Please Do Not Disturb My Cultivation

Chapter 123 Pursuit (5/5)

Chapter 123 Pursuit (55)

Chang Chang turned on the projection screen and asked the guards to display the evidence one by one on the big screen, and said at the same time: "There is no doubt that this is a shameless frame. I suggest that the charges against Lin Wen be suspended immediately."

"Lai Juncheng" never expected that what was just a warm-up event would turn out like this.

He argued loudly: "I still have a lot of evidence! This villain has violated almost all the laws of the empire that can be triggered! This is just the most trivial of his evil deeds!"

Elder Xu glanced at Lin Wen and said, "Second."

Elder Wang remained silent.

Elder Ye said: "Then skip this stage and go directly to the questioning."

This was a compromise solution, and the three elders agreed.

Inquiry is much more direct, which is equivalent to a confrontation. Although it is also possible to list crimes, it lacks the multiple charges clearly established during the review stage, and its power will be much smaller.

Lai Juncheng is now at a big disadvantage due to the big failure of the two charges. There are still many neutral officials in the field. They also have their own forces. They will not favor anyone and will only vote objectively.

But when things got like this, he had no choice but to grit his teeth.

Anyway, this kid has too many lawless things, he can't slip through.

Lin Wen was still standing on the podium.

Lai Juncheng came to the questioner's seat below, facing him far away.

After a moment of silence, Lai Juncheng began to question.

"When you first took office, why did you openly shoot and kill innocent officials outside Changle Town?"

Lin Wen replied, "They conspired to rebel."

"Based on the evidence so far, they are simply against your tyranny."

"Without any evidence, you set up a public trial platform outside Changle Town. In front of nearly 100,000 people, you publicly shot and killed 80 imperial officials and imprisoned more than 300 imperial officials and officials."

"This is a photo of the scene, and the testimony of some witnesses."

"They are all excellent talents of the empire, excellent officials who protect the common people, have excellent quality, outstanding ability, hard work, and have always been well-known."

"And this person committed such a heinous crime just to establish his prestige and eliminate dissidents. It is really a heinous crime."

Lai Juncheng's assistant presented evidence, including photos and testimonies, as well as testimonies from prisoners and their relatives, which was as thick as a book.

Lin Wen asked Qi Mu to take out all the criminal files that Fang Yaobo had sorted out, and handed them over as well.

Before Lin Wen left, Fang Yaobo worked overtime under the pressure of Qin Luoshuang to complete it. There were nearly 400 copies in total, all of which were crimes committed by various officials among the victims.

It is obviously impossible to read so many materials in a short period of time. The elders just randomly selected a few copies and displayed them on the big screen.

Lai Juncheng sternly said: "Even if they really violated the law, they should be convicted after trial! How could they be shot or taken away on the spot in public! What is the face of the empire? Such contempt for the laws of the empire, where is the dignity of the empire?"

Lin Wen said coldly: "They rebelled on the spot, intending to murder the county chief! Murdering 300,000 disaster victims! This is more than just rebellion, it is simply against humanity. If you don't kill them on the spot, what are you doing?"

Lai Juncheng was furious: "There must be a limit to your nonsense, they are obviously just greedy for some supplies!"

Lin Wen scolded: "You fart, who allowed you to slander them? They are all good officials, good officials who protect the common people, you said it yourself!"

Lai Juncheng choked for a moment, his mind was confused, and he didn't understand why Lin Wen said that.

Lin Wen continued: "It is precisely because they are so excellent, their quality is so high, they have never been greedy for money, and they have always been well-known for their hard work, so why..."

Everyone at the scene was attracted by Lin Wen's strange words, and couldn't help but want to hear what he would say next. Even the four elders put down their files.

Lin Wen sternly said, "Why are they suddenly incompetent when it comes to disaster relief, cheating, corrupting everywhere, and oppressing the people?"


Lin Wen shouted loudly, startling everyone.

"That's obviously because they have bigger plans! They just want to cause civil unrest! Provoke civil uprisings! Divide the relationship between the county residents, intending the victims to attack the county government and murder the county chief! This will lead to the interruption of aid, the failure of reconstruction, and the inability to deliver supplies. What are they trying to do? This is to kill 300,000 victims of the disaster!"

"Then, let me ask you, is the murder of a county governor and 300,000 people enough crimes against humanity? Can they be shot on the spot?"

The officials below looked at each other in blank dismay, and some of the lesser officials even couldn't help answering: "Yes..."

Lin Wen went on to say: "Obviously! They are the legendary rebels! Let me ask, apart from the rebels, is there any official who is so virtuous, does not take bribes, does not take bribes, works hard, and protects the people? Fantasy, right? Only rebels, they have ideals, in order to overthrow..."


Chang Chang stopped Lin Wen's words.

"Come here, next question, Lai Juncheng."

The faces of all the officials were not very good-looking.

The governor of Yunzhou, Zhao Chaoyang, teased, "Sheng Huaixuan, your kid is really outspoken."

Sheng Huaixuan shook his head with a wry smile: "This kid is really big-hearted."

Lai Juncheng's complexion was also not very good-looking, but what was even worse were the members of the council seats.

When they got the black material, they thought it was an easy battle, but they didn't expect that kid to be so hard to chew, it was a super hard bone, and they broke all their teeth inadvertently.

Lai Juncheng rallied again and said, "You shot and killed the head of the Seventh Construction Corps, and forcibly detained everyone in the Seventh Construction Corps!"

Lin Wen: "He is currently against humanity, and others are voluntary."

Lai Juncheng's face turned red, but he also knew that it was meaningless to entangle here, and every subsequent revelation was bigger than this.

He immediately asked the next question: "You forced the imperial soldiers to participate in hard labor! This is an insult to the imperial military spirit and violates the imperial military law!"

Lin Wen: "They are performing their duties."

Lai Juncheng sneered, "Are you out of your mind?"

Lin Wen asked, "What is the duty of an imperial soldier?"

Lai Juncheng said coldly: "Of course it is to defend the country and protect the personal safety and property interests of the people of the empire from infringement. It has nothing to do with hard labor."

Lin Wen sneered: "The disaster victims are not the people of the empire anymore? The flood has violated their interests and threatened their safety. Why can't the soldiers of the empire lend a helping hand?"

Lai Juncheng was furious: "You are making unreasonable words!"

Lin Wen said flatly, "You don't care if you say something outrageous."

Lai Juncheng's face was almost distorted, astonishing hatred shot out from his eyes, almost piercing Lin Wen.

The fifth watch is finished, 13,000 words, Lao Chuan is still strong enough, please order, grandpas

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