Please ask me to be the emperor

Chapter 987 The tiger, leopard and brave move in all directions

"Quick, give me a quick stroke!"

The rolling Yangtze River is thousands of miles long, and the turbulent river is hundreds of feet deep.

On the broad Yangtze River, there are more than ten sand ships and more than a hundred shuttle ships shuttled in the rough waves.

The person standing on the largest sand ship and issuing orders was the guerrilla general commanding the fleet.

"General, don't be too hasty!" Zuo Zuo couldn't help but say with lingering fear, "The thieves' artillery is sharp and fierce, so we must be on guard!"

"What are you afraid of? You've received such great achievements, how can you not accept them?" The guerrilla couldn't help laughing after hearing this.

In fact, the guerrillas may not be unafraid in their hearts. They just rely on the strength of the ship and the large number of people to bully the opponent's smaller ship.

This group of thieves came from Huai'an Prefecture, caused a huge stir, and now fled into the Yangtze River.

The Yangtze River is vast and the water is wide, which is suitable for his sand ships carrying cannons to exert their firepower advantage.

Water warfare is different from land warfare. Basically, big ships bully small boats, and big cannons bully small cannons. The stronger one wins.

No matter how great your abilities are, whether you can run horses with your arms or stand on people with your fists, you will still have no use for your strength.

"Report, the thief suddenly turned into a reed marsh and disappeared!" Not long after, a soldier reported back.

"Send shuttle boats to search as usual, no sand ships are allowed in!" The last time the guerrillas were careless, they led the sand ships in.

Unexpectedly, the water there was shallow, and two of them were stranded. As a result, the thieves killed the officers and soldiers and took away the artillery. It was really a great shame in my life.

Only the shuttle boat has a small hull, shaped like a weaving shuttle, with bamboo masts and cloth sails, a draft of seven or eight inches, and can only accommodate two or three people.

It travels flexibly and quickly. It can move into the foothills when encountering wind and waves, and can be dragged at will when encountering shoals. It is not afraid of complex terrain at all.

After receiving the guerrilla order, more than a hundred shuttle boats immediately started moving like mosquitoes and quickly plunged into the dense reeds ahead.

But after waiting for a long time, there was no movement at all, and the guerrilla couldn't help but become a little anxious.

What's going on? Does the thief have any more tricks up his sleeve?

Just when the guerrilla was uneasy, he suddenly heard a scream, and then twenty or thirty boats fled from the reeds in a panic.

"What's going on? What's going on?" The guerrilla shouted loudly.

"General, it's not good, there are thieves inside." The leading soldier was panting and couldn't even speak clearly.

"Come up here and answer your question!" The guerrilla frowned, and then ordered: "Aim the artillery at the reed marsh, be careful not to be taken advantage of by thieves."

"You guys, pull him up first!"

Could it be a fire attack? The navy is most afraid of fire attacks, so he becomes uneasy when he sees the reed swamp.

"Ah!" Just as he was thinking undecided, a scream suddenly sounded in his ears.

The guerrilla general turned his head and saw that the soldier who had just escaped was shirtless, wearing a trousers, and holding a wrist-breaking knife in his hand.

The tip of the sharp knife was dripping with blood.

"What a thief, kill him!" The guerrilla was stunned and shouted quickly.

Only then did he realize that this guy was a spy for the thieves.

As a result, as soon as he gave the order, the thief pounced on them, killing three people one by one, then grabbed a short gun and rushed over.

The guerrilla was startled, and he quickly drew out his waist knife and cut off the opponent's short spear with one blow.

But he never expected that the other party would not stop charging forward. He only handed the wrist-breaking knife forward, and a "puff" sound was pierced into his heart.

"Kekeke" The guerrilla wanted to say something, but in the end he couldn't say anything, so he died of anger.

At the same time, those shuttle boats that "escaped back" had already taken out their hooks and hooked them on the gang of the boats, and jumped up to fight.

This water battle is different from the land battle. Firstly, you cannot wear armor, and secondly, you cannot form a formation. You can only fight with a bloody courage.

The officers and soldiers of the navy looked menacing, but in fact, both the boatmen and the soldiers were mostly old and weak. How could they be the opponents of this group of fierce thieves?

Not long after, the "thieves" had already killed all the officers and soldiers on the ship, and the other ships were so frightened that they turned around and ran away.

At this time, gongs and drums sounded, and suddenly seventy or eighty river boats came out from the reed swamps to kill the generals.

"General Zhang, you are really skilled!" A strong man in his thirties jumped up and said with a smile, "I was sweating for you just now, but I didn't expect that the general is actually a brave general!"

"Go, go, are you cursing me and getting hemorrhoids?" General Zhang couldn't help but laughed and cursed, and then praised, "Mr. Huang, you are not bad either!"

It turned out that General Zhang and Mr. Huang were none other than Zhang Sanbai and Huang Shoucai, who came down the Shaying River and mobilized Zhu Dadian, the governor of water transportation and governor of Fengyang, to return reinforcements.

One of the two was highly skilled in martial arts and daring, the other was proficient in water affairs and had a quick mind. The two of them complemented each other and turned the Huai'an Mansion upside down.

This forced Zhu Dadian to really have no choice. In order to avoid affecting the water transportation, he had to ask Cao Jiangdu Censor to ask the navy to come to "encircle and suppress".

The two of them divided the battalion into more than ten groups, and used the cover of reeds and vegetation on the shores of Hongze Lake and Gaoyou Lake to fight with the officers and soldiers.

The officers and soldiers they killed were so frightened that they had to burn the lake shore to drive away the rebels.

Seeing that the purpose of mobilizing officers and soldiers had been achieved, Zhang Sanbai and Huang Shoucai couldn't help but discuss: "Originally, I was waiting to go upstream and return to Xiangcheng."

"It's just that now that the officers and soldiers have suffered such a big loss, how can they be willing to give up? There are countless wolves, tigers and leopards along the way, watching eagerly."

"Instead of throwing ourselves into a trap like this, why don't we take advantage of the navy and go straight into the vast Yangtze River to see what he can do?"

The two had settled their calculations, and then they started fighting and chasing each other across the Yangtze River.

Not long after, the rebels scattered the sand ships of the officers and soldiers, and with the advantage that their own ships were larger than the shuttle ships, they returned to strangle the shuttle ship soldiers who had no time to escape.

After killing for half a day, the river was dyed red, and then he gave up.

"What should we do now?" Huang Shoucai asked with a grimace.

Don't look at them running around and causing chaos on the water.

In fact, the rebels had long since run out of food, and they had to fish to stay alive on weekdays, which was almost at their limit.

"Let's go to Nanyang!" Zhang Sanbai thought for a while and said with a twinkle in his eyes. "There is a lot of food and fodder for the rebels there, which is perfect for our use."

"Okay, let's do it like this!" The soldiers on the left and right had already vomited the half-cooked river fish, and they couldn't help but agree after hearing this.

"Okay!" The "River God" Huang Shoucai actually had no good solution, so he had no choice but to nod his head and agree with Zhang Sanbai.

So, everyone drove the boat across the Yangtze River, passed the Han River, and rushed all the way to Nanyang City.

But this time, no one expected that they would cause Xiong Wencan, the governor of Huguang, to suffer an unprecedented defeat.

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