"Burn the camp!" Zhang Shun couldn't help but shouted sharply.

"King Shun Shun?" "King Neat" Zhang Fatty couldn't help being startled. He couldn't help but pick out his ears, suspecting that he had heard the wrong order, "Why?"

"What is true is false, what is false is true; what is false is true, what is true is false!" Zhang Shun couldn't help but smile mysteriously, "What the officers and soldiers failed to do, I will do it for them!"

"You are trying to lie again!" Gao Guiying rolled her eyes at him, carrying three trembling arrows on her body, as if I had seen through it a long time ago.

"There's a fire!" The soldier suspected that he had seen the situation wrong and quickly rubbed his eyes.

"It's done, Chen Zhiguo is really done!" Ma Xianglin suddenly stood up and couldn't help but be ecstatic.

"Give me the order to select five hundred soldiers with me, wearing double armor. I will personally lead the attack on the thieves!"

"Xuanwei Envoy, please think twice!" Ran Tianlin was startled when he heard this, and quickly comforted him, "If the thief follows his plan, I'm afraid you will be in more danger than good!"

"What do you mean?" Ma Xianglin couldn't help but tilted his head at Ran Tianlin when he heard this, and sneered, "Do you want me to watch Chen Zhiguo fall into the enemy's hands and be cut into pieces by the thieves?"

Come on, I can’t take this anymore!

In fact, Ran Tianlin was not in a hurry at all, and did not even want to fight for his life with the "shun thief".

Anyway, the woman who cuckolded her husband is not his wife, so why should I be anxious? Only this time, Liang Tingdong, the governor of the three sides, had an explanation for this battle, and Ran Tianlin had to say a few more words.

But since Ma Xianglin said such words, Ran Tianlin could no longer continue to persuade.

Because they are chieftains, there are often fights between chieftains, but in order to maintain each other's status, it is an unspoken and unspoken rule between them to complement each other.

This time Chen Zhiguo was involved in danger due to official business. If the Ma family and the Ran family, who were both chieftains, did not save them, then who would save them the next time they were in trouble?

The "squeaking" and "squeaking" sound of the wheelbarrow axle rubbing together sounded again. Ma Xianglin put on two layers of armor and hid his body slightly clumsily behind the wooden boards of the wheelbarrow.

"Launch an attack!" Ma Xianglin drew out his sword and pointed forward.

Looking at his appearance, if Zhang Shun was here, he might even have to dub him "Kill the chicken and give it to me".

"Grass, I can't stop it!" "Cao Ying" had been fighting hard for nearly a day and was already exhausted.

When Luo Rucai saw the posture of the officers and soldiers, he couldn't help but cursed and quickly asked Zhang Shun for help.

"Let Chen Changzhen and Bai Guangen come up!" Luo Rucai's suggestion suited Zhang Shun's thoughts. He couldn't help but nodded and said, "Also, call Li Shi'an over here!"

How did Ma Xianglin know about the changes in the rebel army?

But when he took action in person, he saw that the thief in front of him could not help but shrink back, and then replaced him with a new one.

He couldn't help but sneer and said: "I, Daoer, were still a tough guy, but now it seems that I am no more than mediocre! Brothers, the thief is scared, come with me and attack quickly!"

So, the officers and soldiers carefully hid behind the wheelbarrow and slowly approached the gate of the rebel camp, but no movement was seen from the rebels.

When everyone was in shock and confusion, a voice suddenly came: "Ma Xianglin, I am here, if you are brave, come and take my life!"

"Successful thief?" Ma Xianglin was furious when he heard this. He couldn't help but shouted, "How dare you, thief!"

"Fire!" As soon as Ma Xianglin finished speaking, a cold voice came.

However, the deafening sound of artillery sounded, and countless artillery shells flew towards Ma Xianglin like hailstones!

"My life is at stake!" Ma Xianglin was shocked. He threw himself to the ground and hugged the head, and then his life and death depended on God's will.

Countless shells tore through the wheelbarrow in front of him as easily as tearing through paper.

The wooden structure of the wheelbarrow was immediately shattered, and sawdust flew everywhere, sweeping away the nearby officers and soldiers like shotgun shells.

"Ah!" Many people were unfortunately injured, holding their wounds and wailing and struggling in pain on the ground.

"No? Am I okay?" Ma Xianglin finally came to his senses and pushed the dirt off his head.

After a brief check of his body, he discovered that he was missing neither an arm nor a leg.

God helps me!

"Ma Xianglin is here, who dares to kill me!" Ma Xianglin couldn't help but jump to his feet and shouted excitedly, "Brothers, rush for me!"

Ma Xianglin was excited for less than three seconds when an arrow suddenly flew towards him and hit him squarely in the neck.

It turned out that this was Zhang Shun's plan to lure the snake out of the cave.

He deliberately let the rebels set fire to create the illusion that Chen Zhiguo's attack on the camp was successful, and then took the opportunity to lure Ma Xianglin out and sniped him on the spot!

For the initial burst of artillery, Li Shian personally selected the gunners and used the artillery to snipe.

It's just that the accuracy of this thing is too poor. Although more than ten cannons were fired, it did not achieve the desired effect.

However, the lack of artillery is not a problem. Zhang Shun also has a sworn brother named Chen Changzhen. His archery skills are superb and specialize in treating all kinds of dissatisfaction.

Poor Ma Xianglin, the first hero, who didn't know how many abilities he had before he could be used, was hit by this arrow and fell down on his back.


The Shizhu chieftain was famous because he implemented the continuous sitting method and was famous for his cruel military laws.

Its system is very different from the famous "Wu Shilian Sitting Method".

The household registration under the jurisdiction of the chieftain is compiled into the flag registration.

If one family commits a crime, if other families in the banner do not report it, they will be guilty of the same crime.

The soldiers under the chieftain's jurisdiction were also incorporated into the banner.

If a flag loses its leader, it can atone for the crime if it obtains the enemy's head of the same rank; if not, the whole flag will be dead and disabled.

The same is true when a department loses its director.

So now that they have lost their general, how should they be punished?

"Kill!" Zhang Shun saw from a distance that the chieftain soldiers attacking the camp were all in chaos, and he couldn't help but said with great joy.

Countless bird cannons and fire cannons rang out, hitting the chieftain soldiers with ping ping ping ping ping ping ping.

These chieftain soldiers were all elite soldiers wearing double armor. The fire blunderbuss only knocked down a small number of the soldiers in a short time. Although most of them could not be said to be unscathed, their normal actions were basically not affected.

"If I had known, I wouldn't have released so many artillery pieces at once!" Zhang Shun was also a little annoyed. If not, wouldn't all these people have been in vain?

Before Zhang Shun finished speaking, a sudden and earth-shattering sound of artillery sounded, which made his ears buzz.

He turned around and saw that it was none other than Li Shian who directed the artilleryman to fire a shot from the "Qingtian General Cannon".

This thing is long and heavy, making it very inconvenient to fire. In the past, the rebels only used it as a siege cannon. Zhang Shun never expected that Li Shi'an would even pull this out to attack the enemy.

Although the 10,000-kilogram Hongyi cannon has many inconveniences, its power is beyond words.

With just one shot, the rebels killed the huddled chieftain soldiers to pieces, with severed limbs and remains flying everywhere.

"Kill! Kill!" Bai Guangen couldn't help but be overjoyed when he saw it. Without waiting for Zhang Shun's order, he yelled and rushed out first.

However, Zhang Shun did not stop him, but stood there and smiled easily.

Everything is getting better!

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