"His Royal Highness King Shun, it's no good, the officers and soldiers are out in force!" Since he and Gao Guiying were studying the "letter" too late last night, Zhang Shun rarely got up late.

While he was sleeping, he suddenly heard Wang Jinyi shouting outside the tent.

He quickly got up, simply put on his clothes, walked out and asked, "What exactly happened? Please tell me in detail. Huh? Mr. Hong?"

These days, he and Hong Chengchou took turns taking charge of the daily command of the camp.

According to normal circumstances, Hong Chengchou should be directing the battle at this time, but unexpectedly he was also outside the tent.

Now that he is here, it seems that the situation outside is still serious.

"His Royal Highness King Shun, I heard from the soldiers that you seemed to have provoked the officers and soldiers yesterday?" Hong Chengchou couldn't help but asked strangely, and then continued, "For some reason, the officers and soldiers started fighting in the camp early this morning, and it seemed that all the troops were mobilized!"

"Defend if you can't defeat, leave if you can't defend, this is the way to use troops!" Zhang Shun smiled bitterly when he heard this, "Ever since Ma Xianglin, the chieftain of Shizhu, and Liang Tingdong, the governor of the three sides, joined forces, this man is so brave that it is difficult to control him. Storm our rebel camp."

"If it were anyone else, they would have been exhausted after more than ten days of fierce attack! Only this person is unyielding and is a serious problem for our rebel army!"

"I've heard people say that going too far is not enough, and being strong can break easily. I thought, since I can't persuade this person to give up, why not deliberately add fuel to the fire and make him angry?"

"Wait until they reveal their flaws and then look for an opportunity to kill them. Only then will we have a glimmer of hope!"

Hong Chengchou glanced at Zhang Shun unexpectedly. This was what he admired most about King Shun. No matter how difficult the situation was, he could always think of turning his opponent's army back.

"What is King Shun's plan?" Hong Chengchou pondered for a while and realized that even if all the officers and soldiers mobilized, it would not be a big deal.

"The Art of War says: I don't want to fight. Even if I draw the ground and defend it, the enemy will not be able to fight me, so he will do what he wants." Zhang Shun smiled and said, "Although Ma Xianglin is furious, he wants to fight me to the death. "

"However, Liu's camp is on a dangerous plateau. Although there are tens of thousands of officers and soldiers, what can they do?"

"As the saying goes: once you make a big effort, it will weaken again, and then you will be exhausted after three times. Avoid the sharp edge and attack the lazy one, that's fine!"

"In this case, the officers and soldiers are coming in force this time, so the rebels must make plans early!" Hong Chengchou nodded after hearing this. The hero saw the same thing. It seems that the officers and soldiers were disappointed and went crazy!

"Today it's 'Living Cao Cao' Luo Rucai's turn to guard the camp. I intend to mobilize some troops as a surprise force. If the rebel army is weak and unable to stop it, we can also check for deficiencies; if the officers and soldiers reveal flaws, the rebel army can also take the opportunity to make a surprise attack!"

"Well, let's let the men from the He Renlong and He Jin battalions serve as surprise troops!" Zhang Shun thought for a moment and nodded.

The rebels had just finished their breakfast when the "dong dong" of war drums sounded again outside the camp.

This time the officers and soldiers came with more force, but they were unable to arouse the emotions of the rebel soldiers at all.

This is Liujiaying, the residence of Liu Bang, the founder of the Han Dynasty. This is a blessed place with a royal aura.

Despite the thousands of officers and soldiers, there was no other way but to attack from the east gate of Liujiaying. This was one of the reasons why Zhang Shun took the initiative to provoke Shizhu chieftain Ma Xianglin.

Although the Shizhu chieftains are headed by the Ma family, in fact, the entire chieftains are not owned by the Ma family.

Among them, the Ran family and the Chen family each set up yamen to jointly control Jiuxi and eighteen caves.

Among them, Chen Zhiguo, the son of Chen's family, also led more than a thousand elites to follow Ma Xianglin to wipe out the "submissive thieves".

