On the stage, Elder Wang was uncharacteristically approving Lin Wen's words: "I think it makes sense."

Elder Ye frowned.

Elder Xu was silent for a while and said: "I think he has extended the concept of the enemy too much."

Chang Chang did not express his opinion immediately.

The thirteen governors originally looked like they had nothing to do with themselves, but they all had different expressions at this time, and many eyes drifted towards Sheng Huaixuan, but it was a pity that Sheng Huaixuan's face was so calm that he couldn't see anything.

This matter was too unreasonable. Except for Elder Wang, the three elders felt that they could not express their views lightly. After all, it was related to the imperial army.

So they decided together to skip this matter.

"Next question."

Lai Juncheng knew that this could not go on like this anymore, he had to reveal serious information, otherwise the audience would not even pass half of the votes.

He quickly filtered his thoughts, skipping over some small things such as coercion of women, embezzlement and bribery, violation of discipline, and random killings, and locked on a matter that didn't seem particularly big, but would greatly affect the perception of the elders.

"Why did you announce that you were going to be a dictator at your first plenary meeting after taking office?"

Lai Juncheng quickly presented the evidence. In addition to the testimony, there is also a video evidence, which is the heavy material obtained by the ace spy Anders.

The staff puts on the display and at the same time connects the signal to the big screen.

The video was obviously taken secretly, and the angle of view is the corner by the window, which should be a tiny video camera.

The picture is a little fuzzy, but it can be seen clearly. The sound is very small, but it can barely be heard after being amplified in the later stage.

It can be seen from the screen that Lin Wen stood on the rostrum, faced with Bald Piao's questioning, and said arrogantly:

"I'm a dictator."

"Do you have an opinion?"

Hearing this sentence, three of the four elders' faces darkened, and only Chang Chang's expression remained unchanged.

In the picture, Bald Piao turned around and said something loudly to the people in the audience, but the voice of this passage was blurred and could not be heard clearly.

Then the picture zoomed in and focused on Lin Wen. He walked down from the stage, took out a big hammer from his pocket with his right hand, and approached Bald Piao from behind.

The latter is still frothing.

There was no sound in the venue, and all the officials were staring at the big screen. Although they guessed what might happen next, they still couldn't believe it.


Lin Wen hit the bald ladle with a hammer and opened the bald ladle.

The special effect of this passing sound was strengthened, resounding through the audience, and many officials shrank their necks, as if the hammer had hit them on the head.

Even with the four elders in the city, there was a look of surprise.

The thirteen governors in the audience were even more shocked. Zhongzhou Governor Wang Bo'an murmured: "It's too similar, it's too similar! This is the green out of the blue, and the waves behind push the waves ahead!"

Ge Guanglin, governor of Mingzhou, smiled: "Direct, violent, I like it, these cowardly and incompetent bastards should be dealt with like this."

Shi Yuan, governor of Hezhou, frowned and said, "Vulgar! Not elegant! How can the battle of the superiors be like this?"

Gu Xuanli, governor of Shizhou: "No strategy! Little wisdom!"

Governor of Longzhou Gu Zhengyi shook his head slightly: "It's too reckless, there are at least a hundred better ways."

Bai Liuxi, governor of Xiyan Prefecture, sneered, "The same lineage is Sheng Huaixuan's domineering."

Zhao Chaoyang, governor of Yunzhou, frowned and remained silent.

Even Sheng Huaixuan was slightly surprised. He only knew about this matter, but he didn't know the details. He didn't expect such a violent and ridiculous scene.

The officials below were even louder, unbelievable. Many people stood up and raised their necks to find where such a heroic man was sitting.

On the screen, Lin Wen fell to the ground after two blows, and the recording ended.

Obviously, only the most beneficial part of them was intercepted.

Just looking at the reactions of the elders and the officials present, Lai Juncheng knew that he had already won the round.

However, people from the East Qinzhou Governor's Mansion immediately protested.

Mei Xingan stood up and said, "Obviously, this is a carefully edited and fabricated video. Unless the complete original video is released, it should not be accepted as evidence."

"Everyone, you know that the truth, a part of the truth, and a part of the truth seen from a certain angle are completely different. The last one is a carefully fabricated lie!"

This was a wonderful remark, which caused a round of applause.

The officials of the Council rejected it straight away: "It's simply fabricated out of nothing. If all the unfavorable evidence is fabricated, then there will be no sinners in this world!"

The two parties began to spray each other, and soon they quarreled, and there was a tendency to rush to fight each other.

Elder Chang stopped this meaningless criticism, and turned to Lin Wen: "Do you have anything to say?"

Qi Mu had already sent up all the materials related to this incident, but these materials are very weak compared to the sentence: "I am a dictatorship."

However, there was a video compression disc at the bottom of the box, and Qin Luoshuang posted a note on it, writing: "Don't hand in this evidence as a last resort."

