Please Do Not Disturb My Cultivation

Chapter 131 Backstab (add 1/8)

Chapter 131 Backstab (plus 18)

"sucker Punch!"

Lai Juncheng shouted.

"Now there is a mountain of iron evidence, including video and audio, and your protective umbrella is the most powerful evidence! What else can you quibble about?"

Lin Wen sneered: "Stupid monkey, watch carefully."

Turning to the staff, he said, "Replay."

The crew rewinds the tape and plays it again.

The picture of Lin Wen and Long Xinshan sitting opposite each other appeared on the screen again.


Lin Wen pointed to the screen: "Look, everyone, what screen is this?"

Lai Juncheng sneered: "It's the picture of you colluding with dirty drug dealers and trying to be the umbrella of crime."

Lin Wen said with a smile: "Mentally retarded, use your large intestine to think about it. If you look at this picture, is it just right, and everyone is framed in it? Look at this angle, does it mean that if it is slightly shifted, there will be a few fewer people?"

Lai Juncheng said coldly: "What does that mean?"

"If you often take sneak shots, you can understand how rare it is to get the right angle."

"Not only that, but if you look at the height of the angle of view, as long as you understand a little mathematics, you can calculate that the camera is 1.5 meters above the ground, and the distance from the main character is about 3 meters. From the perspective of the room layout, the camera is located in the corner on the left side of the gate."

"The picture quality is excellent, comparable to a movie, that is to say, this is a professional high-definition camera."

"The picture didn't shake at all, which proves that the camera must be set on a tripod."

"Look at this scene again."

He asked the staff to adjust the video to the last scene.

"Everyone look at this scene, two people face the camera and shake hands friendlyly. Is this scene familiar? When you attend a public event and shake hands in front of reporters, do you just look at the camera like this?"

"Would anyone shake hands like this when there are no reporters and no need to take pictures?"


He showed a confident sunny smile, as if he was speaking on stage rather than facing life and death questions.

"They look at the camera, which means they know where the camera is, so there can't be a sneak shot problem."

"In fact, professional video cameras are bulky and difficult to use for candid photography."

"Then, we can imagine a professional film camera, set up on a tripod 1.5 meters high, in the corner of the room, facing an imperial official, a heinous drug dealer."

"Two people have no scruples about the cameras that are filming, and they are talking about deals. What kind of scene is this?"

There was silence in the venue, even on Capitol Hill on the other side of the video.

Lin Wen smiled and said, "Have you figured it out? This is a scene for a movie, and it's obviously just a play."

"I think, except for the giant mentally handicapped, probably no official would take the big risk of beheading in this situation, violate the great taboo of the empire, and trade with drug dealers, right?"

He once again showed a confident and sunny smile to the four elders, the thirteen governors, and fifty senior members of parliament.

"Do you think I'm mentally retarded?"

"Or do you think that the empire can tolerate a mentally handicapped person becoming the governor of a place?"

The elders were naturally unmoved, but several governors showed slight smiles.

On the other side of the Capitol Hill, there was already a roar of laughter, and it was useless for Ren Big Nose to hit the gavel, but when he saw that the elders had no opinion on this, he gave up maintaining order.

Lai Juncheng was furious, and shouted: "Presumptuous! How dare you speak to the elders of the empire like this! This is a crime of disrespect to the empire. According to the law, he should be executed on the spot! Come on! Quick, kill him!"

This statement only had a huge backlash.

The eyes of the four elders all moved over in an instant.

Elder Wang said in a low voice: "Lai Juncheng, you are just a director, what qualifications do you have to order the imperial guards to kill people in front of the elders?"

Elder Ye: "Are you used to being lawless in the council?"

Elder Xu: "Director Lai used to be a mature, calm and experienced person, how could he be so impulsive and stupid? Now I seriously doubt that you have used genetic skin technology!"

Elder Chang immediately said: "I agree with the opinions of the elders, Lai Juncheng must undergo a comprehensive biological examination!"

Lai Juncheng's face turned pale. Genetic skin technology is not omnipotent, it can only deal with normal detection. If it is a destructive detection, it is completely possible to find flaws from him.

Huge fear enveloped him, this was the coercion from the elders, he tremblingly looked at Yu Zhongxian, hoping that the God of the council could help him in some way.

But all he could see was the indifferent eyes of the chief executive.

Suddenly, Lai Juncheng only felt a sharp pain in his heart, and then his whole body became hot, as if he was in the scorching heat. He fell to the ground, and there was a lot of noise in his throat, his vision quickly blurred, and soon he couldn't see anything clearly.

At the last moment of consciousness, all he had left was great regret.

The medical staff in the meeting hurried over, and after a careful examination, they shook their heads and said, "There are no vital signs anymore. It should be a sudden death caused by a sudden heart attack. The detailed cause of death needs to be dissected."

