Please Do Not Disturb My Cultivation

Chapter 134 Qin and Xia's Song in the Air (Part 2)

"But worse, we started to rot inside."

"At that time, a large number of poor people who were rejected did not leave. A large part of them surrounded the territory of Song of the Sky, forming a slum around the organization. They were poor and hungry, with poor clothes, and envied the life inside."

"Occasionally, we do what we can to give a little assistance, but from that day on, everything has changed."

"At the beginning, it was the person in charge of our organization. They accidentally discovered that as long as there is a little food, those poor people are willing to do anything. So he gave a poor person the manual labor he was responsible for with a piece of bread."

"And his daily remuneration is far more than this amount, and he soon found it profitable."

"By the time we found out, this matter has become a large scale, with countless people involved, and the reward has been reduced to a quarter of a piece of bread, and there are still people rushing to do it."

"As for those in charge, they don't have to do anything, but they have a huge income. Every day, the wives and daughters of the poor sleep with them, and the poor take care of their daily life. They are no different from the nobles in the empire and us in the family."

"I dealt with them angrily, but it only brought more hatred, because I deprived them of their only source of food, and paralyzed the part of the organization that was finally getting better."

"Due to the deteriorating economy, internal conflicts began to increase sharply. The previously peaceful Song of the Air began to have theft, robbery and more vicious incidents. We often quarreled and there was no harmonious atmosphere anymore."

"I have no choice but to form a secret service organization and use the family's method to enforce the management of the organization."

"At the beginning, the effect was good. However, as I gradually lost the struggle in the family, my economy further declined, the situation of the organization deteriorated, and conflicts became more frequent. I had to strengthen and rely on the spy organization."

"I don't know how long it's been like this. One day, I suddenly discovered that this ideal country that Xia and I were trying to build has become a strict country where spies run rampant. Everyone here speaks carefully, and everyone walks with a low eyebrow. My name has become a ban in this country. No one is allowed to mention it, even a single word."

"This place has become a terrifying city full of taboos."

"But even so, people are still unwilling to leave, and the crime has not been eradicated. People in the city use food to go to the poverty belt to enjoy a superior life. Prostitutes, thieves, villains, and even gangsters are born one after another under such circumstances, just like in the empire."

"Song in the Air has completely deteriorated at this time, Xia and I tried to correct it, but with little success."

"Our affairs were also quickly revealed in the family. The two of us quickly lost power in the family. I was asked to marry an idiot instead of recruiting a son-in-law as before, and Xia was going to give it to the son Cheng who was killed by you. It is used to contact and grow the relationship with the elders."

"We lost our source of income, and ushered in the joint attack of the Qin family and the Xia family. The organization quickly collapsed. They took everything they could, and they dispersed. The cadres who once shared the same goals scattered all over the world."

"It's like a land covered with snow. When the snow melts, the ground becomes muddy and dirty."

"For a long time afterwards, I wondered what caused our failure."

"I used to think I found the answer, that is, I don't understand internal affairs at all, I don't understand operating profit, and I can only play tricks."

"It wasn't until I came to you that I realized that what I really lack is the spirit and will not to be polluted by the empire."

"Only you, Lin Wen, with your incomprehensibly powerful spirit and will, can accomplish all these dreams of dreams."

"So, don't think that I can replace Wolong Zhao Minggong. He is a real genius. I have never seen such an outstanding person in my family. Sometimes I am even jealous of you. If there was him back then, Xia's organization and I might not have collapsed so quickly."

"So, don't let me take over domestic affairs... Do you understand?"

Lin Wen smiled.

Even though he was not interested in these at all, in order to meet the exam, he still memorized knowledge that was absolutely impossible to learn here.

There is no doubt that this is an imperial utopian organization, a template that will definitely fail, unless it has unlimited external input benefits to maintain.

As for Qin Luoshuang himself, he was an individual who betrayed his class.

Her worries are actually very simple.

She is too used to thinking about all issues in the way of the empire. It is correct to use it externally, because the empire is like that, but it is completely wrong to use it in the interior of Changshan County.

Because Changshan County has him.

It is related to his future of cultivating immortals, Lin Wen will never give up in the slightest.

Anyone who dares to touch his fundamental interests will seek his own death.

Under him, kill on the spot.

Above him, the final plan.

As long as the conditions are met, Lin Wen will do it without hesitation.

"Don't worry, everything is mine."

Lin Wen smiled and said that the unshakable will and belief seemed to be able to infect the people on the other side through the satellite phone.

"As long as I am here for one day, Changshan County will not change."

Lin Wen's strong self-confidence seemed to have infected Qin Luoshuang. She hummed lightly, and some invisible things in her tone dissipated, becoming light and lively, and she looked like a young girl again.

Lin Wen hung up the phone, and soon became worried again.

Because, this means that he has to find a new Wolong, and it is really impossible for Fengchu to replace Wolong.

Her current job is the perfect fit for her.

After thinking for a long time, Lin Wen decided to call Qi Mu first, and asked, "A programmer like you is considered a high-end talent in the empire?"

Hearing this question, Qi Mu's face quickly turned gray, and he said in a low voice, "When I started studying, they said that I was a high-end talent, and I would be well-fed after studying."

"When I graduated, there were more programmers in the market than there were sand in the construction site. My school was just an ordinary college, and I had no advantage in competition."

"But there are far fewer Internet companies than expected, and everyone can only compete viciously, so the wages are getting lower and lower, and the treatment is getting worse and worse. I am doing well, and many people don't even have jobs."

“The employment market starts queuing up at 4:00 a.m. every day. By the time the doors open at 8:00 a.m., the queue is already several kilometers long. Many people bring their own food and clean water, and even carry their bedding, because you have to stand there all day before you get your turn.”

"My former boss scolded and abused us in the office every day, slapped us in public, burned our faces with cigarette butts, poured hot soup on us during dinner parties, or pressed people into hot pots for fun. We could only bear it."

"Because once you get out of this door, looking for a job is a nightmare experience."

Lin Wen nodded. From this point of view, the situation in the empire is very bad, a bit like a mold and poison combination, inheriting all the shortcomings.

"You said that based on the conditions I gave you, recruiting people in the talent market, will anyone come?"

Qi Mu was taken aback.

"Of course, such good conditions are rare."

Lin Wen reminded: "It is to work in Changshan County. Changshan County is a very poor place. There are no high-rise buildings, no modernization, no mobile communications, and no computer network except for the chief's office."

"Compared with here, it's two worlds."

Qi Mu hesitated for a moment. Young people gather to work in big cities, isn't it just to make the big cities modern and developed?

I don't know how many people are willing to go back to the remote and poor places in the wilderness and mountains.

But he thought about his previous state, and replied: "There must be someone willing! Now there are many people who can't survive and dare not go back. As long as they have a stable job, they will make a choice."


Lin Wen patted his thigh: "You go recruit now, and recruit as many as you can."

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