Please ask me to be the emperor

Chapter 963 The decisive battle begins

"Ma Xianglin is dead!" Liang Tingdong, the governor of the three sides, was shocked. He couldn't help but grabbed Ran Tianlin and asked.

"Dead!" Ran Tianlin nodded and added, "When playing with women, I was careless."

"Playing with women?" Liang Tingdong, the governor of the three sides, was very angry. "He hasn't seen a woman in 800 years, right?"

"A famous general of a generation died on a woman's belly. What a damn coward!"

No, his mother is not a coward, he is the coward!

Ran Tianlin looked at his nose with his eyes, his nose at his heart, and said nothing.

"Forget it, take me over to see him and see him one last time!" Liang Tingdong was angry for a long time, and suddenly said dejectedly like a defeated lion.


Not long after, the two arrived at Ma Xianglin's camp.

Liang Tingdong, the governor of the three sides, opened the curtain and walked in. He saw three or five men wearing sackcloth and mourning, guarding Ma Xianglin's body.

"Junmen!" Seeing Liang Tingdong, these men quickly kowtowed.

"This is..." Liang Tingdong looked at Ran Tianlin doubtfully.

"These are all Ma Xianglin's juniors!" Ran Tianlin explained in a low voice.

"Oh, my condolences!" Liang Tingdong said a few words of comfort, then curiously lifted the white cloth covering Ma Xianglin, and was stunned.

He couldn't help but glance at Ran Tianlin angrily, "Is this just a moment of carelessness when playing with women"?

This Ma Xianglin was fully clothed and had a big hole as thick as a finger poked in his chest. Isn't this obviously because he didn't even play with women, so he was gone?

Damn it, why do I feel like he is even more cowardly!

Ran Tianlin is also aggrieved. I also know that he is quite useless. Wouldn't it sound better to put it this way?

"Ma Xianglin is a famous general and the son of Madam Gaoming, how can he die in a foreign country?" Liang Tingdong sighed and couldn't help but order.

"Send a few people back. It would be good to inform Mrs. Qin!"

"Okay!" This was a trivial matter, so Ran Tianlin agreed.

After that, everyone stayed silent all night and went to rest.

Only Ma Xianglin kept sobbing in his tent all night long. It really saddened the listeners and shed tears!

After all, age is not forgiving. Liang Tingdong is old and he overslept as soon as he lay down.

Early the next morning, Liang Tingdong was still sleeping. A staff member had already walked up to him and pushed him anxiously, shouting: "Military Gate, wake up, it's an urgent military situation!"

"Huh? What's wrong!" Liang Tingdong had not yet recovered from his confusion. Hearing this, he couldn't help but turn over and asked in surprise.

"The thieves launched a large-scale war early in the morning. They actually marched out in full force, crossed the Chan River, and were arrayed to the north of our army!" the staff member said with a panicked expression.

"What? How dare they!" Liang Tingdong, the governor of the three sides, was also shocked. He quickly put on his clothes and went out to check.

Liang Tingdong had just left the camp when he met Shaanxi Commander-in-Chief Zuo Guangxian, Gansu Commander-in-Chief Liu Shaozong, Lintao Commander-in-Chief Zhang Yingchang, Deputy Commander-in-Chief Ge Lin, and Dudu Commander Ran Tianlin.

"Junmen, have you heard?" The four of them asked anxiously when they saw Liang Tingdong.

"I heard that, don't panic now, let me check it out first!" Liang Tingdong waved his hand and walked towards the camp watchtower expressionlessly.

"Junmen, be careful!" Ran Tianlin saw Liang Tingdong tremblingly climbing the wooden ladder to the watchtower, and quickly stepped forward to support him and said to please him.

Come on, villain!

Zuo Guangxian, Liu Shaozong and Zhang Yingchang were a step too late, only to be overtaken by Ran Tianlin. They couldn't help but cursed secretly, but there was nothing they could do about it.

After a while, everyone finally climbed onto the watchtower and looked northeast.