Elder Wang glanced at Yu Zhongxian and said, "Drag the body down and hand it over to the Imperial Institute of Biological Sciences to examine the cause of his death in detail."

Yu Zhongxian looked indifferent and indifferent.

The four elders knew that there would probably be no results.

The Supreme Council has always been like this, treating human life as worthless, and leaving no room for ruthless attacks.

But even so, as long as the council shows a little bit of talk, people will still flock to it. No matter how many they kill, the number of people who want to squeeze in will not decrease.

This is also their unscrupulous confidence.

There are too many people in the empire, and countless people will flock to any place with a little power.

And the Supreme Council is the best among them, and it has a great reputation outside. Although when it comes to names, most of them are spurned and cursed secretly, but when it stretches out an olive branch, no matter how much dirt and blood is stained on it, they will immediately transform into dogs sticking out their tongues and smiling.

If he was lucky enough to go in, he would be even more arrogant, and he would do all the shameless things he did to the council ten times more, and be proud of it.

Over time, the council has been filled with such people, and it has become more cruel and dark.

There is no way around this. The Supreme Council is the core organ of the empire, and rash changes will cause huge shocks, so we can only restrain it as much as possible.

Elder Chang Chang said, "President Yu, do you have anything else to add?"

Yu Zhongxian bowed slightly, and an official of the council presented another piece of evidence.

This evidence describes in detail the process of a huge sum of money finally being gathered in the Finance Department of Changshan County through various methods.

The official said respectfully: "My lord, this is the transaction amount mentioned in the video. Excluding the 12 million at the scene, 76 million is not a lot, and all of them have entered the hands of Changshan County."

"The transaction operation point of the funds has been identified. It is in an underground bank in Huai Town, the capital of Changshan County. There happens to be an identical box in the restaurant operated by that underground bank."

There was nothing superfluous, and the official retreated respectfully after finishing speaking.

But it is this simple declarative sentence that is extremely lethal.

Almost all the governors shook their heads secretly. This evidence is too strong, and it directly blocks any possibility of sophistry.

Chang Chang glanced at Lin Wen, but seeing the latter sneer like victory, he thought he had something behind him, so he said, "Lin Wen, do you have anything else to explain about the funding issue?"

But in fact, Lin Wen didn't explain anything, he just felt that he should not be able to pass the test, and he was thinking about the details of the plan and how much good fortune he would get from killing Yu Zhongxian.

He was not prepared to speak at first, but when he heard the question, Lin Wen replied casually, "It was given by the first princess."

At the same time, he had already calculated the spell in his heart, which happened to be able to use up all the remaining primordial spirits. As soon as the result came out, he rushed straight up, killed Yu Zhongxian first, and then decided the next step according to the strength of the guarding troops.

Unexpectedly, this nonsense did not immediately cause ridicule or refutation, and everyone was silent or thoughtful.

Neither side was willing to speak, and voting began quickly.

The voters are 13 governors plus 50 senior councilors, a total of 63 people, and more than two-thirds of the votes must be in favor, that is, 42 votes to be convicted.

Due to the small number of people, the results came out quickly.

31 votes against, 32 votes in favour.

It barely exceeds one-half and needs to be reviewed.

The re-examination is usually held one month later, and this month is the process of wrestling between the two parties.

This should be a satisfactory result for everyone except the council.

But I never expected that besides Yu Zhongxian, Lin Wen was also very dissatisfied.

I'm so fucking ready to leave, I've even thought about the first way to worship into the mountain gate, why don't you give me a word and wait another month?


I can't wait any longer.

Every second in the physical world is a torment. Only in the world of cultivating immortals can his mind be peaceful, and his Taoist heart be pure and dust-free.

Otherwise, just sweeping the floor on the altar every day would be exhausting.

Everything he encountered and had to face was hurt.

All the flies that are entangled around me are obviously annoying but cannot be killed because there are no all-black flies, all of which are mental pollution.

Forget about ants, flies are really disgusting.

Lin Wen couldn't take it anymore, and he specifically explained the funeral, preparing to fight desperately at the council, to win the last sliver of benefits for Changshan County, to fulfill the duties of the county chief at the last moment, and then to die perfectly.

He has been thinking about this plan for a long time.

How can we trigger [Savior] and [Responsible Person] at the same time without becoming [Suicide].

This is very particular.

It is also very dangerous.

Because if there is a subjective willingness to die, it becomes suicide.

For example, as soon as he tore his clothes, he rushed directly into the palace to kill, just like the top assassins in Assassin’s Creed, he would definitely die in the end, but almost 100% of them would become [suicide], or worse, such as [killing innocent people indiscriminately] or [incompetent people].

These are the most rubbish causes of death, and they are forbidden areas that must not be touched.

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