Please ask me to be the emperor

Chapter 990 Dragon and Tiger Fighting

Ma Fengyi felt like she was going crazy. She didn't even dare to raise her eyes and look into Zhang Shun's eyes.

Originally, she fell into his hands a year and a half ago, and she thought she would suffer endless humiliation.

As a result, he let him go easily and sent his wives and concubines to accompany him to relieve his boredom.

Before she came out of the palace, she was the little eldest sister of the Zeng Zhang family who could not leave the house and did nothing. She had nothing to do every day except reading and embroidering.

After getting married, she was Ma's daughter-in-law and needed to learn the art of war and practice martial arts, and she had no one to talk to about her confidant.

Unexpectedly, after becoming a "captive", there would be two more people.

Mrs. Li is a person who is familiar with poetry and books. Except she and her girl Liu Rushi, who like to say things that make people blush at all times, they are actually very knowledgeable and elegant, and they are first-class people.

If I were a man, I would probably fall in love with her too!

Compared with Mrs. Li, Mrs. Ma has a heroic spirit between her brows. She is not only good at martial arts, but also very good at horseback kung fu. If she hadn't known that it was impossible, Ma Fengyi would have almost wanted to recruit her into the army to follow him. about.

One of these two people looks like before he got married, and the other looks like after he got married; one is charming and romantic, and the other is full of heroic spirit.

But looking at their words, she found that they were equally in love with the same man, which made Ma Fengyi wonder. What kind of charming and suave man is he, worthy of their madness?

Soon she met the man who made the officers and soldiers frightened, and was "the most cunning, cruel, and lecherous among thieves."

The thieves called him "King Shun", and the officers and soldiers called him "Shun Thief".

Regardless of praise or criticism, it is recognized that this person is "treacherous" and "lecherous", and is a very difficult person to deal with.

According to Ma Fengyi's imagination of him, he was either a handsome, suave dandy, or a long-standing gangster with a pair of triangular eyes, stilted eyebrows, and a mustache.

As a result, when she actually saw him, she almost didn't recognize him.

Apart from his strange appearance, he is actually a gentle and old-fashioned young man.

He sat there like a big boy next door. While asking about her daily life, he told Mrs. Li and her girl not to treat him badly.

At that time, his clothes were a little wrinkled, so the maid Liu Rushi naturally walked over and straightened them for him.

He smiled and nodded, not taking it for granted.

At that time, the thieves happened to violate military discipline and robbed nearby people.

He couldn't help but raise his brows, as if he had become a different person.

It felt like a docile and cute kitten suddenly turned into a colorful tiger that preyed on people.

Later, she met him several times, and each time he presented himself with a gentle image, which made her feel somewhat fond of him.

It’s not about romance, it’s just about right or wrong!

It wasn't until the day he escaped from the "sea of ​​suffering" that she saw her brother Zhang Daojun, whom she hadn't seen for a long time, that she felt a chill in her heart and understood the origin of his "treacherous" reputation.

Her brother exchanged the condition of "working for the shun thief" for her, and she thought she could finally "go home".

As a result, after she waited for him to meet her husband Ma Xianglin, an even more terrifying thing happened in front of her.

It turned out that her husband had always suspected that she had been betrayed by a thief and was unfaithful to him.

But she has been married to him for more than ten years, and she is not a virgin, so how can she prove her innocence?

No matter how much she swore or threatened her with death, she could not dispel her husband's doubts.

Because she couldn't explain clearly how she escaped from "the clutches of the lustful and evil thief".

In order to rescue him, his brother Zhang Daojun was willing to hide his name and become a thief. How could he expose himself for his own selfish purposes and let the entire Zhang family be wiped out?

She had no choice but to remain silent. Unexpectedly, her husband became even more crazy.

As if to prove something, the man began to tear apart her clothes crazily.

Although she is her wife, she also has her dignity.

In fact, what she said was really an unintentional mistake, and it was all because of the thief Li who spoke freely all day long.

The man was suddenly stunned. I don't know how long it took. He suddenly slapped her angrily, and then cursed viciously: "Silver woman! Bitch!"

"No, it's not like that. I just had a quick talk." She quickly explained carefully.

"So you accidentally told the truth, right!" Feeling that the man in front of him was going crazy, he cried and laughed and stumbled out, like a lost dog.

Negotiations between the two parties failed again and again, and the man made moves with her several times. Her heart gradually became cold, and she never wanted to meet this man again.

She simply lived in a different place by herself and had some leisure time.

Just like that, the impressive face of "Shun Thief" appeared in front of her in a daze.

Ma Fengyi felt a little ashamed, but at the same time she felt an indescribable pleasure.

Didn't you wrongly accuse me of cuckolding you? So what if I really "cuckold" you?

I don’t know how long she had cuckolded him, but one day Ma Xianglin appeared in front of her again.

Seeing his originally handsome face become very haggard, the guilty Ma Fengyi couldn't help but feel soft in her heart, and couldn't help but want to forgive him.

As a result, the man left a sentence coldly: "This time the imperial court has gathered a hundred thousand troops to encircle and suppress them. I will lead 20,000 elites to go north to help in the battle."

"I will kill him myself when the time comes!"

How. How could this happen!

Ma Fengyi cried. She shouldn't have been like this!

Now not only did she lose all interest, but she also spent every night in nightmares.

Every time, either the "shun thief" killed her husband and came looking for her with a big head, or Ma Xianglin came over with a refined box and said to her with a smile: "Open it and see, open it and see, Open it quickly and take a look, hahaha."

Zhang Shun thought she was losing weight specifically to maintain her figure.

In fact, it was not the case this time, but she was tortured into such a figure.

Until the end, her mother-in-law suddenly came over and said to her with tears in her eyes: "Lin'er is dead! I'm old and can't leave. Go and bring him back!"

"People are all about returning their fallen leaves to their roots. If you want to bury them, you should bury them in your own cemetery!"

Thinking of this sentence again, Ma Fengyi couldn't help crying.

"Okay, okay, stop looking!" A pair of big hands suddenly blocked her sight. The man was very close, and a man's breath rushed towards her.

"Lift the coffin!" At the same time, the sound of soldiers lifting up the coffin was heard around them.

Yes, he has arrived in Xi'an, and the soldiers in front of him are exhuming the body of her husband Ma Xianglin.

Yesterday everything was like a dream and illusion, but today everything is like bubbles and shadows. Which one is true and which one is false?

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