Please Do Not Disturb My Cultivation

Chapter 132 The End of the Beginning

All Lin Wen's actions must have a reasonable main reason, and they must be done to save the people and protect Changshan County, not for reincarnation.

His real intention must be completely covered up after the main cause, otherwise he will become a [suicide], or some other messy thing.

Therefore, he can't deliberately die unreasonably, can't deliberately not resist, or directly release water, or steal and play tricks, pretending to be invincible, these are useless.

He must go all out, rack his brains, and fight hard, just like a normal person is facing a life-and-death crisis.

Lin Wen has already thought about these things very clearly, and he knows the logic between them very well, so the plan he made today is also very perfect.

The first step is to kill a few high-ranking officials of the empire to show off his abilities.

All black is an inevitable condition. The best target is someone who threatens and has malicious intentions towards Changshan County, which is more beneficial to him.

Yu Zhongxian is undoubtedly the best target.

When he appeared on the stage, everyone else was photographed by his power, only Lin Wen's eyes lit up, as if Thur Mo, who had been imprisoned for ten thousand years, saw the naked beauty.

In his eyes, this person is no longer a human being, but a piece of meat.

The second step is to hold a few high-ranking officials of the empire hostage. The higher the official position, the better. If you have time, you can kill some scum.

Then, is the most important third step.

He wants to loudly publicize all his achievements, declare that only he can make Changshan County better, that only he can get Changshan County out of poverty, and that only he can protect the common people in Changshan County.

Based on this, he asked the empire to pardon all his crimes and give him a promotion, otherwise Changshan County would never develop.

He wants to make things big and let as many people as possible hear his voice, so kidnapping and dialogue are a must.

In order to shock the empire enough, it is necessary to tear up votes afterwards, so the kidnapped high-ranking officials must be all black.

The last step is the combat part, he needs to show enough destructive power, and these destructive power is understandable.

Then, after his death, the empire will definitely treat Changshan County with great kindness to prove his words.

This logic is well understood.

As far as the empire is concerned, he must be a heinous villain, a heinous devil, and an absolute villain who committed rebellion and murdered high-ranking officials of the empire.

He claimed that only he can save Changshan County. If Changshan County really declines, wouldn't it be a slap in the face of the empire? So where is the glory of the empire?

Therefore, the empire must make Changshan County prosperous, so as to prove their natural justice.

There are two key points here:

First, the thing must be big enough, explosive enough, and widely known, the kind that cannot be covered.

Second, what he said must be reasonable, and the price must be acceptable to the empire, otherwise others would just treat him as a lunatic's nonsense and would not take any action at all.

A county with more than one million people is the most suitable, most reasonable, and most extreme.

This is the perfect answer that Lin Wen finally found after asking countless times to [Immortal Guidance].

In order for the question to be accurate enough, Lin Wen tried nearly 10,000 times and tried almost all possible questions before finding the perfect question.

Almost all of the cultivation time in the past few days was dedicated to it.

Fortunately, the final result lived up to expectations, and he got a highly executable plan.

However, the prerequisite for the implementation of this plan is that he must encounter an irreversible crisis of death.

Otherwise, everything is in vain, and no matter how perfectly he executes the plan, it is suicide.


[Opportunity -3, Luck -3]


Therefore, Lin Wen was very, very disappointed when he easily refuted those people's performance as vulnerable, which meant that his carefully prepared plan was useless at all, and was directly aborted.

However, the appearance of Yu Zhongxian gave him a glimmer of hope.

As expected, the black hand behind the scenes did not disappoint Lin Wen, and drove him to a corner as soon as he made a move

Like a savior, saving him from failure.

So Lin Wen decided to kill him later and let him fall to the ground more gently, so as not to hurt the body.

Of course, the cause of death is irrelevant to his deeds, and has nothing to do with what he thinks in his heart.

Otherwise, no matter what, he would be a [suicide].

And when the ironclad evidence came out, Lin Wen concluded that he had no room to resist.

Although he later wiped out the Lei Gang, at that time Qin Luoshuang shoveled the Lei Gang's hometown out of consideration of confidentiality, without leaving any traces, and burned everything. Even the soldiers and staff who cleaned up the den didn't know it was the Lei Gang, but thought it was a den of unknown human traffickers.

Without evidence, Yu Zhongxian's ironclad evidence is hard to overthrow.

Just in case, Lin Wen even asked [Immortal Guidance] for help.

[How can Yu Zhongxian's testimony be overturned? 】

Consumption: 3912 Good Karma.

Lin Wen was overjoyed, of course he didn't have so many good karma, even if he did, it doesn't matter, good karma casting spells is a special case, it is not considered his power.

