Please ask me to be the emperor

Chapter 973 Flooded Seventh Army

"General Lu, General Wei, something is wrong!" Li Sanniang frowned and asked Lu Xiangsheng and Wei Zhiyou.

"The officers and soldiers fought fiercely with Zhang Sheng in the front, and stormed our camp from behind. How could we still have enough energy to send soldiers to the river?"

In the past few days, Li Sanniang and others have also been fiercely attacked by officers and soldiers, and they have been relying on the camp for defense.

It was just that in order to facilitate defense, they deliberately chose a high ground.

But as a result, the campground was somewhat short of water.

Early this morning, the officers and soldiers just went to rest, so Li Sanniang ordered people to go to the river not far away to fetch some water. Unexpectedly, she got a strange news.

Returning to the soldiers' meeting room, he reported: "The officers and soldiers by the river have deployed a lot of people, maybe ten or twenty thousand people, just waiting for us to go!"

"Fortunately we ran fast, otherwise, we would have fallen into the hands of the officers and soldiers!"

"Could it be that Liang Tingdong is a tidy person and sent someone to wash clothes by the river?"

The terrain here is relatively high, and the well dug by the rebels is only enough for drinking water, but not enough for daily washing. Lu Xiangguan hadn't washed his clothes for a long time, and his body was itchy, so he couldn't help but interjected.

"Who the hell has so many people in the laundry service?" Wei Zhiyou almost vomited blood after hearing this. He had taught so many military skills in the past, but it was all in vain.

"Maybe they have a lot of clothes? Think about 60,000 people." Lu Xiangguan was still waiting for quibbles.

"Go, go, let's go!" Lu Xiangsheng's face turned green with anger. He was a guy who failed to achieve anything but failed. Is this what he said?

He quickly pushed him aside to save him from embarrassing the Changzhou Lu family.

Then Lu Xiangsheng said seriously: "People often say that fire and water are ruthless, but there is nothing more poisonous than fire and water in using troops."

"Since Liang Tingdong fought hard for several days, he still couldn't defeat our army. And this place is close to a river, so he must be planning a water attack!"

"This" Wei Zhiyou was stunned when he heard this and couldn't help but hesitated, "This water attack is not something that ordinary people can understand. Is Liang Tingdong so bold?"

"A rabbit will bite someone when it's anxious, let alone a big living person?"

"Besides, there are many talents in the imperial court. Who can guarantee that there will be no one who knows how to attack water?"

"Why don't you let me take five hundred people to investigate and find out how it works?"

"Ah? There are many officers and soldiers surrounding us, can it be done?" Li Sanniang asked worriedly.

"Don't worry, Lu still has some skills. Hundreds and dozens of people can't stop him easily. Not to mention the attack on the camp a few days ago, which made the officers and soldiers frightened. Who dares to stop me?" Lu Xiangsheng couldn't help but feel confident after hearing this. smiled.

It turned out that on the night when Li Sanniang and others had just arrived at the battlefield, Lu Xiangsheng guessed that the officers and soldiers would definitely come to check the camp, so he admonished: "Strike first will make you stronger, but if you strike later, you will suffer disaster!"

"Instead of waiting for him to steal from me, why don't I go and steal from him!"

Lu Xiangsheng's words immediately shocked Wei Zhiyou and Li Sanniang.

This guy's tactics are different from others. Compared to the steady and steady tactics, he prefers to use fast and slow tactics, and use less to hit more."

From the perspective of "orthodox" military tactics, this guy is a reckless person.

Asking for a surprise attack when everything is uncertain is what this guy often makes.

But does Lu Xiangsheng really not understand the art of war?

In fact, it is not, but his art of war is "non-mainstream".

Due to the productivity, backward communication technology and poor organization of this era, most armies suffer from slow response, slow action, and fear of fighting.

Lu Xiangsheng's art of war is aimed at problems like the classical army. He likes to take the opponent by surprise and catch the opponent off guard.

In the original history, Lu Xiangsheng relied on this method to defeat the "Chuang King" Gao Yingxiang in one fell swoop under the unfavorable situation of Cao Wenzhao and Ai Wannian dying in battle, and brought the re-emerging peasant uprising back to a low ebb.

