Some people will become arrogant when they are close to success.

And some people will become more cautious and even a little neurotic the closer they are to success.

Li Zicheng, the "Chuang King" in history, is the former, and Zhang Shun today is the latter.

If we say how likely Dorgon, Yue Tuo and others are to collude with the border troops to enter the customs, I am afraid that there may not be a chance at both levels.

However, even if there is a 1% chance, once it happens, it is 100% for the person involved.

Others don't know it, but Zhang Shunke clearly remembers that when the Qing army entered the pass, the person in charge was none other than the "Prince Qingrui" Dorgon.

Now the rebels only need to take full control of Shaanxi, recuperate and recuperate. After a few years of reorganizing the army and preparing for war, the world will not be worried.

Then, the problem lies in this "as long as".

Will they collude together and initiate "entry" in advance?

Zhang Shun thought hard all night and was really restless all night.

Early the next morning, Gao Guiying walked in and saw that the folded bed had not moved at all, and Zhang Shun had actually been sitting there that night.

She couldn't help but feel distressed and said: "Daddy, wash your face!"

"Just now I heard from Mr. Lu that Mrs. Ma has arrived and is on her way to see Ma." Gao Guiying smiled to herself as she spoke.

"What is Mrs. Ma? Just call her Mrs. Ying!" Oh my God, Mrs. Ma, wouldn't I become Ma Dayuan?

Mrs. Ying? Shouldn't this title be reserved for me? Gao Guiying curled her lips, unhappy!

"It's not that Mrs. Ma, it's the wife of Ma Xianglin who you cuckolded, your mistress Ma Fengyi!" Gao Guiying said with contempt.

"According to Ming Dynasty practice, if her husband dies in battle, she will probably be given the title of Imperial Lady!"

"What made him a cuckold?" Zhang Shun couldn't laugh or cry when he heard this, "Ma Fengyi and I are innocent!"

"I wonder why two Madame Ma suddenly appeared. Before you came over, the rebels just captured her and sent her to me."

"At that time, I asked Ying Niang and Li Xiang to take care of her, and they happened to save his life, so we got to know each other."

"This time she came in person, probably to retrieve Ma Xianglin's body, so she begged Yingniang."

As he spoke, Zhang Shun suddenly became silent.

"What? What's wrong, daddy?" Gao Guiying thought she had violated some taboo, so she couldn't help but ask strangely.

"It's okay, just mess with me. I haven't slept all night, so my image is not good!" Zhang Shun suddenly looked to his left and said.

"It's really strange today. Dad would also take the initiative to ask for it?" Gao Guiying laughed while untying Zhang Shun's headscarf. ,

She combed his hair carefully and then trimmed it with a knife.

Then he took two more clean clothes and put them on for him. Then he looked at them and said, "This is what he looks like!"

It turns out that in the past, Zhang Shun was busy with official duties and often looked unkempt, which made Gao Guiying, who was not very particular, complain a lot.

Finally, he took the initiative to ask for it once, and Gao Guiying thought he had changed his temper.

Not long after, someone reported that Ma Fengyi had really hit a wall with Ma Yingniang, so she had no choice but to seek help from Zhang Shun.

Gao Guiying teased Zhang Shun and brought her over personally.

Zhang Shun looked up and saw Ma Fengyi and was stunned.

After the rebels captured Ma Fengyi, Zhang Shun saw that her skin was rough and her figure was obese, so he stopped caring about her as a man.

But he never thought that if Ma Fengyi was really such a woman, how could Ma Xianglin be so crazy?

It turned out that Ma Fengyi was beautiful and came from a scholarly family, so Ma Xianglin had to go to great lengths to get her into the family.

However, there has always been a tradition of female generals leading troops, so she gave up literature and took up martial arts and developed good skills.

It's just that the leader of the army was dissatisfied with his dark and rough skin after living in the open air. Secondly, in order to maintain endurance, he tried his best to gain weight in advance.

At that time, Ma Fengyi was dehydrated, which even affected her skin appearance.

Although Ma Fengyi is over thirty now, she is still in good health and has a heroic appearance. Coupled with her snow-white mourning clothes, she adds a bit of fragility, which really makes Zhang Shun want to stop.

"Ah? Are you Mrs. Ma? After so many years of separation, we can't recognize each other!" Zhang Shun greeted her with a smile.

"King Shun, you are joking!" Ma Fengyi saluted and said businesslikely, "This widower has taken the liberty to come here just to ask for the body of my late husband to be buried in his hometown. Please ask for King Shun's permission!"

What a widow, why do you talk like this!

Zhang Shun hesitated for a moment and couldn't help but responded: "You and I are old acquaintances. Logically speaking, this matter has nothing to do with it."

"It's just that the weather is hot now and the soldiers haven't taken good care of it. I'm afraid. I'm afraid this body is already in disgrace."

What is so unsightly? Gao Guiying curled his lips and thought to himself: Didn't you say before that killing corpses in the wilderness might not be too much, and you had already ordered people to bury them hastily in mass graves?

"The matter has come to this, and the survivors have already been prepared!" Ma Fengyi lowered her eyebrows and lowered her eyes upon hearing this.

Uh. Zhang Shun looked at the "light bulb" next to him, and then at the woman in front of him who was neither humble nor overbearing. He couldn't help but smile and shook his head: "Well, as long as you can withstand it, I have no problem!"

Ma Fengyi frowned when she heard this and said nothing.

"Guiying, get ready. I will take my wife out in a while and pick up the body with her!"

"Ah? Okay then!" Gao Guiying nodded at him, but looked at Ma Fengyi motionless.

"Why are you standing here? Madam and I are old friends. Don't worry, she won't hurt me!" Zhang Shun couldn't help but laugh.

"No, King Shun's family and life are related to the stability of the rebel army. How can he act so casually?" Gao Guiying ignored his rhetoric.

Don't act like I didn't hear it, there must be something wrong with you two!

Damn it, Zhang Shun almost cried.

He decided to sacrifice his appearance and start with Ma Fengyi, but he ended up meeting a "pig teammate".

This guy is so smart. When he heard that Ma Fengyi arrived in Xi'an, he did not come to see him. Instead, he went to find Ma Yingniang. This must be to avoid suspicion.

To avoid suspicion and avoid suspicion, what suspicion can the two of them avoid?

Naturally, there is nothing else except the things between men and women.

It would be fine if it were her. Ma Fengyi is a cheerful person, and the relationship between the two of them is innocent, so why do they do this deliberately?

When he saw Ma Fengyi, he finally understood that there might not be some ripples in her heart.

Otherwise, she wouldn't be able to clean up her body and lose two or three layers of fat, making her look much more pleasing to the eye than before.

How is this going?

Zhang Shun himself had evil thoughts, first for the imprisoned chieftain soldiers, and later because of sexual desire, and what on earth did Ma Fengyi do?

During this period, Zhang Shun deliberately teased her several times, but she had no response.

This is not normal at all. A normal Ma Fengyi should have kicked her over a long time ago!

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