Please ask me to be the emperor

Chapter 986 Lubu flies thousands of miles

"Kill!" Shanxi Commander-in-Chief Hu Dawei looked at the powerful city in front of him and gave the order without fear.

Suddenly, the officers and soldiers below were pushing the ram carts and pulling the ladders. Hongyi cannons rang out, and the siege soldiers swarmed up.

"General Tiger Town, how long will it take to break through the barrier?" Wu Di, the governor of Shanxi Province, touched his ears that were buzzing from the sound of artillery and asked loudly.

"Don't worry, Fu Jun!" Hu Dawei also shouted loudly. He was also temporarily damaged by the sound of gunfire, and he unconsciously raised his voice.

"This Jindou Pass was originally bombarded by thieves. The female wall and the ultimatum are all newly built. They will definitely not be able to sustain it for long!"

It turned out that while Zhang Shun was fighting fiercely with Liang Tingdong, the governor of the three sides, the officers and soldiers had already captured Luxiang, and Wang Shaoyu had to retreat to Tongguan to join forces with Cao Wenzhao.

Ever since the rebel army broke through Jindou Pass and attacked Tongguan through the Forbidden Valley, Cao Wenzhao was keenly aware of the importance of Jindou Pass.

Therefore, he not only deployed a heavy defense, but also sent soldiers stationed at Tongguan to rotate from time to time to prevent Jindou Pass from being breached by officers and soldiers.

However, because the rebels had previously damaged the city wall, Jindou Pass was still in danger.

The officers and soldiers at Fenglingdu on the north bank of the Yellow River also crossed the Yellow River from time to time and attacked behind Jindou Pass, which also created a passive situation for the rebels.

While Shanxi Governor Wu Gang and Shanxi Commander-in-Chief Hu Dawei were giving instructions outside Jindou Pass City, the commander Cao Wenzhao also stood on Tongguan City and stared at Jindou Pass with a frown on his face.

He is somewhat similar to Chen Changzhen. They both like to charge into battle and be on the front line.

But now, as the general in charge of Tongguan's defense, he had to sit in Tongguan and instruct Wang Shaoyu to take charge of the front line.

Seeing the officers and soldiers attacking the city wall again, Cao Wenzhao couldn't help but feel nervous, and almost couldn't help but go into battle himself.

"King Shun, King Shun, how long do you want me to hold on!" After finally seeing the officers and soldiers being driven off, Cao Wenzhao breathed a sigh of relief and couldn't help but turn his head and look in the direction of Xi'an.

It didn't matter what he looked at. Cao Wenzhao saw a group of people galloping towards him.

The leader of the group seemed to be dragging something like a flag, and he didn't know what it was.

"Who is that person?" Cao Wenzhao couldn't help but be stunned when he saw this, and couldn't help but order, "Send a few people over to see if they are enemies or friends, don't let the enemy take advantage of you!"

Then Cao Wenzhao withdrew his attention and focused on the current war.

If Jindou Pass is lost, we can only strengthen the defense of Forbidden Valley.

What about Fenglingdu?

If Wu Gang, the governor of Shanxi, were allowed to occupy Jindou Pass, he could directly cross the Yellow River and enter the pass from Puban, east of Shanxi. Wouldn't Tongguan be in name only by then?

"General, it's Lu Bu, it's Lu Bu!" Just when Cao Wenzhao was anxious, he suddenly heard the soldiers around him shouting loudly.

"What Lubu?" Cao Wenzhao was stunned and didn't react for a while.

When he turned around to look, he saw that the original group of cavalry had approached Tongguan City. The leader of the cavalry was holding a flag with four big words: Xi'an's Great Victory!

At the same time, the group of soldiers shouted loudly: "Great victory in Xi'an! King Shun defeated Liang Tingdong, the governor of the three sides. He killed the governor Liang Tingdong, the Gansu general Liu Shaozong and the comfort envoy Ma Xianglin, and captured his deputy general Ge Lin and others. One hundred and twenty-seven generals, big and small, killed one-third of the soldiers, captured 20,000 officers and soldiers, and the rest had countless horses, mules, clothing, and weapons."

"Won?" Cao Wenzhao said in disbelief, "Please come quickly, please come quickly!"

Not long after, the gate of Jindouguan City opened wide, and a group of cavalry suddenly came out.

The Shanxi soldier had just been repelled by the rebels and was resting in the camp outside. He didn't react for a while.

