Please ask me to be the emperor

Chapter 964: Half-crossing and attacking

"Who are these dead? Why are they all wearing filial piety hats?" Seeing the officers, soldiers and cavalry arriving, the rebel soldiers not only showed no fear, but pointed at them.

"Needless to say? It must be Ma Xianglin who was killed by General Chen's arrow yesterday!"

"Oh, by the way, I heard that this guy is a chieftain, a local emperor. No wonder he is like this."

"Be quiet, be quiet, keep making so much noise, otherwise don't blame our military for being ruthless!" Zhang Rujing couldn't help but yelled loudly.

This time the crossing of the river was extremely important, so the advance team sent by the rebel army did not dare to choose anyone else, but chose Zhang Rujing, a young general under Chen Changzhen.

This man was originally the adopted son of Zhang Xianzhong, the "Eight Great Kings", but he ended up in Zhang Shun's camp by mistake.

Later, he followed Chen Changzhen and performed many meritorious services, so he was deeply loved by Zhang Shun, so he was not allowed to return to the "Xianying" again.

This time, Zhang helped him carefully select 500 elite troops as the vanguard to cross the river.

Wandering outside Zhang Rujing's formation was "Living Cao Cao" Luo Rucai's heroic general Yang Chengzu. He led 300 armored cavalry to protect Zhang Rujing.

Behind Zhang Rujing were more than a thousand men, digging the soil desperately, trying to build simple defense facilities on the river bank as soon as possible.

Ye Bingqian, the leader of the Xining Guard, had just helped the court put down the rebellion of Ma Anbang who gathered people to rebel against the Ming Dynasty. He was so complacent, how could he take these people seriously?

"Smelting Iron, you go and lead a group of soldiers and slaughter them!" Ye Bingqian pointed at the rebels with his whip.

"Yes, Headmaster!" The smelting iron belongs to his clan member Ye Binggan. He is quite brave and is the most trusted by Ye Binggan.

The soldiers and horses under his command are herdsmen under the jurisdiction of Chieftain Ye. They are all wearing chain armor and are quite fierce.

The smelting iron leader had 500 cavalry. He ignored the rebel infantry and only went towards Yang Chengzu's 300 armored cavalry.

It turned out that this guy was a wise man. He knew that if he attacked the infantry first, it would be easy for the rebel cavalry to occupy the favorable terrain.

In this case, he simply planned to get rid of the cavalry first, and then the infantry.

"Haha, you have been underestimated!" Yang Chengzu chuckled, turned to the left and right, "Let them see what it means to be 'a general who is good at attacking, and Cao Cao who is good at fighting'!"

Since Zhang Shun emerged out of thin air, this widely praised saying has gradually lost its reputation, but this does not mean that the people under Luo Rucai, the "living Cao Cao", will no longer exist.

In addition to counselor Xuan Gui, the three men under his command, Yang Chengzu, Wang Long and Yang Mingqi, were the most fierce. And among these three people, Yang Chengzu is the leader, how can it be that he has gained a reputation in vain?

After receiving Yang Chengzu's order, everyone calmly relaxed with their rolled-up Xiang Dun and visors on their heads, almost ignoring the officers and soldiers on the opposite side as if they were nothing.

"Bastard, let them see the power of our bows and knives!" The ignored action made Smelting Iron angry and said.

"Ouch!" The cavalry under his command heard the order to smelt iron and couldn't help but screamed and started galloping.

Some of them brandished machetes, some danced with long bows, and some held their spears high, performing a series of fancy movements such as the Mali Hidden Kick on horseback.

"Start!" Yang Chengzu turned a blind eye and was not moved at all.

Instead, he shouted loudly, and the three hundred armored cavalry behind him lined up in a neat line, and began to march towards the incoming officers and soldiers like a wall with slow horse steps.

"Hurry!" Yang Chengzu shouted again. The three hundred armored cavalry behind him were almost integrated, and the sound of horse hooves became more and more urgent.

"Quick!" Yang Chengzu shouted three times, and the ground suddenly began to tremble. At the same time, the saddle he was sitting on began to jolt.

"Let go!" Yang Chengzu shouted. As the rider on the horse jolted up and down, he slowly put down the spear in his hand and pointed it at the officers and soldiers on the opposite side.

"Spread out, spread out quickly!" Smelting Iron was immediately frightened, "This is a sudden cavalry!"

Although Smelting Iron and his tribe are also good at riding and shooting, their combat tactics are mainly based on harassment and wandering, supplemented by charging into formation and chasing.

In the past, when they faced the enemy, they would first use bows and arrows to open the way and test the opponent's strength.