That's why Lin Wen dared to talk nonsense, it doesn't matter anyway.

Never thought that after all this, he would still not die! Can go on for another month!

Obviously he was just talking nonsense, and he didn't overturn the testimony at all, why is this the result!

The nonsense he said casually cannot be worth 3912 good fortune!

Those governors, high councilors, are you all blind? Have you fed your conscience to the dogs?

Can the collusion between officials and heinous drug dealers be discussed again?

I collected 88 million in one breath, can you bear it?

Also, Yu Zhongxian, you continue to attack? You just give up? Why do not you speak?

If there is no chance, then forget it, but this is obviously already at the door, Xiuxian is already waving in front of his eyes.

But he gave him a cut in the middle, which is comparable to the fact that the filter of the Internet celebrity suddenly fails when he is in love with the Internet celebrity, and when he is dreaming, the goddess's sister-changing technique fails when he is about to have sex with the dream goddess who has been chasing for a thousand years.

That feeling is hard for any man to accept.

Lin Wen was outraged.

He shouted: "Dissent!"

Under everyone's surprised eyes, he shouted: "I still have evidence!"

Without waiting for an answer, he immediately took out the things at the bottom of the press box.

This was carefully collected by Qin Luoshuang, the evidence that Lai Juncheng sent assassins to attack Changshan County.

It's just that these evidences are missing the most critical link - how to prove that the assassin was sent by the council.

Qin Luoshuang bluntly told him that it was basically useless, but now Lin Wen didn't care about it, and just took out the evidence.

"This old dog."

Lin Wen pointed directly at Yu Zhongxian and said: "15 days ago, he dispatched his secret army councilor to attack Changshan County, using sniper rifles, booby traps, and biochemical poisonous fog to assassinate me and other important officials of Changshan County!"

The atmosphere at the scene suddenly became tense.

The four elders inspected every piece of evidence solemnly. All the governors focused their eyes on the big screen, but they were all looking at Sheng Huaixuan from the corner of their eyes.

The venue on Capitol Hill seemed to be turned into a tomb, and the special congressmen were all like corpses, their faces pale.

In the deathly silence, Yu Zhongxian stood up slowly, with no expression on his face.

"very good."

His tone was very light, but the killing intent contained in it was extremely heavy.

"It seems that Sheng Huaixuan has a good dog. Did he come up to bite me so impatiently?"

Lin Wen said sharply: "Come on! Dogs eat dogs! Do you think I'm afraid of you?"

There was a puff.

Zhao Chaoyang, governor of Yunzhou, choked on water and coughed again and again.

Yu Zhongxian's face turned blue all of a sudden, and the officials of the council clamored loudly, scolding Lin Wen for despising the empire and must be executed on the spot.

Lin Wen scolded them directly. As a former cynic, keyboard warrior, and king of laning on the Internet, his skills in scolding people have long been perfected to the extreme.

More than a dozen officials together were scolded so bloody by Lin Wen alone that they couldn't even speak, and some of them fainted on the spot.

It took about ten minutes for the elder to read all the evidence.

Elder Wang said: "Lin Wen, although your evidence is detailed, it can only prove that you were assassinated. The assassins were powerful, skilled, and unscrupulous. However, it does not mean that they are Chief Yu's secret army, nor can they prove that they were instructed by Zhongxian."

As soon as the elder spoke, the meeting place immediately fell silent.

In the silence, Lin Wen replied: "The blood collected from the scene can prove that they have undergone biochemical modification and are not normal humans. As long as the Supreme Council is thoroughly investigated, Yu Zhongxian's private army can be found, and biological comparison can be made to prove it."

The four elders shook their heads.

"No." Elder Wang said: "Without conclusive evidence to accuse, it is impossible to do what you said."

Elder Xu said: "These evidences have little to do with the charges against you. I don't think it's necessary to continue. Let's leave everything to the review in a month's time."

"Why doesn't it matter? Why can't it be done?"

Lin Wen asked back.

"Everyone knows that I am a thorn in the side of the Supreme Council. He directly sent people to rebel in my meeting. Why couldn't he become angry and send people to assassinate me after he failed?"

"Don't say I'm sure, at least there is a lot of suspicion, right? The Supreme Council wants to prove its innocence, why didn't it allow the search? Yu Zhongxian said that the person was not sent by him, why didn't he reveal his private army and make a biological comparison with the remaining blood samples?"

The reason is known to everyone, but cannot be said.

"Not only that, Changshan County was hit by floods, and 300,000 victims were homeless. It can choke off all the aid from the empire! The money is gone, the supplies are gone, and even food is not allowed to be delivered. I asked why. The council said that the food hygiene was not up to standard, which may lead to infectious diseases. It also said that the food could not prove the source of the suspected smuggling, and that the officials who bought the food were suspected of corruption and needed to be investigated."

