"Dad, are we going to replace Mr. Hong?" Gao Guiying, still wearing her old cotton armor, followed Zhang Shun out of the camp.

Zhang Shun felt sorry for her that she had been following him for such a long time, and he offered to change her into a good pair of armor many times, but she refused.

When Zhang Shun talked more, she secretly told Zhang Shun: "Dad, please don't think that my cotton armor is inconspicuous. In fact, there are many layers of silk sewn in this sandwich."

"The inner armor pieces are mostly custom-made and fixed with bubble nails. It is much stronger, more durable and lighter than ordinary armor. It works just fine for me."

Zhang Shun didn't believe it at first, but when Gao Guiying handed it to him for personal inspection, he was surprised.

It turns out that Gao Guiying's cotton armor is not the same as the common Chinese cotton armor in which the nail pieces are almost the same size. Instead, she used bubble nails to fix the large and small special nail pieces together according to her body shape, forming a kind of hard shell. structure.

Her cotton armor is more like a beggar's version of plate armor than cotton armor.

In fact, this is something that Zhang Shun rarely sees. This thing is actually a type of Western armor such as "plate armor." The famous plate armor in later generations was actually gradually developed from this hard-shell structure.

Because it is designed as a close-fitting hard-shell structure, it allows other parts of the body to share a certain amount of armor weight. This makes the "plate armor" feel much lighter than ordinary cotton armor of the same weight.

This is also one of the important reasons why Gao Guiying, whose strength is inferior to that of men, is able to fight on the battlefield in addition to her own talents.

As soon as the two of them got out of the camp, they called Wang Jinyi and brought about twenty guards, and rushed to the east of the camp.

Unexpectedly, the two of them had not gone very far when Gao Guiying suddenly pounced on Zhang Shun, causing him to stumble and almost fall on his back.

"Enemy attack!" Zhang Shun was a little confused by Gao Guiying. Before he could react, he heard Gao Guiying shout loudly, "Come here and protect King Shun!"

"Guiying!" Zhang Shun then realized that Gao Guiying had turned around, like an angry tigress, with his sword blocked in front of him. He said, "If you want to hurt him, you have to step over my body." "Determination.

And the feathers of the arrow stuck in her back were still trembling, telling the story of the extreme danger just now.

It turned out that Gao Guiying was a veteran on the battlefield, and he had already developed the ability to hear sounds and avoid arrows.

She suddenly heard the sound of a bowstring and subconsciously rushed to Zhang Shun to block the arrow for him.

"Gui Ying." Zhang Shun muttered again, and then loudly ordered, "Wang Jinyi listens to the order, you lead the guards to drive them down!"

On the battlefield, there is no room for affection between children!

Zhang Shun's skills may not be as strong as Gao Guiying's, but his brain works faster than anyone else's.

As soon as he saw the direction and number of the enemy's attack, he immediately realized that these people climbed up from the bottom of the plateau.

Surprise attack relies on surprise.

If the defenders are prepared, then they will give them all for nothing!

"Go and call Fatty Zhang over here, and ask him to bring five hundred people to see you immediately!" Zhang Shungang gave the order, then grabbed the messenger next to him and continued.

Fatty Zhang, nicknamed "The Neat King", was also a powerful rebel leader among the generals who worked with Zhang Shun.

Since the rebel army retreated to Liujiaying, in addition to the generals taking turns guarding the camp gate, Zhang Shun also arranged for weaker generals to serve as "surprise soldiers" as a reserve team for the rebel army just in case.

Since Zhang Shun considers himself the leader of the Thirty-sixth Battalion of the Rebel Army, he naturally behaves in an even manner. Regardless of whether they are near or far, he arranges appropriate tasks according to their strength and condition.

Today happened to be the "Tidy King" Fatty Zhang taking his turn, so Zhang Shun immediately ordered the soldiers to go look for him.

Fatty Zhang lives up to his name, and his image is that of a big fat man.

Just because of his body shape, his subordinates were dissatisfied.

They all arranged for him in private: "The fat boss will be thinner than the subordinates, and the boss will eat meat while the subordinates will make porridge!"

Fatty Zhang was forced to have no choice but to eat and live with everyone. This proved that he had the special physique that "you can grow fat even if you drink cold water".

It is precisely for this reason that Fatty Zhang's subordinates also support him. He walks, sits and lies in order, and he is worthy of the name "King of Neatness".

Fatty Zhang was having nothing to do that day, yawning and thinking about where to go for a drink or two in the evening.