Chen Zhiguo built a pavilion with his hands, looked at it for a moment, and couldn't help but admonished: "This place is dangerous, easy to defend and difficult to attack. If the Xuanwei envoy insists on attacking blindly, I am afraid that the lives of the brothers will be in vain and nothing will happen!" "

"In my opinion, why not let Xuanwei personally lead the main force to storm their camp. When they are exhausted, I will lead five hundred athletes to wade to the plateau and climb up."

"A two-pronged attack will definitely defeat this thief in one fell swoop!"

"Okay!" Ma Xianglin nodded gloomily, "Thank you for your hard work this time, brothers!"

"I am the only one who has avenged this incident. From now on, all the food and drinks for my brothers will be taken care of by me!"

If someone else said this, who would believe it?

But he, Ma Xianglin, was the heir to Shizhu Tusi, the "Crown of Eastern Sichuan" who was rich, and his influence spread all over Zhonglu, Youyang, Tangyan, Shaxi and other departments. Naturally, he was a spit on the head.

When the soldiers heard this, they couldn't help but scream, and they looked like they had been beaten to death.

Not long after, these people, led by Ma Xianglin, circled to the east side of Liujiaying and launched a fierce attack on the east gate of the rebel camp.

If you want to enter the rebel camp, there is only a narrow passage through which you can pass.

The rebels were located at a high place, and it was difficult for the officers and soldiers to reach them, so there were no unnecessary tricks in the fight between the two sides.

The first wave of chieftain soldiers pushed a "squeaky" wheelbarrow and approached the rebels.

These wheelbarrows were all modified, with wooden boards installed on them and covered with soil. They were actually simple shield cars that the chieftains learned from Hou Jin.

Although this thing is simple, it is not easy to use.

Although these shield vehicles are not as large and sophisticated as those used by Hou Jin, they are completely enough to deal with ordinary fire guns.

The rebels used artillery to smash several vehicles in succession, and the flying debris killed and injured seven or eight people.

But these people are completely different from the simple officers and soldiers of the rebel army. There is no wavering or flinching at all on their faces.

Because they are chieftain soldiers, their families are completely controlled by the local chieftain. They have no choice but to die in battle or defeat the enemy.

Not long after, the chieftain soldiers were about to approach the gate of the rebel camp.

Suddenly a cannon sounded, and the camp door opened wide. About a hundred or ten people filed out and rushed towards the chieftain soldier pushing the four-wheeled cart. The two sides suddenly fought together.

The rebel artillery is certainly sharp, but even without artillery, they are still elite soldiers who dare to fight hand-to-hand. How can they be afraid of him?

Not to mention how hard the two fought, but after Chen Zhiguo and Ma Xianglin separated, they took five hundred soldiers and secretly hid in the grass on the bank of the Chan River.

Because the plateau Liujiaying was located on was dozens of feet above the river, he was in a condescending position and could clearly see the emotions below, so Chen Zhiguo did not dare to move lightly.

It wasn't until the sun was shining brightly at noon, making the people on the plateau drowsy, that Chen Zhiguo ordered his soldiers to take off their armor and swim to the foot of the plateau.

Because the plateau of Liujiaying was too high, it was not easy for the soldiers to be discovered by the rebels after they reached their feet. Chen Zhiguo then led the crowd to climb up.

It stands to reason that it is difficult to climb out of such a dangerous and desperate situation, but they are the chieftain soldiers of Shizhu who cannot resist.

These people have lived in the deep mountains and old forests since they were young, traveling over mountains and ridges and doing other things.

They first sent climbers who were good at climbing to carry rope knives to find a place to stay. Then they fixed the rope and asked the chieftain soldiers below to connect end to end with white pole guns and climb up.

However, Chen Zhiguo thought things simply. The section of the river of several dozen feet was different from that of an ordinary mountain. From time to time, a chieftain would accidentally fall down and fall into the rolling Chan River.

He didn’t know how long he had been climbing, but Chen Zhiguo felt that his arms were no longer his.

But suddenly his eyes lit up, and he saw that instead of endless loess, he saw camps scattered all over the top of the plateau.


Chen Zhiguo couldn't help but be overjoyed and ordered in a low voice: "More than a dozen of you, quickly put on your armor and prepare to attack the thieves!"

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