Please Do Not Disturb My Cultivation

Chapter 133 Qin and Xia's Song in the Air (Part 1)

Although I knew it would not have much effect, it was just a desperate effort as a last effort, and there was not much hope of success.

But when the real failure came, Lin Wen was still very unhappy.

Especially Yu Zhongxian, like a tortoise, did not respond to his attack, nor did he get angry and want to fight him on the spot.

Made soft egg.

Lin Wen thought angrily.

Back in the special car, Qi Mu, who had been waiting there for a long time, said in surprise, "Boss Lin, are you back? Is the meeting over? What happened?"

Lin Wen didn't want to talk too much, so he said casually, "The trial will be in a month."

Instruct the chauffeur to drive and prepare to go home.

Can only wait for the next opportunity.

Lin Wen thought to himself.

It is also a good thing to be able to brush up good karma.

As long as I adjust my mentality, keep my Dao heart, and not be infected by this world of mortals, I will be fine and I can persevere.

And the second magical power will be activated immediately.

Changshan County's current daily good fortune has reached more than 30 points. He now has 3588 points of good fortune, and it will reach 5000 points in a short time.

This is what he is most looking forward to now.

After returning to the hotel, Lin Wen and Qin Luoshuang talked on the phone and briefly explained the matter.

Qin Luoshuang was silent for a while, and said: "It should have passed the test. There are very few cases of being convicted after entering the review. With one month's operation time, any crime can be settled."


"If the council wants to continue attacking you, they won't use their strength on the same crime, they will definitely find a new excuse."

"But now that I'm here, as long as the secret service is in operation, it's hard for them to have a better chance."

This is a bit domineering, Lin Wen likes it like this, and said with a smile: "Very good, it is indeed the imperially appointed phoenix chick, and it is really reliable."


Qin Luoshuang went on to say: "Although you saved it, Sheng Huaixuan will not be attacked because of Jie Duquan's reckless life, but judging from the content of the accusation, he is very sad."

"Will you die?"

"Impossible. Removing a powerful governor will take a long time to operate. Slowly strip his power little by little. Only when it weakens to a certain extent will he propose removal and punishment at the meeting."

"Sheng Huaixuan's power is in full swing, and there are many elite soldiers and generals under his command. Direct dismissal will cause turmoil in the empire, and he will not be able to pass the test of the emperor's faction. The elders will not allow such a thing to happen."

"So this meeting is a blow to Sheng Huaixuan. The specific result depends on Governor Sheng's methods. If he is seriously injured, he may be forced to give up on you to reduce the damage."

"Oh." Lin Wen asked, "Then what should I do?"

"Let's wait for Governor Sheng's impeachment result first, it may take a day or two. If you have time, please visit Governor Zhao Chaoyang of Yunzhou and Governor Wang Boan of Zhongzhou."

"Although everything in front of me is uncertain, it's not a bad thing just to get in touch."

"In addition, Mr. Zhao Ming asked me to tell you that all the work in Changshan County has been fully rolled out, and the economic construction has developed rapidly. He has already made plans for the next ten years."

"But now there is a serious lack of all kinds of outstanding talents, which is the biggest factor restricting the development of Changshan County."

"He asked you to recruit some talents from Yaojing Lingdu and train them as grassroots affairs officers."

"Changshan County's recruitment from the county hall level has completely failed. The announcement has been publicly displayed in the empire headquarters for a long time. Except for spies and people with ulterior motives, no normal person has applied for transfer."

"He said, if it's your charisma, you should be able to recruit some top-notch people as his candidates."

Some words made Lin Wen somewhat happy and somewhat sad. Although he believed in his charisma, he had to be in the world of cultivating immortals to show his strengths.

In the physical world, he was just an ordinary person, and it was difficult to attract real people just by the violent shock of the tiger's body.

Crouching Dragon and Phoenix Cub are the manifestations of his outstanding character, 9400 characters with good fate can not be found everywhere.

But Wolong is running out of time, where will he go to find the next Wolong?

"Qin Luoshuang."

Lin Wen hesitated for a moment, and said, "If, if you are allowed to take over the work of Wolong, is it feasible?"

There was silence on the phone for at least ten minutes before a faint sigh came.

"Lin Wen, even if I have this talent, you shouldn't appoint me like this. If I handle domestic and foreign affairs, you will be completely ignored. In the empire's structure, this is the treatment that only losers who are about to be eliminated will receive."

Lin Wen said with a smile: "It's okay, I hold the power of Jiedu, and it is impossible to be ostracized. If you are worried about the master of meritorious service, we can form a closer relationship to ensure the stability of the political situation."

On the satellite phone, Qin Luoshuang's voice was slightly distorted: "What do you mean?"

