Please ask me to be the emperor

Chapter 965 Women are in charge

"Drive! Drive!" Ma Yingniang gasped, walking through the dark night.

The two hundred cavalry behind her now had no idea how much they had won. They could only barely keep up with Ma Yingniang's pace with the help of the faint moonlight.

"Has the other party gotten rid of him?" Ma Yingniang's breath was hot, but her voice was cold.

"It seems... there seem to be one or two hundred horses following us!" Ma Yingniang's mother, Wu, was good at taking care of children, so she stayed in Luoyang to look after the two children Huaji and Ping An. Now this one is following her A female guard from her past.

"How dare you follow me after only one or two hundred horses? I'm easy to bully, right?" Ma Yingniang's voice was as cold as ice.

Originally, she volunteered to come here because she wanted to make out with Zhang Shunduo while Li Sanniang was away.

It turned out to be a good thing, not only was Gao Guiying, the "mean maid", made him angry, but he was also disgusted by Ma Xianglin, the "wretched" man.

Logically speaking, Ma Fengyi can be regarded as half of his master, and Ma Xianglin can be regarded as half of his master.

However, this half-master actually dares to covet his own body, which is really intolerable!

Ma Yingniang is different from other women. She was born in the marketplace and has long been accustomed to the dangers of the world.

Of course she knew what a tragic end she would have if she fell into the hands of the other party.

So she doesn't care what kind of human relationship the other party has with her. As long as there is a certain danger, it is safest to nip the danger in the cradle.

It was her ruthless temperament that kept her innocent in a market surrounded by wolves; it was also her ruthless temperament that made Ma Xianglin burst into flames when he hesitated, hurting him in one fell swoop. life!

"Huh? Where did they go?" A group of sneaky cavalry managed to catch up with them under the moonlight, but there was no sign of their target. They couldn't help but look around strangely.

They are all Ma Xianglin's guards, and all of them are men who have experienced hundreds of battles.

It's just that they never expected that their master could capsize in the ditch and be stabbed to death by a woman. This is really the most ridiculous thing in the world!

But after the fun was over, what was left was endless fear.

Military law: If you lose the flag, behead the flag; if you lose the commander, behead the commander!

Now that they have lost the second-grade imperial wife's son and the consolation envoy of Chieftain Shizhu, they are definitely doomed.

what to do? Only by catching the murderer of Xuan Weishi can it be possible to reduce the punishment of the mistress.

Of the 500 people that Ma Xianglin brought out, except for the more than 100 people who escorted the seriously injured head of the family back to the camp, the rest were all chasing this damn woman.

It's just that when chasing the enemy at night, they dispersed a lot as they went back and forth. Only their less than 200 horsemen were left chasing the woman.

how so? This is not the first time that their family leader has hunted for beauty, so how could he be so careless?

While everyone was complaining and anxious, they suddenly saw a silhouette of a figure in front of them, and several riders were running down a hillside.

"Wuna, where are you going?" Everyone couldn't help but be overjoyed. Seeing that they had finally found the trace of "that woman", they hurriedly chased after her.

The two sides chased each other, and soon they were chasing Li Xulu.

Unexpectedly, the horse suddenly shook and fell down with a "pop".

The man was knocked to pieces immediately, but he managed to get up, only to see that a large area had fallen around him.

"what happened?"

"The roads here are not good, there are too many gravels and hollows, and the horse's legs are broken!" Someone responded with tears in his eyes.

Before everyone could realize what was going on, they heard a loud shout: "I'm going to lose my head right away, and you still feel so sorry for the horse's legs!"

It turned out that Ma Yingniang found that there was a rough road that could break the horses' hooves, so she deliberately led them here to kill them.

Before they could react, Ma Yingniang took the lead and rushed over.

These people are in a terrain where they can't move on horseback. How can they be the opponents of Ma Yingniang and others?

In just a moment, Ma Yingniang and the others did not go into the rugged road to fight, but just passed by on the outside.

After finally killing them all, he ordered his men, only to find that there were only a hundred people left under his command.

"Let's go!" Ma Yingniang looked at the broken hoof of the war horse in front of her with pity, shook her head, got on her horse, and led her men and horses all the way to the southeast.

"Madam, why are you up so early?" The female guard looked at the woman in front of her and asked strangely.

