Please ask me to be the emperor

Chapter 974 They are all fish and turtles

Li Sanniang has been feeling uneasy since Lu Xiangsheng left.

She stood and sat, stood and walked, walked here and there, looked here and there, feeling restless.

She happened to look up and saw Ma Yingniang caressing the big black horse leisurely. She couldn't help but said dissatisfied: "How long has it been? Are you still in the mood to bother with this?"

Li Sanniang always showed her kindness to others, and when she showed her dissatisfaction to others for the first time, Ma Yingniang was stunned for a moment, and then she understood her feelings.

She couldn't help but smile and said: "What are you worried about, sister? King Shun has his own destiny, and we are here to share a lot of pressure for him, so we should be foolproof."

"If something unexpected happens, it's better for my sister to worry more about herself!"

"Anyway, when the time comes, even among thousands of troops, I will definitely be able to save King Shun's life."

Before Ma Yingniang finished speaking, a shocking voice suddenly came.

"It's a sunny day, where did the thunder come from?" Ma Yingniang was stunned, and then her face changed drastically and she said, "No, this sound is wrong!"

Li Sanniang was also a little confused. How could there be a reason in the world for the continuous thunder and the trembling of the earth?

Li Sanniang, Ma Yingniang and others quickly ran out to take a look and saw a river rolling in outside the camp, passing between the rebel camp and the officers and soldiers camp, and then bypassing the other side of the officers and soldiers camp.

Outside the camp, some of the officers and soldiers who originally attacked the rebel camp were accidentally rushed in and were instantly swallowed up by the rolling river water.

"Water attack?" Li Sanniang and Ma Yingniang were shocked. They never expected that Lu Xiangsheng's words came true.

"No, I have to save Zhang Sheng!" Li Sanniang couldn't help but panic.

"No, you are King Shun's wife now. If you want to save her, it's up to me to save you!" Unexpectedly, Ma Yingniang grabbed her and said.

"Now that King Shun's life or death is uncertain, you are the backbone of the rebel army. As long as you don't mess up, we still have a chance!"

"." Li Sanniang has never hated herself so much for being Zhang Sheng's first wife.

She wanted to rush out and see Zhang Sheng in person again.

Even if they die, they will die together.

But she couldn't. Not only could she not, she also had to stay here and wait for Zhang Sheng's return.

Then, protect him, comfort him, protect him from death, and encourage him to get back on his feet!

Well, Li Sanniang held back her tears and nodded to Ma Yingniang.

That man is entrusted to you and me!

I will wait for you here until you are alive and see your corpse!

Ma Yingniang also nodded, this is a woman's promise, everything is unspoken!

Then she got on her horse without looking back, opened the camp door, and walked all the way around to the other side of the officers' camp.

Before the door of the camp was closed, the harsh screams of officers and soldiers came from outside.

"Zhang Niqi, are you here too? Go feed the fish!"

"I heard that Shun is good at swimming. I wonder if this rolling river is enough for you to swim!"

"The traitors are destroyed. Today, the officers and soldiers have made meritorious deeds and their names will go down in history, hahahaha!"

"Zhang Sheng, let's stop working hard for King Shun, okay?" Li Sanniang couldn't stop her tears from flowing down, "As long as you are good, I will support you!"

"Noisy!" Zhang Sheng frowned, looking at the rolling river water outside, the corners of his mouth turned up involuntarily.

"King Shun, hurry up, hide now!" Li Zicheng and Luo Rucai, the "Living General" and "Living Cao Cao" saw him standing on the edge of the retaining wall. Go back and hide.

Although there were some disagreements between them in the past, they were all rebel brothers after all.

As the saying goes, "Victory and defeat are commonplace in military affairs." They had suffered defeats before, so why didn't they make a comeback?

"Okay, okay, stop it!" Zhang Shun struggled out and couldn't help laughing, "I wonder if any of you have heard about my king's rebellion?"

"How long has it been? How can we still have time to talk about this?" Zhang Tianlin of "Guo Tianxing" was furious and was about to step forward to use force, but was stopped by the even burlier Wukong with his hand.

Zhang Shun then smiled and said: "I think it was like this back then!"

"On the sixth day of the sixth month of the fifth year of Chongzhen, the Yellow River burst through Mengjin. There were numerous casualties among military and civilian merchants. The people migrated and begged for food everywhere."

"Only this king has the blessing of Han Guangwu and has saved thousands of people."

"At that time, the people had no way to make a living, so they recommended this king to raise an army, so that we can be as prosperous as we are today!"

"Later, Zhao Yutou said that this king was born in response to water, carrying the embers of virtue from fire, and helping the people in water and fire. I didn't believe it at first, but now I know it!"

"Is King Shun crazy?" The generals couldn't help but look at each other after hearing this.

It's too late to say it, but it's soon!

Just as everyone was wasting their time, they saw the rolling river water coming around from the side of the officers and soldiers camp like a water dragon, accompanied by a thunderous roar, overwhelming the sky.

"King Shun, leave quickly!"

At this point, no one cares about anyone anymore.

Due to the obstruction of Wukong and Wang Jinyi, everyone could not forcefully take Zhang Shun away, so they had to lead their own guards to escape.

After walking a few dozen steps, there was only a loud noise.

Everyone turned to look and saw the rolling river water slamming against the earth wall in front of King Shun, causing a huge wave of more than ten feet!

Bad, King Shun is going to be submerged by the river!

However, at the moment when the waves were overwhelming, a miracle happened.

The huge wave that was more than ten feet high was not caught head-on. Instead, it rolled back and rolled directly towards the officers and soldiers.

"King Shun?" Everyone couldn't help but couldn't believe what they were seeing, "Are you okay?"

"Of course it's okay!" Zhang Shun was almost completely wet from the water drops brought by the waves, but he still looked calm and composed.

"I am born and prospered by water, how can I be taken advantage of by such a young person?"

"King Shun!" The generals couldn't help crying with joy, and quickly ran over again and took a look outside.

I saw that the rolling river water had long lost the restraint of the original trench, and rolled towards the officers and soldiers arrayed outside the camp overwhelmingly.

"What's going on? It's a witchcraft again!"

"Oh my god, how could we be flooded?"

"Run quickly, the Dragon King is showing off his power!"

Suddenly the officers and soldiers were crying and howling, and became a mess. They had long lost their arrogant and proud look.

"God bless King Shun, destroy the Ming Dynasty and become emperor!" Someone suddenly shouted.

Others were stunned when they heard this, and immediately joined in: "God bless King Shun, destroy the Ming Dynasty and become emperor!"

At this moment, Ma Yingniang had just passed the officers and soldiers camp on her big black horse.

What she saw before her eyes was a vast ocean, where countless soldiers were struggling desperately like fish and turtles in the water.

Before she could see clearly what was going on, bursts of cheers suddenly came from a distance.

She listened carefully for a moment, and then she recognized that the voice was exactly: "God bless King Shun, destroy the Ming Dynasty and become emperor!"

She couldn't help but smile sweetly, stretched out her hand to stroke the big black horse that was already covered in sweat, and smiled softly: "It's great to have you!"

Alas, I can’t write this chapter anymore. I’ll write about the specific reasons tomorrow.

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