Please ask me to be the emperor

Chapter 975 It’s your own fault

If there was a pill for regret in the world, Liang Tingdong, the governor of the three sides, would definitely take seven or eight pills.

And every time he finished eating one, he would run up to Zuo Guangxian, the commander-in-chief of Shaanxi Province who had just finished his water attack plan, and curse loudly: "Sand sculpture!"

However, there is no medicine for regret in the world, so he had no choice but to walk up to Zuo Guangxian, the current commander-in-chief of Shaanxi Province, and cursed seven or eight times, "Shadow!"

No wonder he was so angry. If this guy's men and horses hadn't also been flooded, Liang Tingdong would have suspected that this guy was a spy sent by the "Successful Thief"!

It turned out that this guy had come up with a water attack plan, but he was worried about being discovered by the rebels, so he took precautions.

Therefore, he suggested that while building a dam to intercept water from the upper reaches of the Chan River, he also sent people to dig trenches outside the camp.

In this case, in the eyes of others, it is just the officers and soldiers strengthening the defense of the camp, and they will not think about water attacks.

The distance from the outer edge of the officers and soldiers camp to the rebel camp made it easier for Zhang Yingchang to storm the cover of the rebel flanks and secretly dig trenches behind them to divert water.

The remaining soil excavated could just be used to fill the trenches of the rebels. It was really killing two birds with one stone.

Everything was planned perfectly and just thinking about it was so exciting.

But no one expected that the water would not follow the routine. Instead of flooding the "shun thieves" as planned, it flooded the officers and soldiers arrayed outside.

It was tragic now. Zhang Shun and others did not become fish and turtles, but they became fish and turtles first.

How many elites from the three sides, how many officers and soldiers, are good at martial arts and have been rich for most of their lives, but they all became fish in one day.

Especially in the late Ming Dynasty, soldiers like to wear cotton armor. If this thing is soaked in water, it weighs more than a thousand pounds. How can you get rid of it?

What's more, "thieves" also roared out and took advantage of the fire.

They lit blunderbuss and artillery, as if they were shooting live targets, killing the officers and soldiers rolling in the mud to their heart's content.

Some brave officers and soldiers couldn't stand this bird spirit, so they couldn't help but take out firecrackers and try to fight back. Only then did they realize that the gunpowder was all wet, so how could they resist?

In desperation, everyone hurriedly fled back to the camp.

Then I realized that I had trapped myself in a cocoon. After the trenches dug by the officers and soldiers outside the camp were filled with river water, they turned into chains that tightly bound the officers and soldiers.

To the south and west of the camp of the officers and soldiers was surrounded by trenches dug by themselves, to the east was the rolling Chan River, and to the north was a vast expanse of land between the camps of the officers and soldiers and the rebel camp.

Now it has become a situation where we can't fight and can't fight, and we can't leave.

"It doesn't matter, it doesn't matter!" Zuo Guangxian, the chief military officer of Shaanxi Province who was covered in mud, couldn't help but responded awkwardly, "Misfortune lies on the back of blessing, and misfortune lies on it!"

"It just so happened that the officers and soldiers lost so many soldiers, the original shortage of food and grass was temporarily relieved; and with the injection of rolling river water, the trench turned into a moat that was conducive to defense!"

"How can you know that this is a blessing in disguise? The officers and soldiers can just rely on the camp to hold on until the water is exhausted."

"The water in this river was originally man-made. It comes and is taken away quickly. I estimate that it will recede in just a day or two. At that time, will the officers and soldiers leave or stay at will?"

Liang Tingdong, the governor of the three sides, thought about it carefully and realized that this was really true, and he couldn't help but feel a sense of hope in his chest.

"That's fine!" He couldn't help but nodded, looking at the group of famous Ming generals in front of him who were like mud monkeys, he couldn't help but laugh and cry, "We have lost this battle, but we don't have no chances later."

"You all go back and change your clothes. Then count the losses of soldiers, equipment, horses, mules, artillery, etc., and arrange your defenses to be careful not to be taken advantage of by thieves."

"It's not good, the military gate! It's not good, the military gate!" Before Liang Tingdong finished speaking, he suddenly heard soldiers running in again, panting and pointing to the outside of the camp, "The thieves started digging again!"

Hearing this, Liang Tingdong couldn't help but stare blankly, then he looked around and said, "Let's all go out and have a look. I wonder what kind of trouble this guy Zhang Niqi has made!"

Everyone left the camp, sadly climbed up to the watchtower and looked outside. Suddenly they felt a chill running up their spines, straight to the eight top yang bones, and then exploded with a "pop" sound. My mind goes blank!