Lin Wen thought for a while, tore up the note, and handed over the compact disc.

"I have the full original video."

There were even a few cheers in the venue.

So, the full version of "Sheriff Lin Bullying the Conference Room.avi" continued, and all the officials focused on the big screen.

What could be more attractive than the flashpoint of infighting among officials?

What's more, it was such a different battle.

Many people here are chief officials of one side, and they even agree with Lin Wen, because sometimes they want to hit the sledgehammer on the heads of disobedient subordinates like this.

The angle of view this time is a bird's-eye view from above. It is obviously the monitor in the meeting room. It is clearer than the candid shot, and there is also sound.

There was not much difference in the first half, everyone just appreciated Lin Wen's heroic figure of beating his bald head with a big hammer from another angle.

However, Lin Wen's words became blurred, and it sounded like: "I just want to kill you."

Bald Piao's words were exceptionally clear, and he ostentatiously declared that he had received all the instructions from the chief executive of the Supreme Council.

Everyone present looked different, but they all looked as they had expected.

The hatred between Sheng Huaixuan and Yu Zhongxian is well known.

Then came the exciting part. After the bald dipper fell, five secret inspectors broke into the meeting room and rushed towards Lin Wen at an extremely fast speed, but was knocked down by Lin Wen at an even faster speed.

Then Lin Wen turned around and rushed into the crowd, knocking down the rebellious officials and guards one by one. His movements were as nimble as swallows, his strikes were as fast as lightning, and he advanced and retreated like an antelope's horns.

When Fang Dashan led the army over to suppress the situation, the video ended, and there was a burst of applause in the venue.

The governors around Sheng Huaixuan came closer and said, "Congratulations, Governor Sheng, there are no weak soldiers under the strong generals."

"Such a special little guy, I'm so excited, let me."

"This skill is smooth and natural, unconventional, and its moves change at any time. It comes up with new ideas. It must be a famous teacher's apprentice!"

"More than that, it's so concise and fresh, it works smoothly, and it has extremely high control over strength and body. It has already reached the level of a master, and it is the back wave that pushes the front wave!"

"Haha, amazing! Awesome!"

It was also the first time Sheng Huaixuan saw this video, and thought: "This kid actually has such skills, no wonder he has the guts not to even form a guard."

"Heh, he's really young. You have to persuade him when you go back. No matter how advanced your martial arts skills are, if you don't have guards, you'll be gone with a cold shot."

With a smile on his face, as if everything was under control, he carefully responded to the compliments from all directions one by one, which was also saving Lin Wen's character.

I thought about it again, and thought: "No, this video is a double-edged sword. It is equivalent to making the contradiction public, and at the same time putting myself in an untrustworthy situation."

Sure enough, both sides accused each other of fraudulent videos, but due to technical reasons, it was difficult to prove it for a while, so they had to expose it in the end.

However, due to the preconceived first impression, disgust has inevitably entered the hearts of the four elders, among which the elder Wang Wengong, who is extremely opposed to the expansion of imperial power, is the most serious.

Lai Juncheng barely gained a little advantage, but it was not enough to reverse his current situation, and the involvement also extended to Yu Zhongxian.

The expansion of contradictions is not in line with the current national policy of the empire.

The Supreme Presbyterian Council put forward the basic national policy of harmony and stability a few years ago. For high-level struggles, the main task is to restrain and calm things down. For low-level turmoil, the primary task is to suppress and maintain stability.

Therefore, the four elders unanimously chose to ignore this content and skipped to the next question.

And Lin Wen now also knows that the word "dictatorship" is a taboo in the empire, and it can only be done but not said, even if it is a joke.

The reason seems to be related to the struggle for imperial power.

The word "dictatorship" seems to be equated with imperial power.

Lai Juncheng knew that there were not many opportunities left for him to take revenge, and he had to lay down the most important black material.

This is also the fundamental reason why he appears here in this image.

As soon as Lai Juncheng waved his hand, his subordinates immediately knew that they were going to use their trump card, and hurried back all the way.

There is too much evidence to fit here.

Lai Juncheng closed his eyes and was silent for a minute. He didn't speak until there was a slight commotion in the venue.

"Every sentence I said afterwards has full and sufficient evidence to prove it. Please don't make invalid questions and save your sharp teeth for sophistry."

"Thirteen days ago, at 3:07 p.m., County Chief Lin Wenlin used Jiedu power to order Changshan County to guard Fang Dashan and lead 600 imperial garrison soldiers to break through Hangu Pass and cross the border into Qingcheng."

An official of the council rushed over and took out a large amount of evidence from several suitcases, including witnesses, physical evidence, confessions, photos of the scene, and photos after the checkpoint collapsed, and presented them all.

There is a lot of evidence, but it is clear, progressive, detailed and not complicated.

The main evidence is placed at the top, which is clear at a glance, and there are a lot of supplementary evidence below.

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