Suddenly I heard a noise outside, and then a messenger ran in in a panic, shouting: "King Shun is attacked, please ask Fatty Zhang to lead five hundred elites to rescue immediately!"

"Huh?" Fatty Zhang was stunned for a moment.

He always thought that his reserve team was the officers and soldiers preparing to attack the camp gate, so he sent more than a thousand of his men to the camp gate early, ready to support "Living Cao Cao" Luo Rucai and others at any time.

He never expected that under the protection of thousands of troops, King Shun would still encounter enemy attacks.

"Fuck! Come with me quickly!" Fatty Zhang shouted, and quickly rushed to where Zhang Shun was with his guards on his left and right.

When "King of Neatness" Fatty Zhang arrived, Zhang Shunzheng was commanding hundreds of people and the officers and soldiers were fighting inextricably.

It turned out that although Zhang Shun had few guards around him, there were also many idle soldiers in the rebel camp.

Zhang Shun didn't care much, and quickly gathered all the nearby soldiers to resist the attack of the officers and soldiers.

"Brothers, work harder and kill this thief chief, it will be a great achievement!" Chen Zhiguo's voice was almost hoarse, and he tried his best to motivate the soldiers.

He didn't expect that he would be so lucky. He met the "shun thief" as soon as he climbed to the plateau; but he also didn't expect that he would be so lucky. He was discovered by the rebels as soon as he showed his head.

Because Wang Jinyi arrived in time, he overthrew several of his armored soldiers, and now only a dozen of them could serve as the backbone.

The rest of the unarmored men could only shoot some arrows from a distance, or line up and use their spears to stop the thieves from getting close.

This won't work! Soon Chen Zhiguo realized a problem: if the thieves could not be taken down in a short while, more and more thieves would gather, and then he and others might be annihilated here in a while.

"People below you, please hurry up and set fire to the camp!" It turned out that Chen Zhiguo led the 500 people to climb only half of the way up, and about half of them were still climbing there.

As the chieftain of the Chen family, Chen Zhiguo was sent to participate in wars many times by the imperial court, so he was not an ignorant person.

Of course he knew that if he just relied on a sneak attack, there would be basically no chance.

Their biggest chance is that the rebel army is composed of seven or eight battalions with different orders. Once a riot occurs, it will not be far from falling apart.

This is also the reason why Zhang Shun sent a messenger to mobilize the "Tidy King" Fatty Zhang to come to the rescue.

Tens of thousands of people are stationed together. If orderly mobilization is not carried out, large-scale riots can easily occur.

At that time, there will be no need for officers and soldiers to attack, but the rebels will trample on each other, causing countless casualties!

"You thief, don't hurt my lord!" Chen Zhiguo had just given the order when he suddenly heard a loud shout and saw a fat man rushing over with one or two hundred people.

"Great Sage Qi Qitian!" Chen Zhiguo trembled and couldn't help but turn pale with shock.

He had long heard that there was a fat man named "Wukong" under the command of "Shun Thief", nicknamed "Monkey King". He was the most capable person in the world in fighting a hundred, but he never expected that he would be here. to be able to see him.

"King of Neatness" Fatty Zhang never expected that his flattering words would actually have the effect of lowering the enemy's morale.

This time he brought not many soldiers, only more than a hundred soldiers.

He was afraid that Zhang Shun would accuse him of neglecting his duty, so he had no choice but to fight forward desperately in order to atone for his sins.

The name of "Monkey King" had already resounded throughout the city of Xi'an. When these people heard that Wukong was coming, their calves immediately trembled. How could they resist?

The "King of Neatness" and Wang Jinyi suddenly rushed into the crowd of officers and soldiers like wolves and tigers, slashing left and right, showing their unstoppable courage.

It’s over! An idea emerged in Chen Zhiguo's mind.

He is not afraid of death, he is afraid of not being able to make great achievements and keep the Chen family's status as earth emperor.

"Don't be obsessed with fighting. Everyone disperse as soon as possible and set the camp on fire!" Chen Zhiguo used his last strength and shouted loudly, "Set the camp on fire."

Suddenly, Chen Zhiguo felt a chill in his chest, and then he realized that a spear had penetrated into his heart at some point.

It hurt, it hurt so much that he couldn't remember anything!

He subconsciously grasped the opponent's gun barrel, like a suffocating fish.

He opened his mouth for a long time, using all his strength, and finally the last two words came out:

Burn the camp!

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