"Zhang Niqi, you are not giving us a way to survive!" Liang Tingdong, the governor of the three sides, shouted, and his vision went dark, and he almost fell under the watchtower.

It turned out that the rebels outside the city surrounded the officers and soldiers' camp and dug trenches.

If the rebels build a defense line on three levels inside and three outside, even if the river water recedes, it will be difficult for the officers and soldiers to break out!

"Junmen, Junmen!" The generals couldn't help being frightened, and they quickly gathered around and ordered those who pinched him.

After coming here for a long time, the man finally woke up. The generals were still asking questions, but Liang Tingdong struggled and said, "Death is not enough for me, but there is only one thing I hate in my heart."

"If someone can help me complete it, I can rest in peace even if I die immediately!"

"Don't worry, military officer, but as long as I, Zuo Guangxian, am here, I will not let the 'shun thief' get so rampant!" Zuo Guangxian, the commander-in-chief of Shaanxi Province, hurriedly swore to the sky.

Liang Tingdong closed his eyes and shook his head helplessly.

"Don't worry about the army, but with me, Liu Shaozong, I will definitely be able to lead everyone to break through the siege and escape this time!"

Liang Tingdong couldn't help turning his head when he heard the words, as if he didn't hear them.

"In this military sect, I, Zhang Yingchang, promise to find Ran Tianlin, the commander of Emirate Yang Shizhu, for you. If you want to see him in life, you will see his body in death."

"There's no need to go to such trouble!" Liang Tingdong, the governor of the three sides, was so angry with them that he couldn't help but pointed at the soldiers around him and said, "Please kill this person quickly."

"Ah!" Before Liang Tingdong finished speaking, the generals rushed forward and killed the guy with one knife.

At this time, Deputy Commander-in-Chief Ge Lin asked: "Could this guy be a spy of the 'Shun Thief' and secretly leaked the whereabouts of our army?"

"No, no!" Liang Tingdong shook his head and said angrily, "This guy is really a crow's mouth. Every time he says 'it's not good', our army will definitely suffer."

"If I don't kill this person, how can we escape? How can we make a comeback? How can we bring down the 'shun thieves'?"

You can’t do the same now!

Generals, you looked at me and I looked at you, and you were speechless.

In fact, it's not surprising that Liang Tingdong, the governor of the three sides, was so superstitious. It was because the water flow was so strange that he couldn't help but think more about it.

Of course, it's not just Liang Tingdong, many other people don't understand what's going on?

As the saying goes: "When people go to higher places, water flows to lower places." This is a natural law that no one can violate, and certainly not Zhang Shun.

However, as a construction worker in Zhang Shun's previous life, he clearly understood that if he relied solely on the naked eye to distinguish the height of the terrain, he would be deceived.

If you want to truly understand the height of the terrain, you need to use professional instruments to measure it.

For example, the most commonly used level on construction sites only requires one person to observe and one person to hold the pole, and the height difference can be easily measured everywhere.

At that time, the officers and soldiers thought they were unaware of the preparations for the "water attack", but in fact, clues were soon discovered in the water stains Zhang Shun returned from the river.

The river water was still here yesterday morning, but it has retreated about a foot this morning. This is obviously not a problem that can be explained by the rise and fall of the tide, so the only explanation is clear.

What was Zhang Shun's first reaction when he felt that the officers and soldiers were about to launch a water attack? As a person in the construction industry, my first reaction is naturally to measure the height difference!

What to do if you don’t have a level?

Then follow the principle of a level and make a simple instrument.

Zhang Shun asked his soldiers to choose a straight musket tube for him, and made a simple tripod and plumb bob, so a simple level was created.

He used this simple instrument to observe continuously for a long time, and then discovered a funny thing.

It turns out that contrary to many people's intuitive feelings, although the river gradually becomes lower from south to north, it also has many ups and downs.

According to Zhang Shun's observation, only the officers and soldiers camp and the rebel camp have higher terrain nearby, while the area between the two camps has the lowest terrain.

Zhang Shun thought about it carefully and realized that this was a matter of course.

Generally, when the army sets up camp, they try to avoid low-lying and humid places to avoid causing various diseases.

But what should we do if there are no relevant measurement tools in this era?

Naturally, I chose a dry and flat place based on past experience.

How can there be any dry place beside the humid river? It's obviously on higher ground!

Just in case, Zhang Shun also ordered Ding Zhuang to heighten and thicken the retaining wall again, just in case.

So on the day of the water attack, everyone was in panic, but Zhang Shun was leisurely and contented.

While he was wearing more fashionable clothes and pretending to be a ghost, he watched helplessly as the officers and soldiers arrayed in low-lying areas were submerged by the flood!

What's this?

This is not the providence of heaven, this is the power of natural science!

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