From the "Shun Thief" camp to the left bank of the Chan River, the thieves filed out and formed a long queue.

Three simple wooden bridges have been erected on the Chan River for thieves to cross.

The thieves who had just crossed the Chan River were digging hard to build a wall while forming formations with their backs to the river to guard against harassment by officers and soldiers.

There were even three to five hundred riders wandering around, watching warily what was in the officers and soldiers' camp.

Everyone was a man of war, and they couldn't help but take a breath of cold air when they saw this.

"This 'shun thief' is so rigorous in using his troops, almost invulnerable!"

It turns out that this method of using troops is not just about commanding battle formations, but also all the details of recruitment, training, military law, marching, camping, forming formations, changing formations, pursuit, defense, and even food and clothing, are all part of the art of war.

The rebels crossed the Chan River to attack the officers and soldiers. It seemed like a simple tactical move, but it contained many tricks.

For example, when it comes to crossing a river, two famous tactics have emerged: "attack halfway across the river" and "formation with your back to the water".

When Cao Cao fought on the Weishui River, he was defeated repeatedly because the river banks were all sandy and it was impossible to build a city.

It wasn't until Lou Gui came up with a plan to fill the water with ice to build a sand city that Cao Jun was able to gain a foothold on the south bank of the Wei River and defeat Ma Chao in Guanzhong in one fell swoop.

And this time Zhang Shun sent his troops to cross the Chan River, it was also difficult to guarantee that the officers and soldiers would not take the opportunity to attack halfway across the river.

However, looking at its deployment and formation, it is almost perfect, and it is indeed difficult for officers and soldiers to start.

"Where is Deputy General Ge Lin?" Liang Tingdong, the governor of the three sides, shouted, "I order you to send cavalry immediately to harass their formation!"

"Yes, general, take your orders!" Ge Lin's Duoxining soldiers are good at riding and shooting, so they are suitable for such a task.

"But you have to kill slowly, do you understand?" Liang Tingdong sneered, "You must never kill them all at once to stop the thief from thinking about it."

"I'm going to lure the traitors here and kill them all here to prevent them from making a comeback!"

Liang Tingdong's idea was very simple. He had finally coaxed this "submissive thief" out. How could he be allowed to huddle on the Liu Family Campground again?

Now that the officers and soldiers are running out of rations, if they don't take action, then the city of Xi'an will have to be handed over to others!

But looking at the fate of Xuanmo and Fu Zonglong, the governors of Henan, and Tang Hui, the governor of Huguang, how could Liang Tingdong, the governor of the three sides, not know about the crime of undermining the clan? Who can afford it?

Therefore, if he wants to fight me, I will fight him. I will fight him hard and kill him cleanly, so that I can live up to the current saint’s knowledge of people!

Although Ge Lin was well versed in military matters, he actually had no experience in commanding large numbers of troops.

This time, he apparently led thousands of people to come to the rescue, but in fact, apart from the three thousand Danyang soldiers under his command, there were only two thousand Gan soldiers under his command.

The other five thousand are respectively the 3,000 cavalry of the Xina national division commander Zuo Erlingzhen and the 2,000 cavalry of Xining Guards Commander Ye Bingqian. These troops are all private soldiers of the Fan people. The deputy commander-in-chief Ge Lin actually did not intervene. power, but this has also reduced the burden of command.

After receiving the order, Ge Lin hurriedly went down to the watchtower to discuss with Ban Zhuoer Lingzhen, the great national master of the Xina tribe, and Ye Bingqian, the headmaster of the Xining Guard.

The leader, Ye Bingqian, was the most arrogant. Hearing this, he couldn't help but laugh and said: "The brothers in my sect are the best with swords and arrows, but I'm a coward. Let me kill them for you!"

Ge Lin was quite unhappy after hearing this, but since it was the time to employ people, he did not reprimand him.

He remained calm for a long time, then patted Ye Bingqian on the shoulder and said: "The military gate's intention is to weaken its strength, but not to scare the enemy away and make the thieves shrink back. You can determine the scale!" "

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