"After a month, the food was really rotten. They sent it back and claimed that there was no problem after the audit. We opened it and took a look. There was a whole container of moldy rice, rotten vegetables, and rotten meat! It was 50 tons a box! They just ruined it like this! We went to question them, and the answer was the inevitable loss allowed by the program!"

"I just want to ask, what program is more important than 300,000 human lives?"

The venue was silent, Yu Zhongxian sneered, didn't say a word, and didn't bother to argue.

The grown-up elder signaled Lin Wen to stop talking with his eyes, but Lin Wen didn't pay attention at all, and said sharply:

"The council is so unscrupulous, has no bottom line, and is insane. Is this also allowed by the empire?"

"If it wasn't for my coming, most of Changshan County would be devastated, and the council could stand on the moral high ground and accuse Sheng Huaixuan and a certain unlucky Changshan County chief of negligence and crime."

"Is this what a department responsible for maintaining the dignity of the law should do?"

"At the cost of hundreds of thousands of lives, attack!"

"Are there any normal humans here?"

"I advise you to be kind!"

Lin Wen roared angrily.

"Civilians are not tools for your struggle!"

"Do you know that the empire is supported by countless civilians! Your fresh clothes, angry horses, food, drink and enjoyment are all the grease of countless civilians! The people of the bad country killed all the natives and set up a Thanksgiving Day! What about you?"

"You are digging your own roots!"

"One day, the empire will be destroyed, everyone here will have a share!"


One person stood up against the case and said sharply.

"Empire Guardian! Get him out of here!"

He is not any elder, but Sheng Huaixuan.

The guardian of the empire appeared from an inconspicuous corner, first bowed to the elder, and then hugged Lin Wen's arms from left to right, but Lin Wen broke free and walked out by himself.

"When will I wake up from a long dream for thousands of years, who will send the alarm bell to ring in the sleeping town!"

After one sentence of the poem, Lin Wen was already outside the venue.

In the venue, the officials of the Supreme Council immediately launched a fierce attack on Lin Wen.

"Despise the empire!" "Disregard the dignity!" "Foul language!" "Trying to rebel!"

Hoarse, he counted Lin Wen's top ten crimes, wishing he could have his body dismembered on the spot.

After the elders discussed in low voices for a while, Elder Chang coughed and said, "Lin Wen roared at the venue and despised the authority of the empire. After discussion by the four elders, they agreed that he must be severely punished. Now it is decided to deduct his salary for one month completely. This year's performance bonuses are all cleared, nothing at all."

The officials of the council were overjoyed when they heard the first half of the sentence, but when they heard the second half, they perfectly interpreted what is called face-changing and pain mask in Sichuan opera.

Only Yu Zhongxian looked indifferent, as if indifferent. Although it was a pity that the little beast was not killed, he was just a stepping stone. As long as the impeachment is not rejected, the impeachment will not be cancelled.

What comes next is the main event.

Elder Ye said lightly: "Let's end it, this is a trivial matter."

For the elders, the impeachment of the sheriff, if it did not involve the governor, would be nothing more than a trivial matter, and it is very rare that it has been going on for so long.

At this time, a servant came over with a red safe.

Seeing this, everyone's faces became serious, and even Yu Zhongxian changed his normal posture and sat up straight.

The picture of Capitol Hill on the big screen behind quickly shrank, and soon became a small dot, leaving behind a large gray blank.

Chang Chang nodded slightly, and the attendant trotted down.

A moment later, a new signal was connected.

All but the four elders stood up.

In the picture, there is a very huge and empty place. Everything here is extremely huge, like a royal court of giants.

Gold is the main color here, supplemented by red and purple, making the whole venue look extremely dignified and serious.

This is the large meeting room of the Supreme Presbyterian Church, located on the 200th floor of the Emperor Tower.

In the very center of the large meeting room, there are eight huge throne-like chairs.

Four of them are empty, and four people are seated on the other four.

Those were the other four elders of the Supreme Presbyterian Church.

The capitalist party leader Ren Zhengqing.

Liberal leader Rono.

Lin Yabo, leader of the Aristocratic Party.

Moxili, the leader of the evolution sect.

Together with the four elders in the venue, all the regular supreme rulers of the empire were present.

The gods come.

In front of the complete supreme power of the empire, there seems to be a domain unfolding, and all the elders are expressionless, neither sad nor happy, like the gods of the empire who hold the power of life and death.

All the officials, including Yu Zhongxian, half-kneeled on the ground and said in unison: "Salute to the empire! The empire will last forever! For generations to come! Glory is immortal!"

The governor's impeachment case has officially begun.

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