piece of sweet potato that was "easy to grow" from a passing merchant. He relied on this advantage to "dig out food" from the ravine.

It's just that although the sweet potato yield is large, it doesn't withstand hunger. Old Liu Tou just treats it as a casual thing to supplement his family's income.

But now that he was "unemployed" and had no income, he ate sweet potatoes for more than ten days in a row, and his stomach only had sour water.

He then planned to sell some sweet potatoes in exchange for some grain to "nourish his stomach", but unfortunately he failed.

"What are you doing?" Old Liu Tou was also an honest man. Seeing Niu Er chatting casually, he couldn't help but ask.

"Oh, I went to pay homage to General Yang Si, hoping to bless our waterways and wealth!" Niu Er said with a mysterious smile.

"Besides, the clay Bodhisattva can't protect himself, so how can he protect us?" Old Liu Tou was very old and had never seen anything before, so he didn't believe this.

It turns out that during this season, there is a very widespread "Yang Si belief" among the people. Its scope covers the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River and spreads to Sichuan, Henan, Shaanxi, Gansu and other places.

This "General Yang Si" is a water god. It is said that he can kill dragons and calm floods. Therefore, temples are often built next to rivers and lakes for worship by boatmen, sailors and other people engaged in related industries.

"This Yang Si is not that Yang Si!" Niu Er chuckled when he heard this and whispered, "This man is a true god who came down to earth and specializes in killing the evil people in the world!"

After finishing speaking, he murmured in a low voice: "General Yang Si rose from Nanyang, armed with an iron axe, to destroy monsters and monsters. He will eliminate all evil dragons, water ghosts, and corrupt officials and hungry wolves!"

"Tens of tens of millions of people have been saved, and millions of boats have been saved. Boating is not prohibited in the world, and all checkpoints in the world have been demolished. People everywhere are happy, what a prosperous and peaceful king!"

"You...are you crazy?" Old Liu Tou couldn't help being frightened when he heard this, and he yelled in a low voice, "You don't want to learn, how can you learn to be a thief? Is this what you can do?"

It turns out that in this world, in addition to the mythical and legendary Yang Si, there really is a thief named Yang Si named Yang Si.

This man started his army at about the same time as Guo Sanhai, Hou Yumin, Liu Hongqi, Shen Wandeng and others.

It's just that he is young and vigorous, and does not have the luck of those few, so his power and reputation are not as good as others.

But recently, for some unknown reason, this person suddenly became enlightened and suddenly claimed that he stayed at the "General Yang Si" temple at night and dreamed about his past and future lives. Only then did he realize that he was the reincarnation of General Yang Si. He wanted to eliminate injustice in the world and support the Ming Dynasty. May there be eternal peace!

Then he rode a white horse, wore golden armor and held an iron ax. He called himself "Yang Si, King of Taiping" and encouraged the nearby people to join the gang.

Originally, most people kept a respectful distance from these thieves, fearing that they would be contaminated and their innocent identity would be ruined.

But now there are more and more people whose land has been taken away by the powerful management, and there are also more and more "unemployed vagrants" who have been cut off from the credit of Xiong Wencan's trade in Flag Town.

If there are too many idle people, something will happen.

Niu Er laughed when Old Liu Tou shouted at him: "Killing people and setting fire to gold belts, building bridges and repairing roads but no corpses. Old Liu Tou, you have been kind to others all your life, but what did you end up with in the end?"

"If you don't think about yourself, why don't you think about your descendants?"

"This..." Old Liu Tou, who was still firm at first, couldn't help but hesitate.

Yes, if I have been living in such a confused state my whole life, do my children and grandchildren have to live like this for the rest of their lives?

While Old Liu was hesitating, someone suddenly shouted loudly: "Grandpa, grandpa, go back quickly. Our land was robbed by Liu Ermazi, a gangster from the east of the village. My uncle also had his leg broken by the government officials." !”

When Old Liu Tou heard the voice, he turned around and saw that it was his grandson Liu Erhu.

He couldn't help but said in shock and anger: "What's going on? How could that scoundrel Liu Ermazi rob our few acres of barren land?"

"He falsely accused our family of rebellion. My uncle was not convinced and went to argue. However, he was held down by several archers and government officials and his legs were broken alive!" the grandson cried after hearing this.

"What? Is there any royal method for this!" Old Liu Tou couldn't help but become furious when he heard this. He bent down and picked up a wooden stick and was about to go back and fight.

As a result, Niu Er grabbed him and said, "As the saying goes: if the people don't fight with the officials, how can you defeat the officials on your own?"

"If you are willing to listen to me, not only will your great revenge be avenged, but you will also be able to live a good life in the future!"

"Okay, I'll do whatever you want, or go against his mother!" When Old Liu Tou heard this, he didn't know what he meant. Now that his whole family is desperate, this is the only way!

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