After finding a flaw, he will continue to bite the enemy like a hungry wolf or hyena. When the opponent loses too much blood, he will pounce on him and deliver the final blow.

However, Yang Chengzu's tribe was different. They used a typical assault cavalry method, which is what later generations called "wall charge".

In fact, there is no trick to this thing. It just relies on superb riding skills, wearing strong armor, and arranging a dense formation to launch a fierce charge towards the enemy.

In this era, not only in Europe and the Middle East, but also in the Ming Dynasty, many people still use this method of warfare.

It's just that this kind of tactics requires good tactical literacy, and only the real elite can use it.

After entering modern times, due to abundant material supplies and more reasonable training levels, this method of warfare can be widely promoted in the military, so "guerrilla warfare" has been completely eliminated.

Where have the cavalry under Smelting Iron's command ever encountered such cavalry who hit them head on as soon as the battle started?

They suddenly became panicked, and while chaotically drawing their soft bows to shoot at the charging rebels, they tried to turn their horses' heads to both sides to avoid the rebels' charge.

However, this group of officers and soldiers were not just one or two cavalry, how could they easily avoid the attack of the rebels?

This is a total of five hundred cavalry. Even if the five hundred cavalry are arranged in an evacuation formation, they are still cavalry in formation.

The formation change of the cavalry still takes time.

What's more, Yang Chengzu and his cavalry were not fools. Of course, the officers and soldiers could turn their horses' heads, but could the rebels just ram them blankly?

Yang Chengzu waved the flag on his spear and decided to avoid the Fanqi on the right and attack the Fanqi who was closer to the infantry.

"Charge!" Yang Chengzu shouted for the fifth time, and then the three hundred armored knights rushed in blankly under Fan Qi's fearful eyes.

Three hundred armored cavalry, three hundred spears! They were arranged densely, like a high-speed moving spear formation, stabbing at them mercilessly.

There were many Banqi with superb riding skills. Some tried to hide in stirrups to avoid the rebels' spears. Some tried to grab the rebels' spears with bare hands. Some even drew their long bows and shot the rebels in the face at close range. .

However, no matter what tactical moves they made, they could not avoid the ruthless spear.

"Puff! Puff!" The sound of countless spears piercing the body came, and a dense crowd of riders rushed together.

The two sides separated as soon as they joined together, and in just a short moment, both sides rushed out of the crowd.

However, except for the blood stains on the spears in their hands, the rebel assault cavalry did not seem to be much different from before the charge.

However, the number of Fanqi whizzing by instantly became much sparse, and hundreds of corpses and more than a dozen war horses lay scattered across the place where the two sides had just fought.

Dozens of ownerless horses followed the crowd and ran for a moment, then stopped running in a daze and slowly walked away from the herd.

Silence, a brief silence appeared on the originally noisy battlefield!

"Turn!" At some point, Yang Chengzu's voice came over again.

Accompanied by the slow sound of horse hooves, the rebel cavalry slowly turned their horses' heads and pressed against the lax cavalry again.

"Start!" Yang Chengzu looked at Fan Qi in front of him with a sneer and gave the order again.

Fanqi on the other side couldn't help but be startled when he saw this, and then started to scream strangely.

"Quick!", "Quick!", "Release!", "Charge!" In Yang Chengzu's shouts like magic spells, the two sides collided again without any fancy, and then Fanqi once again left dozens of bodies behind. corpse.

"Come again!" Yang Chengzu shouted again, and then turned the horse's head.

This time the brave Fanqi hesitated, became timid, and was afraid!

Smelting Iron looked at the enemies on the battlefield, the officers and soldiers on the battlefield, and the tribesmen on the battlefield. It seemed that everyone had their lips raised, laughing at him!

"No!" He raised his head and roared, then screamed strangely, and then led the Banqi to rush over.

At this time, the headmaster Ye Bingqian couldn't help but change his face, and he started to scream strangely.

However, it was to no avail, and the two sides collided again without any fancy.

This time, smelting iron did not have the same luck as before. After the two sides broke up at the first touch, he held his stomach and passed away at the end.

Thick blood flowed out from between his nails. He turned his head and shouted angrily at Yang Chengzu.

"Is he scolding me?" Yang Chengzu frowned and asked a strange-looking soldier next to him.

The soldier hesitated for a moment, and then whispered: "He said... He said that a brave knight like you can't be... It's Han'er, why did you sacrifice your life for them?"

"Huh?" Yang Chengzu smiled disdainfully.

He watched helplessly as the smelting iron shook a few times on the horse's back, then fell to the ground with a thud, rolled twice, and finally became motionless.

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