Of course, this kind of strategy is also extremely risky, if you are not careful. It is also possible to fall into a passive situation like the "Battle of Jiazhuang" in history, causing the entire army to be destroyed.

At this time, Li Sanniang wanted to send more manpower to him, but these thousands of men and horses were all newly built. Not only were they unable to fight, but cavalry was also in short supply.

"Five hundred people are enough, madam, don't worry!" Lu Xiangsheng laughed and said goodbye to Li Sanniang and others.

Not long after, the officers and soldiers were repelled by Li You again.

Lu Xiangsheng took the opportunity to order his soldiers to open the gate of the rebel camp, and led five hundred elite cavalry to kill the generals first.

"Grandpa Lu is here!"

"Oh my God, King Lu Yan is out!"

Lu Xiangsheng's guess was indeed correct. When the officers and soldiers saw his appearance, they were immediately frightened.

It turns out that he is so recognizable with his big beard and Yanyue Sword. The two sides fought back and forth several times, but he didn't have a single general under his command. Who do you think doesn't remember his reputation as "The King of Hell with the Big Sword"?

Most of the people besieging the rebel camp were infantry. When they saw Lu Xiangsheng coming out, they wanted to surround him, but how could he resist?

Lu Xiangsheng laughed, waved the heavy sword, and killed the general.

After wasting some effort and finally breaking out of the tight siege, Lu Xiangsheng led his men all the way to the Chanhe River.

After a cup of tea, Lu Xiangsheng came to the river and saw a group of people gathered around, not knowing what they were doing.

There is also a trench that extends out and is connected to the trench outside the officers and soldiers' camp.

"How brave, what are you thieves doing here secretly?" Lu Xiangsheng looked at the situation and knew that if he couldn't get close, he wouldn't be able to tell anything.

"King Lu Yan? Why did you let him out!" Seeing this, the leader couldn't help but frowned and said, "You guys act quickly, I'll take care of him for a while!"

After saying this, the man clapped his horse and came forward, shouting loudly: "I am Shizhu Chieftain Xuan comfort Sima Xianglin, and I am known as 'Zhao Zilong' and 'Xiao Ma Chao'!"

"If you don't remember these many names, don't blame me for not recognizing you with my sword!" Lu Xiangsheng chuckled and stepped forward.

"Ma Xianglin" seemed to be startled, and quickly ordered: "In that case, I will leave you alone today! Come on!"

As soon as "Ma Xianglin" finished speaking, six to seven hundred horsemen rushed out, only to attack Lu Xiangsheng.

"Well done!" Lu Xiangsheng shouted, his horse moved forward and knocked over several good players.

After killing the cavalry on the opposite side, Lu Xiangsheng saw the "Ma Xianglin" hurriedly hiding to one side. He couldn't help shouting: "Where to escape?" Then he turned the horse's head and rushed towards the river.

It turns out that Lu Xiangsheng was worried about the "water attack", so how could he be willing to tangle with him?

But Lu Xiangsheng couldn't have imagined it. He had just taken a few steps when suddenly there was a loud noise, which was like an earth-shattering sound, and he saw the river water rolling in, dragging more than a dozen officers and soldiers running along the original trench. ,

"Haha, Lu Xiangsheng, you didn't expect that, did you?" Lu Xiangsheng was stunned for a moment, and then he heard "Ma Xianglin" coming from not far away.

"Your King Shun has just fed the fish and turtles. I wonder if you still want to kill me?"

"If you are wise, please kowtow to me three times. I wonder if I can even reward you with a few nice words at the military gate like a watchdog!"

"King Shun Shun!" Lu Xiangsheng's lips trembled, looking at the roaring river, tears streaming down his face.

"Lu Jiutai is late, Lu Jiutai is late!"

Lu Xiangsheng muttered twice in succession, suddenly turned his head, looked at "Ma Xianglin" fiercely and shouted: "Lu Jiutai will avenge you now to sacrifice your spirit in heaven!"

Thank you to fan "Chu Po Po" for the reward, thank you to fan "Mo Ru Ye Xian Xin" for the large reward, and thank you to fan "Cai Xiaoqian" for the 5 consecutive rewards!

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