"Quick, cavalry, cavalry stop them!" Hu Dawei suddenly jumped up and shouted loudly.

As a result, before he finished speaking, the other party was shouting and running eastward, shouting at the same time: "The great victory in Xi'an, King Shun defeated Liang Tingdong, the governor of the three sides..."

"What?" Hu Dawei was stunned for a moment. He couldn't help turning his head to look at Wu Zong, the governor of Shanxi, and saw that Wu Zong was also stunned.

"How is it possible? This is a thief defrauding me, don't take it seriously!" Wu Di couldn't help shouting loudly.

"Fujun, that's Lubu..." Hu Dawei couldn't help but point to the flag carried by the rebels and reminded him in a low voice.

"Quickly, chase them quickly, don't let them show up in all directions!" Wu Di finally realized and ordered quickly.

"Yes, general, take your orders!" Hu Dawei got on his horse and led more than ten cavalry to pursue him.

Unexpectedly, a large army was suddenly dispatched from Jindou Pass. In an instant, countless soldiers and horses swarmed out, and the killing generals came out.

When the rebel cavalry reported their victory, they took the opportunity to escape and ran all the way to Luoyang.

"Madam, I'm so happy, so happy!" Jian'er opened the door and said ecstatically.

"What great joy? Don't scare the child!" The red lady was feeding the child there. After being frightened by the arrow, the child in her arms shook uncontrollably, which made the red lady a little unhappy.

"Ah?" Jian'er then stopped speaking and raised the corner of his mouth as he said, "We won. King Shun defeated Liang Tingdong, the governor of the three sides, killed a third of his soldiers and captured 20,000!"

At the end of the sentence, Jian'er extended his index and middle fingers to make a "two" sign.

"Really?" The red lady almost dropped the child in her arms, her eyes wide open.

"Really, Lubu has come out! Such a big flag is showing off all over the streets, and the whole city is in a sensation!" Arrow responded happily while gesturing.

Originally, she was not very old and looked very lively and cute.

"Okay, okay, okay!" The red lady couldn't help but have tears in her eyes and almost cried.

"Madam, why are you crying?" Jian'er couldn't help but shrink his smile when he saw the red lady crying.

"I'm happy!" Lady Hong couldn't help but hugged Jian'er and said excitedly, "We've finally made it through!"

God knows how she got here these days?

Not to mention the precarious situation with Li Hongji, even after following Zhang Shun.

Although he doted on her very much, he couldn't stand having so many beautiful women to share with her. Secondly, he worried day and night that one day the "advocate" Li Hongji would discover the clues.

Now that all the hardships have come to an end, she can finally breathe a sigh of relief.

Even if Li Hongji appeared in front of her now, she dared to say to him confidently: "I am the mother-in-law Xing who you have always missed, and I just gave birth to a fat boy for King Shun. Do you want to see it?"

King Shun won, and so did she!

Lu Bu's envoy did not stay in Luoyang for too long. Then they went to Sishui, Dengfeng, Xiangcheng, and finally traveled two thousand miles to Nanyang City, which was besieged by Xiong Wencan, the governor of Huguang.

"The great victory in Xi'an, King Shun defeated Liang Tingdong, the governor of the three sides, and killed one-third of the soldiers."

Xiao Qinhu, who had been guarding Nanyang City for a long time, finally showed a long-lost smile. He stood on the city wall and shouted: "Xiong Wencan, did you hear it?"

"Shaanxi's 100,000 elite soldiers were killed by King Shun, one-third of whom were killed, and 20,000 were captured. How long can you keep me under siege?"

"Asshole." Xiong Wencan, the governor of Huguang outside the city, couldn't help but tremble with his hands. He couldn't help but look up to the sky and sighed, "That Liang Tingdong was incompetent. One hundred thousand elites were wiped out in one day. Isn't this the one who destroyed our Ming Dynasty?"

Yan Zhenran fell headlong, and the people on the left and right hurriedly rushed up, shouting: "Fujun, Fujun!"

"Retreat, retreat!" After being pinched for a long time, Xiong Wencan finally woke up and ordered the first thing he said, "Now that King Shun's power has been achieved, it has been exposed in all directions, and everyone in the world knows it."

"We have been attacking for a long time without being able to defeat it, and we will be even less able to capture it from now on. If we don't retreat, I'm afraid we will all die without a burial place!"

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