"Can't sleep!" Li Sanniang looked at the smoky road in the distance, her mind a little confused.

It was just dawn today, and except for Lu Xiangsheng and his two brothers who were dancing to the sound of the chicken, most of the other soldiers were still resting.

Not counting the last time he followed Chen Changzhen on his expedition to the east and west, this was the first time Li Sanniang led troops to fight.

She was a woman who knew neither the art of war nor fighting, but Wei Zhiyou and Lu Xiangsheng were so quarrelsome that she had no choice but to step forward and take on this important task.

Yesterday morning they quarreled again. One claimed that he wanted to play it safe and steady, while the other claimed that he wanted to win by surprise.

He joked that the opponent's enemy situation was unknown, and asked what would happen if he succeeded by surprise and accidentally fell into a trap?

One refuted that if we fight slowly and steadily, by the time the rebels arrive at the gates of Xi'an, the day lilies may be cold.

They argued that the public was right and the mother-in-law was right, which only made Li Sanniang's quarrel so big.

Finally, Ma Yingniang couldn't stand it any longer. She claimed that she would go to Xi'an in person to investigate the situation of the rebels, which finally ended the argument between the two.

What can Ma Yingniang, a weak woman, be worth?

Suddenly Li Sanniang regretted it again. She was afraid that if something happened to her, how could she explain it to Zhang Sheng?

Li Sanniang stared at the road in the distance bitterly for a long time, and finally closed her eyes helplessly.

I hope everything is fine with her, and I hope everything is fine with Zhang Sheng too!

Just as Li Sanniang was about to return to the camp, a sharp whistle suddenly sounded.

"Enemy attack!" Li Sanniang couldn't help but shouted, and grabbed the flail beside her.

She yelled, "Quick, get my horse!"

Lu Xiangsheng, who was wielding a 140-pound sword not far away, was also startled. He quickly threw the training knife and quickly gathered his soldiers to join the battle.

And Wei Zhiyou came out of nowhere and hurriedly pulled Lu Xiangjin and Lu Xiangguan to prepare for defense with the help of the camp.

There was a lot of excitement in the camp, but suddenly a heroic figure appeared in front of people.

"Yingniang?" Li Sanniang was stunned and couldn't help but said with joy, "It's a mistake, it's a mistake, this is one of our own!"

"Mrs. Ma!" Seeing the false alarm, Lu Xiangsheng, Wei Zhiyou and others couldn't help but breathed a sigh of relief and hurriedly came forward to pay their respects, "How is it? What's going on with King Shun?"

"Everything is fine. King Shun can eat, drink, and sleep!" Ma Yingniang viciously emphasized the pronunciation of the last word, and then continued, "I also killed Ma Xianglin, the third-rank consolation envoy of the imperial court..."

"What?" Lu Xiangsheng was shocked when he heard this, "One-eyed horse? King Shun is really like a god with his troops!"

Others don't know how powerful the "one-eyed horse" is, how can he, Lu Xiangsheng, not know?

Lu Xiangsheng, a first-rate man who could seize the enemy's head among thousands of troops, died in the hands of King Shun. How could he not let Lu Xiangsheng have mixed feelings?

Uh...if you knew that "One-Eyed Horse" died in my mother's hands, would you call me mother?

It's just that Ma Xianglin was involved in the issue of his own reputation, so Ma Yingniang naturally didn't dare to mention it.

She was afraid that she would be like Zhang Shun, with yellow mud falling into her crotch and either feces or feces, so she had no choice but to ignore it.

Then Ma Yingniang mentioned Zhang Shun and asked them to set off immediately and meet at the bank of Chan River in the evening to jointly attack Liang Tingdong, the governor of the three sides.

"Is King Shun going to have a decisive battle in advance?" Wei Zhiyou and Lu Xiangsheng looked at each other and couldn't help but said in surprise.

"No, no, if we rush over the fifty-mile mountain road, I'm afraid the soldiers will have lost their strength. How can they fight?" Then Wei Zhiyou couldn't help but shook his head and said, "King Shun is also a man who knows the army, how can he make such a move?"

"Lu...Mr. Lu, is this really not possible?" Li Sanniang was stunned when she heard this and asked worriedly.

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