"You can recognize the thief as your father, bah bah, you recognize me, you think, if we are father and daughter..."


The phone seemed to be stuck, and after a while, I heard a voice: "Miss Qin, why did you drop the phone?"

It was Bai Xiuyu's voice, and she seemed to have picked up the phone.

"Brother Lin must have said that he doesn't want you anymore!"

This is Bai girl's voice.

With a click, it seemed that the phone was taken away.

Then there was a bang, as if someone had fled the door.

It took a long time before Qin Luoshuang's voice was heard.

She said coldly: "Lin Wen, don't make such excessive jokes again."

Lin Wen noticed that she seemed to be angry, and immediately opened the Qiqiao Linglong Heart. This is his only treasure, and it is worth 9400 good fortune. It is almost afraid of running water in his mouth. Does that allow her to suffer a little bit of grievance?

Qiqiao Linglong lived up to expectations, and immediately put on a talent show.

It's also strange to say that before, the Qiqiao Linglongxin was almost useless against Qin Luoshuang, and even the famous "Luo Shen Fu", which has been broken through the ages, has now become a special attack, and its effect has almost reached its maximum.

"What else do you have?"

Qin Luoshuang said angrily, forcibly interrupting Qiqiao Linglongxin's performance.

But Lin Wen could clearly hear that her tone had softened, and she should have calmed down. He immediately turned off the Qiqiao Linglong Heart, switched to a normal state, and said, "I want to ask, what is the current employment situation in the empire?"

Qin Luoshuang was silent for a while, and said: "It's very bad. Due to the unfavorable foreign war, the empire lost control of the Baiyi Grand Canal. Exports were severely frustrated, and a large number of businesses closed down. This year's unemployment rate may reach 18%."

"The number of graduates last year reached tens of millions, and there are still a large number of technical schools and those who lost their jobs. The total number exceeds 30 million."

"But major enterprises, companies, and departments are rarely recruiting, and are only laying off people. You can't feel it in remote places, but in the prosperous areas of the empire, internal fighting has become bloody. Even if it's just a job opportunity, they have reached the point where they are willing to give anything."

Lin Wen was silent for a while, and asked, "Is this the way the empire used to be?"

Qin Luoshuang replied: "This phenomenon was very serious a few years ago, and it appeared as soon as the empire's economy declined."

"That year when Xia and I founded Song of the Sky Utopia together, the stable structure that had just formed had a certain scale, and countless people flocked to it in an instant. On the most day, I received 1 million applications, and the total was close to 25 million in a month. Xia also came excitedly and told me that heaven on earth would be built soon."

"Because our economy can't afford so many people, I rejected 98% of them, and I was angry with Xia and I for a month, but even if only 500,000 new people were admitted, our dream collapsed."

Lin Wen listened quietly, and he suddenly realized that this seemed to be a replica of a fantasy Owen.

"At that time, Xia and I could only get about 30 million pocket money a month at most. I took advantage of my special status in the family to get another 30 million from the family treasury, a total of 60 million."

"After adding 500,000 people, the scale of Song of the Air has expanded to 800,000 people, and the monthly consumption is as high as 90 million, which is still stretched."

"What we are implementing in the territory is a dream system. We are trying to create a fairness that does not exist, an enlightened concept. We advocate that all people work together, distribute products equally, hold various public welfare activities, free education, and build a dream land where there is no coercion and suppression, and everyone has happiness."

"The early days went smoothly, and the blueprint of the golden dream was realized step by step. At that time, Xia and I were the happiest. We naively thought that we might be able to change the world and at least protect some people."

"With the expansion of the scale, it has become difficult to hide, so I told my father that it was a private force established by myself, and he was very happy to include it in the protection scope of the Ming Gang, so that nearby wandering forces would not dare to get involved."

"When it expanded to 100,000 people, many people with lofty ideals joined us, and our strength entered a period of rapid expansion."

"When it expanded to 200,000 people, it had reached its peak, and its fame had accumulated to a certain extent."

"At that time, the expeditionary force of Marshal Fu Wenyu of the Empire was completely wiped out in the western land. The news came that the stock market of the empire plunged overnight, and countless companies went bankrupt instantly. The Empire State Building in Yaojing also produced the famous waterfall. Thousands of people jumped to their deaths in one day."

"That year happened to be the turning point when the imperial economy turned from its peak to its decline, and it was also the beginning of a series of failures."

"That is, in the summer of that year, our organization expanded rapidly to 800,000 people. However, problems also emerged. Because we couldn't make ends meet, we were forced to reduce benefits, increase labor intensity, and cut off part of the profits to supplement the organization's funds."

"Dissatisfaction began to grow, and the contradictions gradually increased. Xia and I were so devastated that we were so busy with money issues that we didn't realize these issues."

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